Kyoto High

Chapter 1

Story © Rawr –pounce-

Death Note © Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata

Raito had heard there was a new transfer student from England, but couldn't care less. Well, that was until he saw the British transfer student. He had wild, black hair and eyes like a raccoon's, making Raito wonder if he ever slept. What Raito found even more curious was that this man seemed to be in every single one of his classes. Coincidence, perhaps. He thought. But when he finally introduced himself to Raito, he could tell something unnatural was going on.

"Yagami Raito, correct?" he stared up at Raito with those raccoon-like eyes open wide.

"Yes." He managed to mumble.

"My name's Hideki Ryuga." He said in such a boring and quiet tone, Raito almost didn't notice. So that's his name. Ryuga Hideki. Odd, isn't that the name of a famous pop idol? Raito tried to recall for he had watched MTV with his sister before out of sheer boredom. He racked his brain in memory of the name Hideki Ryuga, but finally decided it wasn't important.


Already calling me by my first name, I see. "Yes, Ryuga?" he replied. "Your father's on the Japanese police force, correct?"


"Oh. I see." He said sticking his thumb into his mouth like an infant. What an odd gesture.

"…have to go now."

Raito's attention snapped back to reality and muttered, "Huh?" Ryuga looked a little angered because Raito had not been paying attention to him as he spoke. "I have to go now, but I'll see you in Sex Ed tomorrow, correct?" he repeated. Raito nodded. "Bye, Ryuga. See you tomorrow."

Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time on anything. I had to go to camp and it was HELL. I freakin' never wanna go again.

This idea popped into my head as I was reading a Gravitation fic.

Yeah, I obviously think of yaoi all the time. I'm so weeeeeiiiirrrrrdddd...
