---------A Few Months Later-------

Months had passed since Nemu had first come to the real world. There had been several Hollow attacks, but Aizen was quiet for the most part.

She had been living with Ishida for a little over five months now. Their relationship had evolved into that of very close friends. They took turns cooking and cleaning. The long awkward silences had turned into comfortable silences. There was more touching in their relationship now as well. A hand caressing an arm, a hand on the shoulder. Ishida loved to touch her hair. After she brushed out her hair and went to say goodnight he always reached out to touch her hair. No words were spoken, he just played with her silky strands for a moment before saying goodnight.

They spent all their spare time together. People whispered about them in the hallways. Nemu even joined the crafts club just to be near him. Nemu loved to watch him sew. She would lay on the floor in their living room just watching him.

Before long mid March rolled around and the cherry trees began to bloom. Nemu had never seen anything like it. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. The bloomed early this year had been Ishida's observation. He told her that usually they didn't start blooming till the end of the month usually from the 28-31. At night she would go walk under the Cherry trees often. She asked Ishida to come with her but he said there was something he needed to do so she was often times left by herself.

Whenever she came home (for she felt more at home there than anywhere she had ever been) Ishida always seemed to be a bit flustered. Nemu wanted to ask what he was up to while she was out, but didn't dare. She was afraid that he was out training, pushing his body to the limit. She didn't want to think about him risking his life. She didn't want to think about the idea of ever losing him.

--------March 30th---------

Ishida crept slowly into Nemu's room. He was slightly disappointed to see her in a long white nightgown. When did she buy that he wondered? She did look like an angel though. Her chest rising and falling, her lips slightly parted. He leaned down, wanting so badly to kiss her, but not trusting himself to be able to give her just one soft kiss. When did I fall in love with you? He wondered. Her skin looked so soft. Her reached out his hand and caressed her face.

Nemu was awoken by a hand gently touching her face. She opened her eyes slowly and looked up into Ishida's face. "Happy Birthday Nemu" Nemu gasped. "How did you know today was my birthday"

Ishida gave a soft laugh. "Matsumoto told me, more than once. She was very insistent that I make it special."

Nemu blushed. No matter how many times she tried to convince Rangiku that she was not in love with Ishida, Rangiku would just smile. Nemu knew she was not a good liar.

"Come on eat your breakfast, and then I can give you your present."

"You bought me a gift? You shouldn't have"
"Well I didn't exactly buy it…"

Ishida walked out of the bedroom and returned a few moments later with a rather large package. "Well do you want to open it now?" Nemu laughed and grabbed it from him, tearing off the paper quickly. She opened the box and gasped. Inside the box was a beautiful blue silk Kimono with cherry blossoms on it. The cherry blossoms ranged from a soft ivory to a deep pink.

"Do you like it? I wish I had had more time to work on it, but I had to wait till you left before I could begin working on it"

"Y-y-y-ou made this? For me" Nemu began to cry.
Ishida was unsure of what to do. Did she not like it? He pulled her into his arms and laid her head against his chest.

"What's wrong? You do like it don't you? I didn't mean to make you cry."
Nemu looked up at him, at the concern in his eyes, at his mouth that was turned down slightly.

"No one has ever gotten me a present Ishida. You are the first, and you took the time to make this for me. You'll never know how much I appreciate this." Nemu lifted her head, leaned forward and gave Ishida a soft kiss on the lips.

She's kissing me, oh is she trying to torture me? Doesn't she realize how hard I'm trying to control my urges? What would her father say? What would Ryuken say? He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her in return. His tongue snaked into her mouth and she moaned. She kissed him hard, nipping at his lower lip and licking his teeth. Her arms were around his neck and she pulled him down on top of her. He moaned into her mouth. She was writhing slightly under his weight. His hands slid down her body, cupping the side of her breast and grabbing her waist. She was so tiny he thought. So soft, so fragile. I can't give into my temptations like this. Don't want it to be like this. I want it to be something we'll never forget.

Ishida pulled away from her and sat up. His glasses were slightly fogged up and his lips were red and looked bruised. Nemu sat up as well. Her entire face was flushed. "I can't believe I just did that. I-I'm sorry Ishida"

Ishida blushed. "I'm not, but we'll be late for school. We should get going." Nemu tried to look into his eyes but he looked away from her. Nemu was now unsure of where they stood. Did he love her? Tears threatened to fall as she got ready for school. By the time she was ready to go, Ishida was gone.

-------Later that day-------

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEMU-CHAN!!! Matsumoto yelled out.
Nemu turned bright red. She wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone today. Ishida had been avoiding her all day. He must be leaving class early and he wasn't in the school yard at lunchtime.

"I GOT YOU A PRESENT!!" Matsumoto ran over to her and handed her a little wrapped package. Nemu opened it and saw that it was massage oil. "Massage oil?"
"Well you did mention that Ishida goes out and trains at night sometimes when he thinks you are asleep, so I thought you could give him massages when he comes home. Then once you're done he can massage you, and then…..

Nemu's face burned. "What are you talking about?" He's not interested in me in that way and neither am I"

"No matter how many times you say it I know you love him, and I'm getting the impression that he loves you too."

