HEY EVERYONE! Star here, and sadly Faith won't be on probably until February because her parent's bought Christmas Presents rather than paying the cable/internet bill (sniff) So ya'll have to put up with me until then (evil music plays) DUN DUN DUN! Well, we've got some new reviewer reasons, which I like VERY much, by xHouseLoverx, so read and enjoy. Oh yeah, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! or Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you celebrate!

191. You pretended to be Ax in morph at your family reunion. (I wanted to do that SO much one day... I'll have to do that at all of my Christmas gatherings! AWESOMENESS! - Star)

192. You scream "BUNZ-UH" whenever you pass Cinnabon. (Sadly, we don't have a Cinnabon where I live (sniff) but we're trying to find one. -Star)

193. You replaced the plastic tailblade on your Ax figurine with the one from your dad's switchblade.

194. You've gotten stopped in an airport for carrying said figurine on your way to your aunt's house.

195. You've questioned whether your friends were REALLY from earth.

196. When the new kid David comes to school, you ask him how he escaped the r.at morph, then curse the Ellimist/Crayak.

197. You skipped school for three days after reading "The Beginning".

198. You have been tested for OCD. Multiple times.

199. Your punishment for skipping school is "No Animorphs for a week."

200. You cry at said punishment.

201. You have the Air Force on speed dial in case of Blade Ship sightings.

202. You have taken the shortcut through the construction site just to make sure...

203. You know the name of Visser Three's twin.

204. You know that Visser Three HAS a twin.

205. You went as Ax for Halloween last year.

206. You know that chocolate is WAY better than kissing. (Oh yeah, so true. - Star)

207. You have investigated every Nordstrom's dressing room.(Oh my word... we're getting a Nordstrom soon... (gets evil grin) -Star)

208. You laugh maniacally as you smush worms on a rainy day.

209. You bought a green anole lizard the day you read #1 The Invasion.

210: You know that, although bookmarks are not for eating, they DO taste good.

211: You can give a complete, detailed summary of any book based on its cover morph (Guilty!).(Don't worry, we are too. - Star)

212. You have actually Googled the word "Vegemorph". (I actually have the parody book 'Vegemorph'... blame my mother. - Star)

213. Your parents have looked into A (Animorphs Addicts Anon.). (Oh my word. They should seriously have those... maybe it would save the world from us Animorphs-obsessed people... - Star)

214. You have gone to an A meeting at least once.

215. You freaked when you saw your assistant principal in McDonalds.

Now here are some I came up with. ENJOY!

216: You have a dresser drawer dedicated to your Animorph books and/or accessories. (hehehe... guilty...)

217: When you get your permit (BOO-SHA!) and you drive without taking any trashcans and/or mailboxes out, you pride yourself that you are a better driver than Marco (big grin).

218: You're doing school work, and for some reason the lesson is overly peppy, so you IM your friend and say that you think the writers are Yeerks, and your friend agrees with you. (Faith did that... back when she had internet (sniff) )

219: You get so fed up with your parents for not getting anything about the Animorphs correct. (Seriously, it's 'Animorphs' not 'Animorphesus' or whatever. And it IS more important than anything else, and no, mother, I am not blowing things out of proportion.)

220: You have a white hoodie with an Animorphs logo on it. (FAITH! I NEED THAT BOOK BACK!)

Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to check out our stories, 'kay? They're getting pretty cool. REVIEW PRETTY PLEASE???