This is the first chapter of a story set after ep 13. The main pairing is Robin /Marian (surprise surpsise :-p) and there will be eight chapters all in all, I think. Look forward to an exiting story about impossible (but necessary) love, social boundaries and trust. Much adventure, fluff and angst in Sherwood Forest.
First chapter: Intoducing Bernie (get used to him, he will be around for a while yawn) and the currents state of affairs.
And oh, plz comment :-)
1: The calm before the storm
Things were turning out to be somewhat complicated.
Marian was not really surprised about this, the war had made her an unsentimental woman rather than the romantic girl she once was. With this said she had still wished for a simple happy ending. It would have been easy to just run off into the sunset with her prince, and leave all the evil in this world behind.
She gently caressed the coarse wood of her father's chair in the Great Hall. He sensed the movement and tilted his head up towards her, giving his daughter a tired smile. Ever since the somewhat surprising turn of events, when she had rushed out from her wedding, no her trap, and saved her father from his trap, Marian had been waiting for something to happen. A response, a result, a turn of events. Anything. But there was nothing. She watched Guy's tall dark figure, unable to read anything from his face. He met her gaze and for a brief moment she thought she saw a shudder run through his body, like a ghost just walked through the room.
She still hadn't seen Robin. Guy still hadn't confronted her. And now the sheriff had called the council of nobles. Everything seemed to be the same as it always used to be, as if the events surrounding the king-impostor and her wedding never had occurred at all. It was odd. And not just a little unnerving.
"The king" sheriff Vaysey said to the council "seems to have been an impostor. Shocking? Hm? What has become of England? He is under my arrest in this very moment, awaiting a public hanging. It will be a social event for our dear populous. So there you go; there will be something good to gain from these unfortunate events. Misfortune is nothing but a matter of angle, hm? Now, the next thing on the agenda…"
Marion woke from her thoughts. This interested her and she didn't want the sheriff to leave the subject.
"But surely, you must tell us sheriff. Who was this impostor who you are hanging with such joy?!" she said. Reckless. She bit her lip and silently cursed herself. These words were reckless. She really had to get her act together again.
Vaysey put on an annoyed look, like she was an irritating trifle not worth his time.
"Yes. Interesting as always your passion for all things human, Lady Marion. Hm? But is this relevant? An impostor, a thug, a pretender. Gisbourne, what do you think?"
"I suggest him hanged like a common man, my lord."
"Yes, but it seems our lady Marion is displeased with our way to handle this matter. Maybe we should have him tortured. Hm? Maybe that would make this impostor talk."
Marian took a deep breath. She had to think, think things through. Why were her thoughts in such a mess!?
"No, sheriff" she said a bit calmer "I just… I'm sorry. I am but a woman. Politics are so very confusing to me".
She smiled and tried to ignore the sarcastic smirk on Guys lips.
To be honest, Marian had seen Robin. A shadowy figure in the distance, watching and waiting. No doubt he was as confused as she was. They had won the battle, but not the war. So why didn't the sheriff or Gisbourne strike back? Robin was wise to be cautious.
The sheriff turned away from Marian and started addressing the group of rather pale and freighted nobles instead. His sheep heard, Marian thought bitterly. She felt contempt for these cowards that caved in so easily after staring danger in the face. Their heads bent down, subdued looks in their faces. Sheep. Their idealism was thinner and frailer than the wings of a butterfly.
"Well, if the woman is happy then perhaps we can all move on to more pressing matters. Friends in the council of nobles, I'm pleased to let you know, we have a visitor…"
His men were wise to be cautious. Robin knew this. But this distance from Marian that they enforced upon him was driving him mad.
He had seen her from afar, bittersweet lust mixed up with frustration. It was odd how that one kiss haunted him, brought back every emotion and brought them up to date. All he wanted was to surrender to this, the only thing in his life that put his demons to rest. He felt ecstatic over the love he thought he had lost so many times: Lost her to the war, lost her to death, lost her to a loveless marriage. And yet they had fought their way through all that. Would they have to be parted now due to something as overrated as rationality!? Much didn't understand, and Robin didn't know how to put it into words.
Robin watched his loyal friend across the camp. Much was pinning unions to a broken arrow, making Shish kebab again. Robin would rather eat a nice salty stew any day, but they were in luck to have someone to take care of them all. Much was like a forest wife. The fact that the two of them had been master and servant was apparent still, however close their relationship had become during the years abroad. Things had been a bit tense lately, Robin admitted to himself, and indeed he had been a bit too harsh towards this man who followed him wherever his feet carried him. It was just that Much really didn't understand this. All he wanted was his Bonchurch, Robin at Locksley and King Richard at his throne. All things in the right place, a dream where everything was so very tidy. Much wanted to go home. And then what? Live happily ever after? Without Marian Locksley would not be home, it would be nothing more than a group of badly isolated rooms. Much was a simple man, he wanted simple things. Robin wanted more.
