Part Five

Binary Spectral Luminosity-Made of Stars

Everything in existence is made of the same basic elements. In ancient philosophy of the West, there were four basic elements and in the East, there were five. The West included earth, fire, air and water while the East included fire, air, water, wood and metal. It was said that each individual encompassed one or more of these elements based upon which stars they were born under. The stars decided who they were, where they came from, where they would go and what they would ultimately become. The stars were the tools of the divine that directed which element on earth would guide each human to their destiny. Time passed and people learned that there were elements that made up those basic spiritual elements. Their meaning was broken down into the mundane and soon, it wasn't so much about what was guiding the human soul from heaven to earth, but what made up each person and distanced them from the stars. But what makes up the stars? What elements compose them where they float in the vast nothingness of space? They are made up of the same atoms and electrons that make up every human being and every rock and tree and flame and wave on this tiny planet called Earth. We are all made out of stardust and stardust is made of our dreams.

He watched her as she sat and let her toes dip into the current of the stream. She was sitting on a rock that was nestled in the mud near the base of a small waterfall with her short hair down and wavy with a few soft ringlets caught up in the ebony cascade. She had been silent when they'd found her, taken her in and begun to care for her and now, even though there were moments where her voice stilled and she would look off into the distance with an expression of wonder and curious longing, most of her waking moments filled their days with the soft sound of her voice either in song or in question or in a simple flood of words that contained whatever thought she was caught up in.


She looked up and smiled at him with warmth and a child's devotion. "Yes, Inuyasha?"

"We'll be going soon. Miroku says he can sense more shards to the South." He replied in his usual tone that was both far away and present at once. Since they had taken the girl into their lives, his thoughts hadn't lingered much on his friend, Kagome, the cause of his own quest. She was still the catalyst, but, in the end, what he wanted was the jewel. He wanted to become a full inuyoukai so he could wield his father's sword with total mastery and best his brother. Kagome would be free, Sesshomaru would be dead and he would be the new Taiyoukai of the West. It wasn't so much that he wanted the title. What he wanted was acceptance and the power to be free and no longer ridiculed by both the human and the youkai world. He wanted to belong somewhere and the Shikon no Tama seemed the only way. His heart was still so filled with the betrayal of Kikyo that he could not see the err of his ways, however, every now and then, when Rin looked at him with her innocent eyes and smiled and seemed to see only him, not the impurity of his blood, he wondered if the path he'd chosen was the right one.

She stood and slipped her small hand into his much larger one, grasping three of his fingers. "Well, let's go then." She said with delight dancing in her eyes. The hanyou had been her saving grace in her short, troubled life. He'd killed the wolf youkai that had killed her family and, since then, had never forsaken her once. During battles, she stayed near Miroku while Inuyasha fought and, while they traveled, she was in charge of the vial of shards that they had collected. The vial was so full she wondered if they could be pieced together partially somehow. She counted that, all together, they had almost twenty shards in total.

Inuyasha chuckled and pulled the girl onto his back before jumping up and racing on the treetops to catch up with Miroku. Her laughter was like music in his ears as they moved with his grace fueled by the joy in her spirit. She was the reason he had learned to use his father's sword in the first place. His desire to protect her, as Myoga had explained it, had given him the strength to activate the blade and make it transform. And so it was she had become more than a simple obligation to him, though she never had been that in his mind. She was a responsibility, yes, but one that he accepted completely. She was whom he fought for. She was whom he protected.


"Do you know why I love you?"

He looked down at the placid expression adorning her pale, tear-stained face and met her gaze as she opened her eyes half way. "I do not."

She smiled sadly and reached up to push some of his ebony hair behind his ear. He caught her hand and kissed her palm reverently and her smile almost reached her eyes. "Because you're always near when I need you, Lord Kagewaki."

