A/N: -Edit 6/5/16- Ciaossu! If you are new here, welcome! If you are a returning fan, welcome back! To clarify a few things, this fic was semi-abandoned, life and school was way to hectic, but I have finished my Bachelor's and I had been recently thinking about this fic and I had been reading some fics and I was re-inspired.

To be clear: There will be no set update schedule, the first thing I'm going to do is go back and update my existing chapters to try and improve them. I will writing this in my free time when I feel I can develop a good chapter.

Disregard any information I gave out later beyond basic plot points. Case in point, this fic now has no relationship pairings. I do not think I am able to competently write romance along with a good plot at this time. I will be focusing on character development and their relationships with other characters. These will be familial, platonic, enemies, or rivals. Romance may come up later, I'm not planning on it at this point.

Also, this is an AU, I only watched Naruto up through the end of the Retrieve Sasuke arc, I never saw shippuden, nor did I read it. Any later information is gleaned from just poking around the web or reading other fics, so don't expect things to follow canon even when it seems like it.

I'm sure I am missing something but I'll throw it in when I remember.

As of 6/5/16 – This chapter remains largely unchanged, few editing changes but does not affect the story.

Well this is my first attempt at a fanfic, so if you would leave a review and be brutal it would be much appreciated. My hope is to keep this story as original as possible so any clichés that pop up that you're sick of I'm sorry in advance. It starts off around when Gaara is 5, so about a year before Yashamaru betrays him, which I think was when he was 6. So enough rambling, on with the story.

"Spoken word"


"Demon speech/speech between host and demon"

'Demon thoughts'

And by this Moon, I Swear

A young Gaara slowly crept down the stairs of his Uncle Yashamaru's house late one night and winced as the stairs creaked loudly. He hurried on to the front door and thought himself safe until he heard a throat cleared behind him and a pair of hands on his shoulders.

"Where are you off to so late a night Gaara-sama? You should be upstairs resting in your room."

Gaara was led gently back to his room by his uncle, who made sure he was settled in for the night before leaving.

"I know you can't sleep, but try to rest up, you have a big day tomorrow." Was all Gaara heard as his uncle closed the door. Gaara sighed and went to sit by the window and pouted a bit. 'I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it tonight, please don't be mad at me.'

(The next morning)

"So runt, I heard you were trying to sneak out last night. Off to kill some kid in his sleep?"

Kankuro was promptly hit over the head by a frying pan wielding Temari before serving them all breakfast. The fact that he was served last and that Temari nor Yashamaru said anything to correct his elder brother didn't escape Gaara, but he didn't care; he had spent all night thinking on how he could escape without being noticed. While everyone else ate he picked around his food and thought back to the night he had met his secret friend.


Gaara walked home slowly after being chased off the playground, the sand protected him from any attacks, and he even used it to help the kids retrieve their ball, but they still yelled at him and called him 'monster', among other things. 'I don't get it why does everyone hate me? All I want is to be friends, but they all run off or throw things at me. Yashamaru says their jealous because the sand makes me special.' Gaara continued to walk before he stopped suddenly and sank to his knees sobbing "Why won't anyone be my friend, I don't want to be alone anymore." Unknown to him, someone was watching the whole time from the shadows.

That night as Gaara was sitting on the roof, the sand began to get restless and he became aware of another presence behind him. Gaara whipped around to find a cloaked figure standing there watching him. Thick spiky hair, and broad shoulders underneath made Gaara assume it was a man, which was confirmed when the figure spoke.

"I've been watching you, Gaara." The man said in a soft voice, floating gently in the cool desert night air.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Gaara responded hiding behind the sand and ready to yell for Yashamaru.

"I just want to be your friend Gaara, I've seen you around this town, and you're lonely." The man called back.

"Why? Everyone hates me, they're scared of the sand, and the only one who loves me is Yashamaru."

Gaara was getting really scared now, no one had wanted to be his friend before, and this was a strange man who was able to get near him without alerting him or his ninja uncle. The man took a few steps forward and Gaara quickly sent the sand to restrain the man, who did not even move to resist,

"You're not scared of me or the sand? Aren't you afraid of me hurting you?" Gaara was seriously confused.