He took an unfinished arrow from his quiver and started to carve on it, giving his hands something to go as his thoughts strayed to more pleasant places.
"Right, I'm not being funny but are we on vacation or what?" Allan said, pacing restlessly across the camp "Cause I would really rather book myself into a nice tavern and be drunk for a week then if you know what I mean."
Will yawned and stretched out his tall boyish body with all the grace of a young man with nothing better to do than watch the leaves fall from the trees.
"We are keeping an eye on Robin remember?"
"Yeah well…."
Allan watched Robin's face lost in whatever daydreams he was pursuing. Like a sulking little boy. Bloody noblemen.
".. I'm sure we could all get drunk if you know what I mean."
"We are not getting drunk!" Much said and pointed at Allan with a carrot nailed to a stick. It wasn't a particularly intimidating gesture, but it did make him look vaguely like Allan's mother. "No more talking nonsense. We… Well we are men on a mission."
Will leaned towards his tree again and quietly admitted to himself that Allan had a point. This life did feel a bit absurd. Nothing happened and it was all so very boring.
"What mission" Allan said "I'm not being funny or anything but I didn't sign up for babysitting."
"It is not optional!"
It had taken Much all his best efforts to calm Robin down. It surprised him that the other men listened to him for once. Perhaps this whole saving the day stunt he had pulled at the church had earned him some limited sort of respect. No doubt it would all pass away eventually. The last weeks had been harder on him than he confessed even to himself. He was used to Robin taking out his frustrations on him, but his harsh words stung like a bee. Well, a quite substantial amount of bees actually. Marian got Robin's head all twisted up. He hated… oh in fact he quite liked Marian. She was the perfect match to Robin, brave and considerate. But he hated this love struck fool of a master. He had a great deal of respect for Robin. When Much panicked, his master was the one who seemed in control, managing every situation. And Much relied on him to be this leader personality. Now Robin behaved like a child, and Much didn't quite know how to handle it. Babysitting Robin was an excuse to be given some time to think. It seemed plausible enough with his master being in such a state of selfishness lately.
Robin raised his head and watched his companions. They looked like lazy cats, sleeping the day away. No doubt this sedating, numbing way of life was what a lawless man could expect, shut out from the society he lived in. But they had made a choice to use their non-existence differently; he had talked them into that. Their conversation amused him slightly. Babysitting! He didn't need to be treated like this, he was their leader. This was all Much's doing, he would be pleased to live out his days in this way. However good his intentions were this was proving to be the longest bloody week in Robin's life. And for what reason!? People were still being taxed to death. Waiting for the sheriff's next scheme was probably very wise. But he was Robin Hood. And he was tired of being told what was wise.
That thought sounded a bit Marian-esc, come to think of it.
"Well, vacation or not" he said "All good things must come to an end. What do you say gents? Maybe it is time to take advantage of this ceasefire and set some nice traps?"
"Master surely…" Much tried.
"No Much, surely we have waited long enough"
Allan's face lit up in a beaming smile that would have made the sun shy.
"Welcome back mate" he said and went over to Will, giving him a light shuffle with his foot "Rise and shine my friend, you heard the boss"
It was time to act.
Days came and went, Marian thought as she took her father's hand and stepped into the cart. These days came and went and they were so very dreary and endless. Usually the council of nobles made her somewhat exited, she liked to be in the middle of things. Robin was right. She did use her father as an excuse. The thought of running off into Sherwood as an outlaw seemed like a failure. In reality this politics that made her so frustrated were an art that she took great pride in mastering. It had disturbed her to discover these sides of her personality, calculating and deceptive. But she was true to her ideals, and in truth, even though she felt a bit remorseful about her treatment of Gisbourne, this was who she was. Three things were important in her life. Her love for her father was one. This war against poverty was the second. The third was something she felt so sure she had lost. But oh that kiss…
She felt that lingering smile pressing her lips into an awkward stiffness again. So this was the third thing that was important to her: Loving Robin, and being loved by him in return. God how painfully sentimental! What a fool she was. And yet, how wonderful it was to be foolish once again. She had been forced to grow up so fast, into a reality that she had no chance of predicting. And now she was faced with this news that the sheriff had presented to them. All in all it was quite surprising. She really had to talk to Robin.