The months had been hard on her. While she and Kohaku had been recovering, their village had been destroyed by rogue youkai. No soul had been spared. Men, women and children were slaughtered alike. Sango carried each soul upon her shoulders, weighing her heart and mind until she could barely move from bed some mornings. Kohaku had begun hunting for the shards of the Shikon no Tama once it was learned that the youkai who had attacked their village had been in search of the shards to increase their power. Some foolish, careless miko had shattered it with an arrow and now it plagued the land. A kitsune named Shippo who had found his way to Lord Kagewaki's palace bloodied and near death had delivered the information to them. He had fought to defend the village and, in the heat of battle, had nearly fallen. Kirara, Sango and Kohaku's trusted nekoyoukai companion, had saved his life and gone in search of her friends with Shippo in tow. Kirara and Shippo, once both had healed, had decided to accompany Kohaku in his quest, leaving the heart sick Sango to convalesce and recover under Lord Kagewaki's care and infinite tenderness.

Shippo had been surprised by the behavior of the man he knew to be Naraku. He had ordered him to incite the siege of the slayer's village. Shippo had done so, but could not control himself as he watched the slaughter of so many innocents. He'd fought until he'd nearly been slain and was more than certain Naraku would kill him upon his return, however, the dark hanyou had used it to his advantage and constructed a group of shard hunters, all of which were under his power. As Kirara had recovered, he had also placed a shard in her back so he could watch her dreams and monitor her thoughts. Aside from the four he currently had in use, he only possessed five other shards. It was not enough to create an incarnation from his flesh, but was more than enough to hold his human form in check on all nights but the new moon.

On those nights, he ensured that all members of his castle staff, Sango included, were placed in a deep sleep while he fell to pieces in the dank basement below his bedroom. All other days and nights he spent dividing his time between the affairs of his land, the dojo and with Sango. There was never a moment she was not welcome at his side, nor that he would drop his activity to hold her and comfort her. Shippo had watched with curiosity and worry. He knew that Naraku was nothing more than a vile fiend. Yet… At times, when the kitsune caught Naraku looking at the beautiful slayer, he saw a kind of softness in his gaze that could not be accounted for. And, at night, after he would sit beside her so she could fall asleep without fear of the nightmares that plagued her, Shippo saw peace in Naraku's face as there had never been peace before. The peace only deepened as Sango came to love her Lord Kagewaki and depend upon his presence for more than simple comfort.

The kitsune watched the scene from a distant tree branch where he, Kirara and Kohaku had chosen to rest after their patrol before returning for the night. They often were out for several days at a time, however, of late, as the stories of Inuyasha, the monk and the human girl who traveled gathering shards of the jewel became more and more and rogue youkai with shards more and more rare, it was less often that they ventured into the wilderness on their search. Shippo knew it was only a matter of time before the trio came upon them. It was only a matter of time before the legendary second son of the Inu no Taisho with the powerful sword, Teutsaiga, and his allies hunted down the remaining shards Naraku had and attempted to take them. And then Naraku's veil would be shattered and Sango would have to choose between the reality of becoming enslaved as he, Kirara and Kohaku were enslaved and her dream of her gentle love, remaining in his good graces, such as they were. Kirara and Kohaku had come to know of their enslavement through the bond Naraku had with them created by the shards of the Shikon no Tama. They knew if they alerted their beloved Sango, Naraku would steal her will, if not, kill her to save himself from her heartbreak and feelings of betrayal. Shippo suspected it would also be to save himself from what heartbreak he might even feel, for even the evil could love. The love was twisted, but it was, indeed, love.

Naraku smiled faintly and leaned to kiss her sweet lips lightly. "You are tired, Lady Sango. It is a short walk to your rooms. I can take you there to nap until supper."

"Why do you call me Lady?" She asked in a hushed tone as he helped her to stand. He offered her his arm and she took it without thought only to lean her head lightly on his shoulder as he guided her back to the palace. "You have never called me anything but Sango before."

