Aaron walked into school and walked up to Ryan.

'Wheres my babe loser.'

'Hey, we gave you popularity and we can take it away.' Ryan said in a low voice through gritted teeth.

'Fine, where is my Sharpie?''

'In hospital.'

'Why the heck is she there?' Aaron looked angry.

'She was knocked over by a car.' Ryan sighed. Aaron looked at the boy. He had black rings under his eyes and his hair was toussled beneath his hat.

'Without Sharpay I won't be popular.' Aaron began to fret. He thought the easiest thing to do would be to break up with her. He knew she'd come crawling back to him.

Sharpay sat in the bed applying makeup when the door opened.

'Aaron!" Sharpay squealed and she sat up

'Look Sharpay, I think we should break up.' Aaron muttered and he watched the light fade from Sharpay's brown eyes.

'Get out.' Sharpay whispered.


'I SAID GET OUT! I LOVED YOU AARON! GET OUT!' Sharpay screamed and she turned her head away trying to stop Aaron from seeing her tears, but she failed at that. Aaron saw them and sighed.

'See ya around Sharpay.' Aaron then left.

Ryan walked around the corner and bumped straight into Troy.

'Bolton.' Ryan stated.

'Look Ryan...'

'I don't need your pity. I know you like my sister!.' Ryan sneered. Troy opened his mouth and then shut it. 'But you know what Bolton, I have a newsflash for you. She doesn't like you back. Ever since you didn't respond to her, she fell for Aaron and now...Aaron is about to break her heart around...' Ryan looked at his watch. 'Now.'

'How did you know that?'

'Twin talepathy.' Ryan sneered and walked out of the school.

'Hey! Can I come with you?' Troy yelled.

'Whatever.' Ryan got in the car with Troy next to him.

It was night time when they got to the hospital and there was a thunderstorm cracking up. Troy and Ryan ran to Sharpay's ward and threw the door open to see the window smashed and a figure standing outside. With a flash of lightning, Troy and Ryan saw Sharpay hovering over the hospital balcony. Sharpay lifted a foot over the side so it dangled in mid air. She was drenched, but she didn't care. She knew Ryan loved her, but no one else did. She had thought Aaron was the one, her soul mate.

'Sharpay!' Troy yelled and Sharpay turned and looked with sad eyes at Troy. Troy slowly walked towards her.

'Come away frfom there Shar.'

'No!'Sharpay cried, tears streaming down her face and she took another step closer towards the edge. Troy was no outside and he held out his hand for her to take. Sharpay looked at it and then up to him.

'Come on Sharpay, your stronger than this. I'll help you, just give me your hand.' Troy took a step closer to the fradgile girl. 'I 'll help you Sharpay. I'll make you better.' Troy stretched his hand out further. Sharpay slowly took his hand when suddenly a bolt of lightening hit the stone and it broke. Ryan cried out with Nurse Joy who had entered and they both ran towards them.

Troy was clinging onto Sharpay.

'Sharpay hold on!' Troy began to cry.

'It's wont hold us both Troy.' Sharpay sobbed.

'It will! It will!'

'The stone will break and then we'll both fall to our deaths.'

'Sharpay, don't do this to me! I love you.'

'Troy felt their grip on each other loosen again and the horrible crack sound was heard.

'I'm sorry Troy.' Sharpay whispered and she let go of his hand.

'SHARPAY!' Troy yelled, tears rolling down his face.

Sharpay felt like she was falling down into a pit of darkness. Suddenly her fall was broken by the trees.

'Uh!' she groaned and rubbed her now throbbing head. 'What the?' Sharpay started when suddenly she saw Ryan and Troy leave the hospital.

'Why did she let go. I would have died for her!' Troy sobbed. Ryan patted his back.

'If you really love her Troy, then you'll let her rest in peace.' Ryan then got in the car. 'You coming?'

'No.' Troy said quietly. 'I have to find her body.' Ryan nodded and drove off.

Meanwhile Sharpay dropped down from the tree. Her soft feet lightly hitting the pavement. The rain pattered around her and her blonde hair was soaked.'

'TROY!' she called.

'TROY!' Troy heard someone call. It sounded like Sharpay. But, it couldn't be! She had plummeted to her doom-- unless she survived. Troy ran towards the voice. But the voice got fainter and fainter.

'WHOS THERE!' Troy yelled.

'TROY!' Came the voice again. Troy ran further into the woods and bumped straight into someone.

'Sharpay?' Troy gasped.

'Hello.' Sharpay smiled.


'Beloved nature saved me of course. I fell into the trees.'

'Oh Shar, I'm so glad your OK.'

'Bolton, carry me.' Sharpay ordered and Troy swooped down and grabbed Sharpay and lifted her up so she was sitting in a bridal position in his arms. A smile grew on Sharpays face- a genuine smile. Troy was surprised.

'Good boy.' Sharpay smiled as Troy carried her home.

Shar, your really heavy.'

'Am I, cause oh my god! I'm only 109 pounds! I'm gonna have to lose weight!" Sharpay cried, and she began to fret.

'I was joking Shar! It's just, I'm getting a cramp in my arm so I'll have to fix it.'

'And how.'

'I'm going to have to throw you over my shoulder so you can't get down.'

Suddenly Sharpay found herself ontop of Troy's shoulder.

'Let me down Troy!" Sharpay laughed and she hit his back as hard as he could, but they felt like small pebbles thrown at him to Troy.

Sharoay sighed and after a while she stopped. Her house came into view and she sighed.

'Nearly home.' she thought. Troy opened the door to see Chad, Zeke and Ryan packing Sharpay's stuff up. Troy smiled as he felt Sharpay tense. He put her down quietly and waited for her outburst.

'And what are you doing with my stuff!' Sharpay yelled and the three boys jumped about 3 feet in the air with fright.

'Shar?' Ryan ran towards her. 'I thought you were dead!'

'Nature spared me.' Sharpay smiled at Ryan and put on a glare at Chad and Ryan.

'Get your filthy hands out of my stuff!' Sharpay screamed but the only reply she got was lovestruck faces. 'What?'