Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans.

My mother was the youngest of thirteen siblings, and she was thirteen years younger than my dad, who was also the youngest of thirteen siblings. My mother and father met when they were 13 and 26, respectively, and got married 13 years later. The date of their wedding was January thirteenth. Over the next 13 years, they had 13 children. Their first child was born on November 13. It died the day the next child was born: November thirteenth of the next year. This happened every time until me. I was born on November 13, on a Friday. I was the thirteenth child and the first to live past the age of exactly one.

The farm I lived on had 14 chickens and 12 cows. On the day I was born, one of the chickens died and one of the cows calved. Between my mother, my father, and me, we owned 13 shoes. We each had a pair of work shoes and a pair of formal shoes. Then there was a lone shoe. None of us could remember where we had gotten it. There were 13 trees in our yard. 13 acres of corn. My mother's good china was based on a style from 1913 and included 13 plates in total.

My town was small. Every class I was ever in had 13 students in it. Because of my last name, I was always number 13 when our teachers assigned us numbers in elementary school. My nickname was coined in second grade, in reference to all the 13's in my life. It seemed like whenever something involved me, it also involved the number 13. And it seemed like whenever both me and the number were involved, that something went wrong.

In junior high and high school, my locker number was 13.

Then, when I was thirteen, on March 13th, my mother and father were killed when a semi hit them on a little road lazily called '13.' They had slowed down to a speed of 13 MPH to avoid hitting something.

The year after that, on August thirteenth, I accidentally killed someone. No actions were taken because I was only 14 and it was clearly an accident, but the nickname resurfaced naturally.

Since that day, the bad things connected with the number 13 just got worse. My crimes started out small. Breaking things. Usually it was even an accident. Then once I thought about the number 13 on purpose to make something happen to someone. Then again, but I still wasn't bad. I just made something fall on their toe. Something like that. Then again. Then again.

It got progressively worse until I was doing things to people on purpose. It got to the point where I could even control it. By then, all I had to do was think the number 13. It didn't just happen when I was near the number anymore. I was completely in control.

Since that time I have done much worse. Stolen. Tortured. Murdered.

I bear my nickname as if it were my name, now, as a reminded of who I was.

My name is Jinx. I make bad things happen.