He paused and contemplated his answer momentarily before responding. All around him, there was a storm raging and turning in the force of his will. She was the only thing, the only one who was not subject to his will simply because he had chosen not to control her and for his efforts, because he had left her to her own mind and heart, he had found she became the eye at the center of his world. She was the calm space he returned to that brought him peace. He had not intended to become so close to his human emotions again. He had never wanted to feel such desire again, but he did. And yet, unlike with Kikyo, his desires were returned with devotion. He began to think of the long dead miko as unworthy and no longer fixated upon her or revenge upon her or Inuyasha. He only wished to keep what he had and, in time, collect the jewel so he could become a full youkai and give Sango exactly what he felt she desired: anything she wished.

The only ones standing in his way were Inuyasha and his followers. They had the shards Naraku desired and, simultaneously threatened the world he'd built where he was a lord and his Sango was his lady. A world where he could have all the power he ever desired and the love his heart needed to endure as well. He only hoped that none of the illusion was shattered and he had to take either his Sango's will or her life from her. If such would be the case, he would ensure all suffered, even those who were blameless. It barely even touched his mind that, if she did ever learn what and who he was before he had the entire jewel; she might actually still be able to love him. It wasn't even a possibility. He had slaughtered her family, ordered the destruction of her village, enslaved her brother and her companion, the nekoyoukai and he wasn't even remotely ashamed, nor did he regret doing so. He would, in fact, have done it again had he been given the chance. And, still, he ached for her to be his forever.

"I call you lady because I have hope one day you might be," he replied vaguely. He smiled half way as her eyes sparkled with a slightly building light he was certain he'd placed there. "Are my hopes unfounded, Lady Sango? Is there no way you would consider my proposal to you?"

She paused in her step and looked up to meet his gaze with a soft smile that seemed to shimmer from her. "The answer has been yes for much longer than I think you are aware, my Lord."

His lips upturned into a true smile and he nodded, leaning to rest his brow against hers. He lifted his hand to trail his fingers along her cheek, watching in wonder as her eyes closed but her smile remained. "Preparations will be made. I will do my best to bring you joy again, Lady Sango."

"You already do, my Lord." She murmured, and then sighed when he kissed her and held her close. She felt so safe. So safe and so loved. She knew she would do anything if it meant never having to lose what she'd gained at his side.


She traced the edge of the lacquered finish, letting her fingertips slide over the spiked shoulder and leather straps, memorizing the contours and textures and smell of his armor, knowing full well it and he would be gone. He had promised to return to her in only a few days, once he'd found the one who had attempted to take her soul away. The one who had sent the assassin made of clay and earth that had slain her. She knew he would return to her. She had unwavering faith in him and in his abilities. Still, she knew she would miss him. She would fall asleep every night without knowing his lips against hers or the soothing sound of his voice as he sang a whispered song to her as she drifted off to sleep so there would be no nightmares. She would wake every morning and eat breakfast with Miyoko and Isamu's mate and children instead of with him and even though she knew it would only be for a handful of days, her heart had decided it would be more like an eternity.

He watched her fingers as they traced his armor so reverently. He was dressed in the same silken garb he had been when he'd found her and needed only his armor to be ready to depart. Somehow the light touch of her fingers seemed more daunting than any other barrier that might have kept him from his breastplate. He knelt beside where she sat on his bed and reached out to caress her jaw. She looked away from where her fingers danced and turned her gaze onto him with a mournful look. She reached out and began to trace his face with the same fingertips as had been memorizing the planes and curves of his armor. He caught her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist and gave her a meaningful look.

"I just don't want you to go." She murmured in a weak tone, grasping his hand gently as she spoke.

"Do you fear this Sesshomaru not returning to his Kagome?"

She smiled and leaned to kiss him tenderly. He slipped his arms around her and drew her closer to him. "No," she murmured against his lips. "I don't fear that. I just don't want you to go. I will miss you."