This was forest life at its finest, Robin thought as he saw the scene before him. The outlaws took part in a rather cheerful little fight with a fat young nobleman. This was one of their favourite places for ambushes, just where the southern road turned around a cliff, giving it a blind spot. The nobleman looked somewhat familiar, Robin thought, though his round face was blushing red as he panted after air. It made his features somewhat distorted. He'd probably considered himself safe with that scarecrow of a manservant he had with him, taking a little shortcut trough Sherwood. A very bad idea, as he should have known. He couldn't listen much to gossip this lord something or another. Robin gracefully ducked from another swing with that big old broadsword the nobleman bothered to carry around, then he gently swept the young man of his feet with his Saracen bow. He smiled as he fought, feeling in control once again. Soon he would see Marian as well, sneak into her room after sunset like a thief. She would be angry for the long wait no doubt, but he did like her spicy.
"Hello? Sherwood to Robin?" Allan said, looking at Robin's face that was lost in rather pleasant thoughts it seemed "I'm not being funny but shouldn't we be robbing him?"
Robin aimed his attention to the young man at the tip of his Saracen sword. Bernard of Alestone, he suddenly remembered. In a different time he had met a somewhat smaller version of this man at a very boring party. And, he thought to himself, Bernard had definitely not improved the party a bit. He was vain and dull, and constantly trying to drag Marion into a tedious discussion about hunting birds. By the looks of it Bernard needed to do a little less eating and a little more hunting.
"Well, well, if it isn't my old friend Bernie. Off on a little hunting trip? Oh my, oh my, a very bad choice to go into my forest I'm afraid." Robin shook his head and smiled.
"You are the game here my friend" Alan added with a grin. He apparently enjoyed the situation, having the time of his life.
Even Much seemed pleased with a little action for once. He could also remember this man, and he recalled him being extremely rude to those he considered inferior to him.
"Welcome to Sherwood, where lawlessness is less of a lessness and more of a law… I think you will find" he said.
"Now" Robin continued with a mischievous grin "I see you have a nice little pouch there, full of shiny coins I'm sure. Here is how it goes. You give us the money, we distribute them amongst the ones in need, and you can be on your way. I am sure it will make your day to know that your little… contribution… has been invested in a lovely Sunday stew for some ever so grateful peasant family. Let's call it a… hunting fee. Game doesn't come free you know."
"I… I'm not hunting" Bernie panted.
God, Robin had forgot how annoying his voice was; so awfully loud and squeaky.
"Actually I'm on my way to Nottingham. For the feast you know. I can never miss a good feast" Bernie continued, falling into the kind of chattering that Robin remembered from their last encounter "Tell me, is lovely Lady Marian still around? I would love to take up our discussion on hawks again, and I'm sure she would be pleased as well. I was going to write to her but, well. You know how it is. War abroad and everything."
"Surely, you have not been to war. And what feast!?"
"Well… no. I'm not at war, specifically. I would have, but then there is my ankle you see. It's not entirely well. And I have these headaches. Sometimes I can't even move from my bed because of it… I'm sure I talked to you about my sprained ankle. It was a most unfortunate hunting accident. One of my hounds had stirred up a fox…"
"What feast!?"
This was starting to annoy Robin, and by the looks of it his men were not so amused anymore either. They didn't have all day! Well actually, to be perfectly honest, they did have all day. But there were other more pleasing ways they could be spending it in. Like… distributing wealth… or drinking ale… or visiting Knighton Hall even…
"Well the Nottingham feast of course. The sheriff is giving away lands now, since the accidents."
Accidents… Yes, indeed very clumsy that lord Merton, falling over a dagger like that.
"… It seems they will be given to a war hero, someone who fought for the king. A Lord Rodney I think. Ah how pleased I shall be to se him! A man of war, surely he will find it interesting to see this sword, it belonged to my father but I must say I have myself mastered the art of…"
Robin interrupted him with a surprised yell. This, he thought, suddenly oblivious to the robbery they were supposed to finish off quick and easy, could prove to be very interesting.
"Lord Rodney! Are you sure!?"
"And we are so taking that sword mate" Alan interposed.
"Lord Rodney, but surely he is in the holy land?! Master! He was not coming home anytime soon was he?" Much said with a sparkle of hope. If Sir Rodney was coming back, then perhaps the king was on his way as well. And if the king came back, then everything would be good and right again, at last. He would have his Bonchurch and there would be no more cold caves.
Robin's thought were moving in a slightly different direction. It was not so little surprising that Rodney was made the new lord of Merton. No doubt the sheriff had some kind of scheme coming their way.
Finally things were beginning to move.
Well first chapter done. In the second there will be a feast at the castle and everyone gets drunk hehe. Some Robin/Marian moments in there as well.