Nemu turned bright red. "He isn't in love with me! I kissed him and he pushed me away. I was in his arms and he pulled away. He doesn't want me. He hates me, I'm a Shinigami. He'll never want me. "

Matsumoto sighed "He's shy. He may not want to love you but I know he does. I see the way he looks at you. I see the way you look at him. Give him time. He'll open up."
I sure hope so. Nemu thought

-------Back Home-----
Nemu walked through the door, removing her shoes, and dropping her bag by the door. The kimono Ishida had made for her was on the couch with a little slip of paper on it, saying put me on and sit down.

Nemu walked toward the bedroom door. It was locked. "Don't come in" Ishida called. "I'm getting dressed. I'll be out in a few minutes.

Nemu walked back to the couch. She took off her blouse, skirt, and socks. She put on the white tabi socks and the eri-sugata. She slipped the kimono on. It felt so soft, and cool against her skin. She wrapped it around her she tied the koshi-himo belt around her then did the same with the date-jime belt. Finally it was time to tie the obi sash. She was used to having someone help her and she knew that the bow in the back was slightly lopsided. Then she sat down and waited.

A few moments later Ishida stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door tightly behind him. He was dressed in a deep blue kimono that had white crosses on it. The kimono played up the blue hue in his hair. He gave her a small smile. "There's another part to your birthday gift"

"Another part?"
He held out a blanket to her, then walked into the kitchen and came out holding a picnic basket. "We are going to have a picnic in the park. The only reason I haven't gone to see the cherry blossoms with you is because I wanted to finish your birthday present."

They walked to the park in silence. Deciding to sit under the largest tree they could find Ishida laid out the blanket with all the food he had prepared. There was Yakitori, Dango, Inarizushi, Sushi rolls, and Oden. He had also packed strawberries, and truffles for dessert. He packed Sake to wash it all down with.

Nemu and Ishida sat under the tree eating in silence. Every once in a while, Nemu would sneak a glance at Ishida but the moment he seemed about to look at her, she turned away. She didn't know why she was so nervous. Obviously he didn't want her. He pulled away when they kissed. Then again he said he hadn't been sorry for kissing her.

After they had eaten dinner, they sat under the tree watching the blossoms fall.
Ishida took out a strawberry from the pack. He bit into it, letting a little of the juice run down the side of his mouth. Nemu wanted to lick that small trickle of sweet juice. She had to bite her lip and put her hands in her lap. What is wrong with me she wondered. I want him so much. He wiped it away with a finger and put the finger to her mouth. Nemu looked into his eyes. Was she just imagining it, or was he looking at her with lust? Nemu licked the juice off, her tongue sending shivers down Ishida's body. "Would you like some dessert?" he asked. Nemu nodded. He opened the little container and took out a chocolate. "Open your mouth" She slowly opened her mouth. He popped the chocolate into her mouth, letting his fingers linger on her lips. Nemu let the chocolate melt in her mouth. She was not a huge fan of sweet things but the chocolate was dark and rich. She chewed the truffle, and told him how good it was.

Ishida was blushing softly. Should I really do this? I am in love with her. I do want to be with her. I think she loves me in return. The way she acted this morning, I'll do it. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips. This caught Nemu completely by surprise. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, tasting her as well as the chocolate that still coated the inside of her mouth. His hands were on her face, caressing her cheeks softly.

Nemu was having problems breathing. Her heart was pounding, all she could hear was the blood pounding in her ears. He's kissing me. He loves me. He LOVES me! She kissed him back with fervor. He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. She bit his lip causing him to whimper slightly. He pulled away from her, his lust filled eyes boring into her.

"Not here, we should go home" his voice was barely above a whisper. He stood up quickly, throwing all the containers into the basket. Nemu stood up and folded the blanket. They began to walk toward home, Nemu behind him as usual. "Why do you always walk behind me?" He grabbed her hand and pulled her beside him. His arm wrapped around her waist. "I want you here with me always" he whispered while kissing the side of her face.

They reached the house fairly quickly. The picnic basket and shoes were left by the door. She walked towards the bedroom but Ishida stopped her. He stood behind her and untied her obi sash. It fell to the floor, quickly followed by the date-jime and koshi-himo belts. He untied his own belts quickly, allowing the kimono to slide of his shoulders and fall to the floor. His underwear joined the growing pile on the floor. He rubbed her shoulders, and in a quick motion pulled the kimono off of her letting it pool at her feet. He unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. He pulled out the tie and quickly ran his fingers through her hair so it lay in soft waves. "You should wear your hair down" he whispered in her ear. A tentative tongue licked at her earlobe. Nemu trembled. His hands slid down her back till they were on her hips, He pulled her backward towards him. She gasped, Nemu felt his hardness against her back. He cupped her breast and kissed her neck while lightly playing with her nipples. She felt a sudden yearning deep in her abdomen. It felt as if her body was an instrument and he knew exactly which strings to pluck.