He smiled wickedly and gently pressed her back onto his mattress beside where his breastplate lay. He kissed and nipped her throat worshipfully before capturing her lips in a heated kiss and settling his weight carefully onto her, parting her legs so their bodies were aligned with silken barriers the only things between them. She shuddered and returned his kiss lovingly with a pleading sigh. She knew he was toying with her. She knew he would not acquiesce and remain with her. He was making her melt to his will more surely than the threat of his acid could. She gasped softly as one of his hands trailed to her waist and then her hip, gripping softly at her thigh.

"I will miss you too," he murmured against her lips before drawing back just enough to capture her gaze, "You will be safe and I will return."

He slowly drew back from her and looked down at her slightly crumpled form. He'd disheveled her clothing and hair when he'd pinned her down with his weight and embraced her so tightly. He didn't feel even the slightest regret, she was simply so beautiful. He drew her up and kissed her eyes as tears began to fall. He wouldn't chastise her for her emotions. They were part of why he loved her so deeply. He held her close a moment more before he drew back and stood. He placed his armor on his chest and secured it as she watched with still shimmering eyes. Once he was finished, he extended a hand to her, which she took, and helped her to stand. Meticulously, he smoothed her clothing and kissed her brow reverently.

"It's time for us to meet Miyoko and Isamu in the gardens. Already your belongings have been sent to his home. They only await you."

"Will you both come with us?" Her voice wavered and, for a moment, he began to rethink his decision to leave. He ran his fingers through her hair and steeled himself again. What he was going to do must be done or else the villain might try again and, this time, he might not be able to bring her back.

"We will part in the gardens. There is not much time and I wish to return as soon as I am able to greet the Southern Lord."

She nodded in response and drew him down a moment to kiss him chastely. "I love you."

He leaned once more to brush his lips against her brow. The soft energy between them pulsed in reminder of their bond and she trembled and he smiled before releasing her. "We must go."

The walk to the garden was shorter than she had imagined it would be. She walked just behind him, looking at the hem of his garment and her hands the whole way. She remained silent and fought to maintain the outwardly serene façade that Miyoko had taught her to emote. Behind her face and within her eyes swirled the tumultuous swell of emotions she felt knowing that Sesshomaru, the man she loved, her lord and protector, was leaving. Any memory of him as her kidnapper had faded away to a faint shadow in her mind and while Inuyasha still lingered in her heart and thoughts on occasion, it was the fond reflection on a childhood fancy rather than the heat and devotion she felt for his brother.

Occasionally she still felt pangs for her mother and family and home. Now and then she thought of her school friends and wondered idly if any of those in her past could accept her strange journey as truth rather than the ravings of a poor, mad girl. Then the thoughts left her and she was back in her present at Sesshomaru's side in Miyoiko's care under the watchful eye of Isamu and her tutors. Slowly, as time went on, her past became more and more vague in her mind. Every now and then she even began believing that it all had been a dream and she had always been at Sesshomaru's side. It was his timelessness; she was certain, which kept her so firmly in the present. Everyone around her, in fact, was immortal. Once at maturity, they never aged further, though their eyes told the story of their eternity. She was the only creature within Sesshomaru's home that did change at all aside from the flowers and trees and grass, and so it was easy for her to fall into their ageless rhythm. Her mind was always in the present moment. The past did not matter and the future would come no matter what she or anyone did. So she accepted what came and lived within that instant without question or fear. Anything that came before was like a ripple on the surface of a pond broken by a stone: eventually the glassy stillness returned to the clear depths only changed deep below the surface with the addition of a single stone among thousands already settled at the bottom.

Maru was waiting for her held by Isamu along with Miyoko's horse. She paused next to her lord and looked up to meet his gaze that had fallen onto her. He reached out a hand and brushed the curve of his fingers along her cheek to which she inclined her head to lengthen the touch.

"Time will not be long."

"Be careful."

He smiled darkly. "There is more for them to fear of this Sesshomaru, but for you I will take care."

Her lips curved slightly into a half smile and she nodded as he pulled away his hand. He watched as she mounted Maru gracefully and then turned to give Miyoko a meaningful look. "Keep your promise."