The man quietly spoke, still in that soft voice to calm Gaara down, "The people of this town are ignorant. They do not realize how truly unique you are, and what potential you hold. I only wish to be you're friend so that you are no longer alone, I do fear the sand because I believe you would not truly wish to hurt me unless I hurt you."

Gaara was speechless, this man really wanted to be his friend, and he wasn't scared of him or his sand.

"Really? You want to be my friend?"

"Yes." The man said without hesitation.

Gaara released the man and slowly walked up to him. The man made no move to run away and Gaara cautiously reached out to touch him, when the man reached out and pulled Gaara into a hug.

"You'll never be alone again as long as I'm around, Gaara." The man whispered in Gaara's ear.

"What's your name?" Gaara timidly asked, afraid to chase off his new found friend.

"You may call me-"

"Gaara-sama! Where are you? You should be in bed by now!" The man was cut off by Yashamaru's call.

"I must go now Gaara; meet me in the alley behind the ramen stand down the street tomorrow at midnight." The man quickly moved to leave.

"Wait I want you to meet my Uncle Yashamaru, and my brother and sister, Kankuro and Temari." Gaara quickly ran to his friend.

"I'm afraid I can't do that; now listen Gaara, we must be secret friends, no one but you should know about me? Ok?"

Gaara smiled at the thought at the thought of his own secret private friend and quickly agreed.

"Alright, tomorrow behind the ramen stand at midnight." And then the man was gone and Gaara slowly entered the house to meet his uncle.

(End Flashback)

Gaara was snapped out of his reverie of several months ago by Yashamaru tapping him on the shoulder.

"It's time to leave Gaara-sama, are you ready?"

Gaara nodded and followed his Uncle out the door, determined to meet his friend that night.

Gaara trudged behind his uncle and siblings on their way to meet with his father, the sand billowing around them in great clouds. This was nothing new, his father often called them into his office either monthly or weekly. His opinion of his father has dropped more and more as his bond with his special friend grew. His father had been increasingly angry with him lately and his friend was worried it may come to an dangerous end. Even his uncle had been distant lately and Gaara was a little worried. Speaking of his friend, Gaara could tell he was tailing them from a distance, ready to help him. It made Gaara feel special that something, or someone, besides his sand wanted to protect him. 'Thank you, Itachi, I get the feeling I'm gonna need you today.'

There was a sparse crowd on the roads, which quickly parted before the group, giving Gaara an even bigger ominous feeling. There were few civilians on the street and no ninja at all. Sooner than Gaara wanted they were at the Kazekage mansion and headed towards the Kazekage's office. Gaara could feel the Shukaku shift restlessly and paw at his consciousness and was grateful that Itachi used that weird thing with his eyes to fix his seal mentally so that he could now better control the sand and even communicate with the demon. Gauging how far from his father they were, Gaara established a quick link with his tenant.

"Make it quick, we're almost to his office."

"Insolent pup, cower before the mighty one tail Shukaku!"

" Grr you will show me respect when I deem you worthy to know of danger! If you get us killed, you will face the fearsome wrath of Shukaku!"

"Danger? So you feel it too….thank you Shukaku-dono"

"Just don't forget you owe me a blood bath, with lots of screaming, ooooh I like it when they scr-"

Gaara cut the link when his demon started rambling about blood and killing, it was best to either ignore him in these moods or humor got to their destination far too soon for Gaara's tastes and his sense of foreboding only grew. The dark hallway and absence of ninja and personnel running around did not help. They were called into his father's office at last, and despite Gaara's trepidation and Shukaku's increased unease, he followed his siblings inside anyway. He quickly realized his mistake as the room was full of anbu, with his father in the center of the room standing over a foreboding looking table. Gaara's eyes widened with shock and started looking for possible escape routes. The office was in the center of the mansion, however, and the only openings were the doors behind him, which were barred and guarded, and the doors behind his father. Completely on guard, Gaara prepared to escape by any means possible as he regarded his father.

"Lord Kazekage, we have come per your orders." Yashamaru was the first to break the silence, as he bowed before the Suna leader.

"Yes well done, and right on time as always Yashamaru." The cool voice of his Father filled the room and sent a chill down his spine.

Gaara could suddenly feel all eyes on him and fought the urge to form a sand cocoon to hide in.

"Gaara-sama, your father wishes to speak with you personally, you should go to him."

