Inspired by the Great Fanfiction Meme that worms its way around LiveJournal every once in a blue moon. Also, I experimented a bit and made this dialogue only.

"Come, come, Six. It's your turn, you know."

"It's difficult to handle cards with my hands bound, Ten."

"You wound me with such a tone; honestly, I'm positively wounded."

"Not yet, no."

"Are you always this, ah…vehement with the others?"

"Perhaps you just bring out the worst in me."

"Oh, now you're just trying to flatter me."

"Yes, you're right. That's exactly what I'm doing; you don't bring out anything in me, let alone my worst. Now, if we can get back to the matter at hand…?"

"Why, Zexion, I believe that was a joke."

"Believe what you will, but I'm serious. Untie my hands so I can forfeit this ridiculous game of yours."

"Forfeit? You don't mean to win this?"

"Why attempt to win when there is nothing to be gained?"

"My boy, surely the experience is gain enough?"

"I get enough experience undressing every day, thank you."

"Oh, but dear number six, the undressing is only the beginning."