"No harm will come to her." She replied softly before mounting her own horse.

He watched them ride to the northern gates and with every yard he felt tension pull taunt between them as the bond was stretched. "Are you ready?" He turned his attention to Isamu.

"I am."


The old hag looked at the seven clay bodies as Enju pushed them into the kiln. Urasue smiled faintly. Aside from the shell she'd intended for Kikyo's soul, these were by far her most perfect creations. She focused her energies and cast the spell that would resurrect the seven souls she had chosen to be her champions against the vengeance she had felt coming. She had not seen the face of the protector of Kikyo's reincarnated soul, but she knew from the power she had only barely dodged, he was one she should not take lightly.

The fires of the kiln blazed a moment, and then died down. With Enju's help, the door was open and Urasue looked upon her creations that stared back at her in confusion. "I know you are wondering how it is that you are alive after so long in hell. Do not be afraid. Come out and I will tell you everything."

"Who are you, Witch?"

Urasue raised a brow and smirked as they began to exit the kiln and opened her hand in the direction of their weapons and armor. She met the gaze of the one who spoke, a smaller man with long ebony tresses and a pale lavender star on his brow. "I am Urasue and I have brought you back so that I might have protection from he who comes for my life."

"What makes you think we would help you even if you did bring us back from the grave?" There was irritation in his voice as he began braiding back his long hair, noticing the eyes of the witch's apprentice on him.

"A challenge and the promise of the return of your lives. Currently you are only clay, graveyard dirt and bones with a tentatively attached soul. If you help me slay the one who comes for my life, I will be able to resurrect one who can help us locate and collect the shards of the Shikon no Tama which can be used to resurrect you and your brothers entirely. If you do not, in time your bodies will degrade and your souls will fade back into hell."

"Who is it who comes for you?"

She shook her head in answer to the question. "I do not know. I only know he is powerful enough to raise the dead and slay the imps of hell and nearly my own soul at a great distance."

He walked to the table and looked over the weapons lain out before donning his armor. "Where is my halberd, Banryu?"

"It was not at the grave," Enju replied softly from her place near the kiln's door. "It was taken by the lord who killed you and your brothers took it and has kept it."

"We can retrieve it and then we will fight this unknown warrior."

"There is not much time, Bankotsu," Urasue protested with urgency in her voice. "I can sense him coming even now."

"There are seven of us, Witch," he turned to his brothers. "Jakotsu and Suikotsu, you will come with me to retrieve Banryu. Your apprentice will come with us."

Enju looked at her hands and away from Urasue. "Why do you need her?" The witch asked suspiciously.

"We are no more than clay, as you said. I would like someone to come with us who can heal us if we are damaged."

Urasue nodded reluctantly and looked to her remaining protectors. "They should do, then."

Bankotsu smiled wickedly as he turned from her to look at Enju. "Yes. They most certainly will."


The old man walked slowly across the courtyard to the storage shed. It was the slow, sad shuffle of a man who had been claimed by age and sorrow. Six months earlier, his only granddaughter had gone missing with no explanation and was presumed dead. They had kept hope that she was still alive, that she would return home safely. Every morning and evening he would go to the well house to see if she'd returned and was hurt, but there was never any sign. After a few weeks, they had to list her as a missing person to the police. They could only keep her school at bay for so long before illness without hospitalization became an unbelievable excuse.

The police had asked their questions and they had answered them as well as they could. In truth, they did not know where Kagome was, only when. They were not entirely certain even with whom. He sighed and slid back the door to the shed. There was one certain thing in his mind: if she ever did return, he'd never let her out of his sight again.

He found the broom he was seeking and walked back to the door only to pause. The sound of metal against wood stopped him and he waited to see if the sound came again. When it did not, he shook his head and returned to the courtyard to sweep up after another long day at the shrine.

In the silence, the sound rang again several moments later in the dark of the shed. Sounga shuddered again and Saya tightened his hold. The seal was breaking.