Gaara planted his feet and shook his head, fear evident in his eyes, his father simply gestured and Gaara was hauled by a guard towards his father. Gaara fought the hand until he caught the guard's eyes, the guard's red eyes, and calmed down, as if resigning himself to fate. Gaara found himself in front of his father and looked up into cold and calculating eyes, eyes that were sizing him up.

"Gaara, I have heard many things about you as of late." His father's voice wrapped around him like a cloak of ice and Gaara unintentionally backed into Itachi, who put a hand on his shoulder to still him, with a quick squeeze to calm him.

"Sneaking out at night numerous times a week, attacking your poor brother, causing trouble for your uncle who graciously took you in and your sister who cared for you and mumbling to yourself, Gaara? I'm afraid this has gotten out of hand."

Gaara finally spoke up; everything except for him sneaking out was a lie!

"What are you talking about? What's getting out of hand?" Gaara knew it was futile to argue with the man.

"The Shukaku, your uncle has told me your sand ability has improved greatly lately, and this unruly behavior can only mean that you are not able to control your demon,"

'Damn straight! No one can control the great and powerful Shukaku!'

The Shukaku is too much for you to handle and thus, before you can do any real harm to the village, we must terminate you and try again."

At the word 'terminate' Shukaku went wild. "Terminate me!? How dare this pompous air-headed bastard think he can terminate me, or my runty host, even if he is a wimp. That asshole is lucky I'm sealed in here or he would see 'out of control'! Let me out Gaara, just give me 3 minutes I can take care of this bastard easy!"

Gaara looked around to see the anbu closing in and his father making hand seals quickly. Gaara cursed his uncle making him leave his gourd behind, and then he realized, his uncle and siblings knew about this. They knew what was going to happen, rage and hatred filled Gaara in that instance, but without his sand he was powerless.

"It is time to be rid of this annoyance once and for all!"

His father had finished his hand seals and the anbu were pushing Gaara towards his father, until a hand stopped him and three words hung thickly in the air.

"Mangekyou Sharingan: Amaterasu"

The world slowed down around Gaara, and then he felt the air surround him as Itachi sped through the village with Gaara tucked under his arm.

"You can no longer stay here; we shall have to move on to another village."

Gaara merely nodded and moved into a more comfortable position on Itachi's back as they sped over the village walls and into the desert.

"We shall head north."

Gaara simply nodded again, formed a sand cloud so he could move with Itachi, and began building a new gourd. The rest of the trip out of the desert was passed in silence.

(That night, at the edge of the land of Wind and Rain)

Itachi had finally allowed them to rest once the grasslands and forests changed the landscape around them, giving them some cover to rest in for the night, just in case they were pursued; Itachi assured Gaara they wouldn't, but Gaara was still wary. He was also in awe, he had never ventured beyond the village walls, and the grass and trees fascinated him to no end. Itachi merely sat beside the campfire, keeping an eye on Gaara who was exploring, and formulating his plan.

'I will be training him of course, and I'm sure that demon of his has a few lessons Gaara could learn as well, but we can't live out in the open forever. I'm a missing nin, and they won't let Gaara go for long, we need a village's strength behind us… perfect; The Village Hidden Among the Stone. Gaara will be in his element for learning more earth based jutsus and the mountains give perfect coverage. We'll have to disguise ourselves, and convincing the Tsuchikage to accept us among his ranks will not be an easy task, but it is our best bet right now.'

Itachi became aware of Gaara eyes on him.

"You wish to ask me something, Gaara?"

"Itachi, I know you want to help me, but why is it only you, and Shukaku?"

"It is because humans fear what they can not understand or control, but I am different, the Sharingan allows me to see this world for what it is, and to put it simply you are not dangerous, you would not harm me unless provoked, correct?"

Gaara nodded thinking it over.

"Then I have no reason to fear you."

"You look out for me too, don't you Itachi, just like Yashamaru, Kankuro, and Temari look out for each other. I'll look out for you too; I'll make sure the sand will protect you as well!"

"Gaara, you have hope in your voice, you truly wish for you and I to be like a family?"

Gaara nodded enthusiastically, and waited for Itachi's answer.