"Close your eye. I'll be right back" he whispered. Nemu obeyed and shut her eyes. She heard a door open and close, and then stood there for a minute waiting. She heard the door open and close and felt Ishida next to her again. He stared at her for a moment. The only light in the room was the moonlight streaming through the window. How can she be so perfect? How can someone so perfect love me? He put one arm behind her knees and proceeded to lift her bridal style and carried her toward the bedroom. "Are your eyes still closed?" She nodded. He opened the door and carried her through. She opened her eyes and gasped.

On the bed there had to be hundreds of cherry blossoms. Candles were placed on any available surface, their light basking the room in a peaceful glow. The sheets had been changed and were a deep red satin. Ishida laid her on the bed softly. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at her body.

Nemu felt her face growing hot. She squirmed under his intense stare. She looked into his eyes, and whispered "I love you Ishida, so much. I want to be with you forever. You love only me don't you?" Ishida stroked her face. "You are the only one for me. I could never be with anyone else."

Ishida kissed her, she responded quickly. Their tongues wrestled for dominance, their hands roving each other's bodies. He pulled away from her and started to lick her neck. His hands slid up and down her body till he reached her underwear. He slid them off as his tongue moved down her body. He left a wet trail from her neck, down her collar bone, between her breasts, down her flat stomach, that stopped at her belly button. The underwear was thrown to the floor. She was now completely exposed to him.

He straddled her hips. He looks nervous she noticed. She looks nervous he thought. He turned her face away from him and nibbled at her earlobe. He bit her neck softly, making her gasp. He kissed her collarbone and moved down to her breast. He licked her nipple, making the little bud erect. He nipped it, making her pant. She squirmed under him and her legs spread slightly. He took this as an invitation and kneeled between her legs. One hand went to her dark locks. He couldn't get over how they felt. Softer than the most expensive silk. His other hand slid between her legs. It was wetter and hotter than he expected. His fingers found that little nub and he rubbed at it lightly with his index finger.

Nemu bit back a scream, she never would have guessed that she could feel so good. His fingers skimmed down her folds till he found the warm opening. He slipped his index finger inside, followed by his middle finger. He moved them in and out of her, while having his thumb rubbing her clit softly. Nemu's body was on fire by this point. His mouth on her breast, his fingers inside her, his thumb rubbing her clit, it was more than she could bear. He saw the way her pants increased and he increased his speed. Her moans became louder and louder till with a shudder she came on his fingers.

He spread her legs further apart and pushed his manhood inside of her. He felt an unbelievable heat and wetness. He felt something tear and she gave a small groan.
"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes, just give me a moment please"

After allowing a moment for her to adjust to this new sensation she asked him to continue. He slowly drove his hardness into her. He pulled out slowly and pushed himself back into her again. Whimpers gradually turned into moans. The thrusting sped up slowly. Soft moans increased in volume. He leaned down and kissed her hard. His lips crushed hers, their moans reverberating in their mouths. He squeezed her breasts, pinching her nipples lightly.

She started moving her hips against his. Their pelvic bones ground against each other, send shockwaves through both their bodies. Her arms rose to wrap themselves around his neck. She put her hands on his shoulders. She noticed his arms were shaking as he tried to keep his weight off of her, as if he was afraid of crushing her. She pulled him down on top of her. She writhed underneath him. Her legs wrapped themselves around his torso forcing him deeper inside her. This new feeling of friction was driving both of them closer to their peak.

Ishida started thrusting into her harder than he had before. Nemu felt her abdomen getting tighter and tighter. Her nails dug into Ishida's back as she had her second climax. Her legs tightened around Ishida holding him still against her. Her walls contracted around him and he climaxed inside her with a loud grunt.

He collapsed on top of her, their breathing labored. He pulled out of her and rolled over to the other side of the bed, pulling her with him so she lay in his arms. Her head lay on his chest and she could hear his heart. Nemu felt herself softly drifting…

----The Next Morning----

Ishida woke up slowly. He felt something on his chest. Last nights events came flooding back when he noticed that what he felt on his chest was Nemu's head.

"You're finally awake. I did enjoy watching you sleep. You look so peaceful."

"How are you feeling?"
"A little sore to tell you the truth"

"I was reading books about this, and I thought if I could make you orgasm first, it wouldn't hurt as much"
She gave a soft giggle "Always a great student I see"

Ishida blushed. Nemu's face became serious. "I love you Ishida"

Ishida laughed. "You my angel sent from heaven may call me Uryuu. So what do you want to do now"
Nemu blushed. "Well Rangiku did give me a very interesting birthday present…."

-----My Comments----

Finally, I'm done. This last chapter took so long. I must admit I got a bit stuck. Nemu and Ishida are both very serious and shy characters. I was back and forth over who should initiate the love making. Finally I decided that Ishida would after much studying of books. (I read a bunch of books before my first time too. I am that much of a dork) I'm thinking of making a one shot of the use of Rangiku's birthday present, and maybe a part 2 where Mayuri and Ryuken find out about the love affair. If people want it that is.

A special thanks to those constructive comments. After looking over the site I saw that I need to double space my paragraphs so hopefully this will be a little easier for everyone to read. Reviews are always appreciate

Oh and P.S. The quote Nemu says "You love only me don't you?" is from one of my favorite Japanese movies. Guess correctly and you get a virtual glomp.