Chapter 1: Things started off well

Just one thing I have to point out before I start. This is not, I repeat not a sequel to my story Last Hope. Just think of it as an episode a few weeks later in the season. There's no real need to read the other story to understand what will happen in this one. I might make a few references here and there to things that happened in it, but nothing major. Please review this story and if you happen to read Last Hope, please review that too.

Ryan Wolfe walked through the crime lab with a sheet of paper in hand, reading it intently. He headed towards the locker room. The other lab techs had to watch out so as to not bump into him, since he wasn't watching where he was going. Ryan walked into the locker room, stopped looking at the letter long enough to open his locker and than sat down on the bench and continued to read. He didn't even notice that Calleigh was there too.

'What you got there Ryan?'

'Oh hey Cal, it's a letter from Karen'

'Karen? Your sister Karen?'

'Yeah, she's coming down to Miami next week and according to her letter she's got some big news , but she doesn't say what. Says that I'll have to wait till she gets here'

'Well, I guess you're going to have to be patient until then, so come on you're with me on this one. We've got a DB in an alley downtown. Grab your kit and meet me at the elevator'

'Alright, give me the keys'


'Toss me the keys; it's my turn to drive'

'You wish' Calleigh said with a smirk and left the locker room.


When they got to the crime scene, Ryan and Calleigh found the medical examiner Alexx Woods looking over the body.

'Hey Alexx, what do you have for us?' Calleigh asked

'Hey, this is really weird. The body's got a old gun shot wound to the back of the head, that is obviously cause of death' Alexx started

'And what's so weird about that?' Ryan asked

'Age of the wound, I'd say it's at least a month old'

'A month?' Calleigh sounded shocked 'How can that be? There's no way this body has been for a month without anyone noticing or smelling it'

'That's the other strange thing about this body. He's been dead at least a month, but look at how well preserved he is, decomp has been kept to a minimal'

'What do you think? Someone was keeping him and just decided to get rid of him now'

'I'll know more at the post, see you back at the lab'

Alexx called her guys over and they bagged and loaded the body into the van and took off back to the crime lab.

'Alright, you wanna take pictures and I'll start bagging and tagging? '

'Sounds Good' Ryan adjusted his camera and stared taking pictures of everything that looked significant and Calleigh bagged evidence that was around the body.

They had just gotten started when something knocked over the garbage can at the corner that continued deeper into the alley.

'What do you think that was?' Calleigh asked not too concerned

'Probably just a cat or some other animal, I'll check it out' Ryan headed towards the can

'Careful not to get bit' Calleigh joked

Ryan gave her a thumbs-up without even turning around. He lifted the can back up and turned the corner.

'See anything?'

'No, whatever knocked this over probably got scared and is long gone'

Ryan just had time to finish his sentence when a hand came from behind and covered his mouth and another held his arms down. Ryan fought against his unknown attacker, but couldn't break free of his grip. His attacker started to drag him backwards; Ryan needed to get Calleigh's attention. He did the first thing he could think of; he kicked the garbage can, knocking it over again.

'What happened Ryan? Did the animal come back and scare you?' Calleigh joked.

Ryan could give no answer as he continued to be dragged backwards towards a white van.

'Ryan?' Calleigh called to him after he gave no answer. 'Ryan?' She called again, getting up and upholstering her gun and cautiously moving towards the corner.

The back doors to the van were open and Ryan was flung inside.

'Calleigh!!' He just had time to yell before the doors were shut

'Ryan!!' Calleigh yelled as she rounded the corner quickly. She just had time to see the white van taking off, and rounding the corner back out onto the road, its tires screeching.

Calleigh grabbed her radio that hung on her belt 'Patrol, this is CSI Duquesne, I got a kidnapping in progress, victim is CSI Wolfe, I repeat victim is CSI. Suspect is driving a large van, license plate 385 RGF heading west down South Palm. I need all units to be alert'

Calleigh attached the radio back onto her belt and leaned against the wall. She couldn't believe it. Ryan Wolfe had been taken right from under her nose. She was right there. She shook the feeling from her head. This was no time to sulk; she had a new crime scene to process and a friend to help save.

I know it's not the best opening, but trust me, it will get better. Well I hope you guys will think so. Please Review!!!