Summary: A sketch of a few seconds contemplation [Ed X Win. Doesn't matter which universe. It's too short for that to come into play.
Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own FMA in any sort of way.
Edward woke, his face buried in sunshine. He inhaled the scent of it, his eyes still closed, unwilling to give up the comfort of sleep just yet, as he contemplated Winry's hair. Women paid a fortune, and spent hours in beauty shops, for this. His fingers eased into her fine flaxen strands. They were willing to risk experimentation themselves in the hopes of finding just the right balance of chemicals–ammonia, peroxide, lye, soda ash, potash–to achieve this. They spent their cenz at the pharmacist's, the chemist's, the alchemist's, believing in their ability to find just the right formula to find this. After that such treatment, it could never feel like this–silk couldn't be as fine and smooth as this. It could never smell like this–just that hint of lavender and sunshine. They could never achieve what Winry had been born with. Edward opened his eyes to the sunshine, pulling himself up on to his elbow to watch her sleep. Winry rolled onto her back in the absence of his weight behind her, and eyes as blue as the sky opened, with a sleepy smile made just for him. He greeted his wife with a light kiss. "Good morning, sunshine."
Note: Thanks for reading. This was written for the nanomowhinging community using prompt: #68 – Hair Dye. It seemed like given that I was credited with suggesting the prompt that I ought to at least attempt to use it.
Extra Note: Anyone looking for Chasing the Trail updates, don't despair, I have not abandoned it. Just been super busy all summer, but I'm working on it.