Red Tears
By: Rogue21493

Summary: Reid hated his step-mother and step-sister. But when something really bad happens to his step-sister can they become friends? Or even brother and sister? She starts to actually get close with the other sons. But what happens when a past foe returns for a certain blonds b-day? CalebOC Sarah is still in it! So is Kate! Sort of. Rated for rape, cutting and maybe more. AFTER MOVIE!

Disclaimer: Only my own peoples!

A/N: I hope you guys like this:D ENJOY!

Forgotten Again(Liz's pov)

Well, what do you know?

Oh sorry, heh random, huh? Well I do that sometimes, sorry.

My name is Elizabeth. Well Brandy Amelia Sapphire Elizabeth Johnson-Garwin. Long name right? Yeah. It's hell writing it.

You see, I'm named after my grandma on my mom's side (Amelia), my great-grandma on my mom's side (Elizabeth), my mom's favorite classy drink (Brandy) and Sapphire for some reason.

I go by Liz mainly. Only really close people call me Sapphire (my favorite middle name). My mom and step-father call me Brandy and so do my teachers. I hate the name Brandy cause it's so girly to me.

Anyway, I'm 5'6 1/3, have dark brown hair (probably gonna be black one day) and dark brown eyes. I have a alright body I guess. I hate it. I'm a mix of rocker/punk/punk rocker (yes they are different)/ goth/skater and a prick of emo as my pen pal Brittany says.

I listen to every type of rock, country and 80's.

My mom is beautiful. But would you expect from a ex-super model?

My birth dad died when I was two, so yeah.

My step-dad is old but nice. He treats me okay.

My step-brother is a asshole. He ignores me, calls me Brandy (he knows I hate it) and blows me off all the time.

All I've wanted my whole life was a family. A mom, a dad, a brother and well me duh. But that hasn't happened.

I was right then walking out of the Library. I had been trying to finish a English essay.

I went to the front of the building and waited. And waited. I waited 45 minutes.

'He's not coming. Again.'

My step-brother, Reid was supposed to pick me up (his dad had asked him to) and once again he's blown me off.

I sighed as I stood up. I started to walk toward the Garwin mansion (late family get together) which is on the other side of town and on the edge of it to boot.

I had been walking for about 20 minutes when I felt someone watching me. I looked around and didn't see anyone. I looked behind me and didn't see anybody.

I kept walking, but walking a bit faster. I heard the sounds of someone's pace getting faster behind me.

As I turned the corner, I broke out into a run. I heard whoever was behind me take off into a run too.

I neared the corner when someone grabbed me and jerked me into a ally.

"Help! Help!" I yelled, before a hand was clamped over my mouth. I struggled but someone held me. I could tell it was two people. I didn't know if there was anymore.

"Shh, sweetheart. Be nice and calm." one whispered next to my ear, before licking it.

I shuddered.

I won't tell you the full details, but I was raped over and over by the two men. They finally left me alone, one dropping a wad of money by my head, which made me cry harder.

I laid there on the cold hard ground, crying for a while. Unlike plenty of other girls here I was a virgin. But not anymore. I tried to fix my shirt, jacket and pants but I couldn't fully. They just covered me slightly.

I stood slowly and winced from the pain.

I tried to think. All I could think of was DNA. Could they get DNA from the money. Gingerly I picked it up and placed it in my pocket.

I walked slowly out of the ally. I started back to well the Garwin mansion.

I had my arms wrapped around me, my legs closed tightly and my hair in my face. I looked like a mess. I had blood on my face and on my body.

I heard the sound of a car and it pulling over. I then heard the sound of someone getting out.

"Excuse me? Are you okay?" I heard the deep voice of Caleb Danvers, one of Reid's best friends.

I looked at him and shook my head.

He stared at my face for a second and then came up to me and slowly touched my face, making me flinch.

"Oh, God...what happened to you Elizabeth?" Caleb asked. I had told everyone to call me Elizabeth, even while Reid called me Brandy.

I didn't say anything. I started to shake and sob. Caleb pulled me to his chest and held me as I cried.

After a while, he pulled me to his car. "I'm taking you to the hospital."

I nodded.

Caleb helped me in and got in and drove off.

A/N: I hope you guys liked it:D