DISCLAIMER: He's mine in my dreams.

A/N: Due to popular demand, I present the final chapter in this story. I love you all!


Epilogue…….. Two years later

She sat in silence, loving the sound of it. There was only the faintest noise; that of a leaky tap. Being a mother of three young children was not the most fun job in the world, not that she was complaining though.

The truth was that Hermione loved every minute of it. All the chaos; the screeching, food being thrown everywhere, toy brooms flying all over the house breaking priceless glass objects. She never thought that she would find so much happiness with the chaos, being the neat and organized girl she was.

Nick, Audrey, and Jade were the light of her life, along with her husband of one year, Draco Malfoy. All of which were thankfully asleep at the moment. Today was a big day. Harry and Ginny were finally getting married and Draco was Harry's best man and the kids were the flower girls and ring bearer.

This wedding (as much as Draco contradicts it saying theirs was bigger) was going to be the biggest thing since sliced bread. Harry Potter was of course one, if not the most famous wizard of all time, and Ginny was pretty popular herself. Hermione had helped them plan the whole shebang, right down to the shade of lipstick Ginny was wearing. And, upon seeing the guest list, she had almost fainted. In writing as tiny as you can imagine were rows and rows of witches and wizards that were to attend the wedding; it added up to about 75 pages.

But enough about the guest list. Hermione had bigger fish to fry, because at that precise moment, silence ceased to exist at Malfoy Manor. The pitter patter of feet could be heard echoing on the cool white marble floors, and voices coming along with.

She got up out of the chair she had been sitting in and walked to the hallway. She opened the door and was greeted by three platinum blonde two year olds hugging her legs. "Mommy! Unkie Harry and Auntie Ginny are getting married today!" Audrey screamed, "And we get to be in it! Pretty dresses!"

"Yes dear," Hermione replied picking the small child up and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Hey, why don't you three go and wake up Daddy? He should get up too."

They all squealed, "Yea! Daddy!" Hermione laughed as she put Audrey down and watched them sneak down the long hallway to the master bedroom.


Draco quickly shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He listened as the door opened quietly and his kids sneaked in, giggling excitedly. He heard them come nearer and nearer and waited until they were almost ready to jump on him when he jumped up and yelled "BOO!"

The three screamed and ran away, laughing, as Draco jumped out of the bed and chased them around the extravagant room. He saw Hermione standing in the doorway laughing at his silliness. Stopping in his tracks, Draco locked eyes with her and they watched each other until Hermione finally walked into the room and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she said, kissing him gently on the lips.

"Good morning to you," he replied smiling. He leaned down and stated, "And good morning to you, baby." He rubbed her rounded belly. The baby kicked the place his hand was, making him smile all the more.


The morning passed quickly as the Malfoy's prepared for the wedding. Hermione struggled to do Jade and Audrey's hair, which was exactly like hers, only less frizzy and more curly, while getting them dressed. She hoped that everything was good with Draco and Nick.

And it was. She caught sight of them in the bathroom, both with shaving cream on their faces, laughing, having a good time. When she went by again in frantic search of her dress, she saw that they both had gel in their hands and were styling their hair the exact same way. Hermione smiled to herself.

By noon, all five of them were ready. Hermione was in a pale green dress that showed off her stomach and Audrey and Jade were both in matching white dresses with pale green flowers decorated on the bottom. Draco and Nick looked exactly alike, only one being about four feet shorter than the other.


When the family arrived at their destination, both Draco and Hermione were greeted by a scared to death bride and groom.

"You look beautiful, Ginny," Hermione breathed looking at her best friend.

"I am a wreck!" She exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks. "I haven't been able to stop crying all day long! My hair is a mess and there is a spot on my dress!"

"You're hair looks beautiful, your make-up won't run, and I looked at your dress earlier and I didn't see anything wrong with it." Hermione hugged Ginny. "Just take a deep breath and remember to breathe. Everything will be perfect, I promise."

"I hope you're right, I don't know what I'm going to do if something happens. I hope Harry is as nervous as me."

Hermione smiled and replied, "Don't worry, he is."

"I can't do this." Mr. Harry I-killed-Voldemort Potter was pacing the floor and ringing his hands. "I'd rather face a dragon."

"Yes you can, and you will." Draco said sitting in a plush leather chair watching his friend walk back and forth. He could practically see a hole being worn in the floor.

"It wasn't like this with you when you got married, you were all calm and collected," Harry said, stopping and looking at Draco.

"That is because I am a Malfoy and Malfoys do not show emotion. You should have seen the inside of my head that day. I was a mess, even if I didn't show it." Harry snorted and began pacing again.

"I'm going to die out there."


Hermione fixed Ginny's veil one more time. Ginny was still a wreck, only in better shape. Music was playing, guests had arrived, and the ceremony was to begin shortly. Situating herself in front of the doors, right behind the kids, Hermione waited for the doors to open.

When they did, she smiled as Nick, Audrey and Jade went happily up the aisle, throwing flower petals as they went. Now it was Hermione's turn. Everyone had turned to watch the procession and stared at her as she walked, reminding her very well of her wedding day. She saw Draco watching her and smiled at him. He smiled back and mouthed, "I love you."


A/N: Well there you have it! I'm sorry I kind of cut you off there, but it is 2:00AM right now and my brain is shutting down. Thanks for all the reviews. You have no idea how much I appreciate them! And thanks again if you added this to your alerts, favorites, or if you just read it!

-- Harry Potter you're my hero