"If that is what you wish, then come here,"

Gaara scooted closer to Itachi curious as to what he wanted, and before he or his sand could stop it, Itachi used a kunai to make a shallow wound in both of their fingers and pressed them together,

"There, you are now my little brother, but if you wish to protect me, and protect yourself, you must become stronger."

"Stronger? Stronger how?"

"You must learn the ways of the shinobi; we are headed for Iwagakure, The Village Hidden Among the Stone, there you and I will join its ninja ranks. Shukaku and I will also train you, otouto, but you must begin now, understood?"

Gaara smiled at being called 'little brother' and stared at his aniki, eager to make him proud.

"Then your first lesson shall be this: hatred and rage are your strengths, you are to trust no other besides me and Shukaku, unless I tell you otherwise. To truly become stronger, you must utilize all of your talents, the Shukaku is a demon, and he understands the art of killing. Rage and hatred will give him strength in turn making you stronger."

Gaara's eyes widened, be angry and hate everyone, but how can that make him strong, or help him protect his aniki?

"You brat, he's telling you the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"This world is out to get you; either to use you, or destroy you, you mustn't trust anyone but me or him as he said. I can teach you many things, Gaara, I can lend you my chakra and jutsus, you could truly protect your 'aniki' with my training, but you have to kill for me Gaara. Kill, and allow me to feel the blood soaking my blood and claws, do this and I will make you undefeatable."

"What did Shukaku say?"

"That you were right, and that he would train me and make me strong, but aniki, he wants me to kill in return for his help."

"Get used to that fact, Gaara; harden your heart now, as a shinobi there is no room for emotions on the battle field, it is kill or be killed, I know Shukaku is listening, so listen up, you'll get your chance to kill but for now it will only be the prey we hunt."

"Fine, whatever, it's better than nothing; just make sure I get some real fun eventually."

"Shukaku says that's fine, just let him have some real fun in the future."

"Then it is settled, sleep now otouto, we have a long journey ahead of us."

(A few days later, outside the gates of Iwagakure)

"Here otouto, this bracelet will disguise your appearance."

Gaara accepted the bracelet and glanced anxiously at the village's walls.

"Are you sure we'll be fine here?"

"Remember your lessons, there is no room for fear, you are in control."

Gaara swallowed and nodded, steeling his nerves and forcibly calming himself, 'Shukaku and aniki will protect me, and so will the sand, I'll be fine.'

"Good, now stick close to me and keep your eyes to the front, and blend in with the crowd as much as possible."

Gaara's control over the sand had improved greatly under Shukaku and Itachi's training, he now had almost absolute control, and it no longer acted without his permission, except to stop unperceived threats.

"One last thing, that guard of yours is too identifiable; can you carry the sand around some other way?"

"Like what?"

"Watch your tone, and less noticeable, not in one big clump on your back."

Gaara thought for a second and eyed his aniki over; shinobi sandals, loose and flexible black pants for combat, a simple dark blue vest, finger-less elbow gloves, and a long scarf that wrapped around the lower part of his face and down and around his left arm. Gaara's own appearance was similar minus the scarf. There were no visible weapons, besides Gaara's guard, on either of them, but Gaara knew Itachi held many concealed weapons. Making up his mind, Gaara broke down his gourd. The sand quickly swirled around him, making a small cloud, before settling in its new appearance: coated around Gaara was a series of chains, belts, and buckles, crisscrossing over his arms, legs, and torso, and a slanted belt hung at his waist. The sand had also made its own scarf that wrapped around his arms and back and around his neck. All the belts had pouches that held one of two items: various weapons, or poisons that Itachi helped him make, or more sand. All in all, Gaara was basically covered in sand giving him instant defense or offense, and due to its texture, unless you knew what you were looking at, the sand resembled regular cloth or leather.

Itachi nodded, satisfied with the new look and the pair headed into the village, blending in with a group of farmers. They moved quickly through the village, both taking careful note of the layout of their hopefully new home. They soon noticed they were being tailed by ANBU despite their stealth, Gaara having noticed them first due to his heightened senses, thanks to Shukaku. About a block away from the Tsuchikage's dome located in the heart of the village, the two were stopped by the ANBU.

"What is your purpose here?"

Itachi motioned for Gaara to be silent.

"We have come to speak with the Tsuchikage; will you accompany us so that we may see him?"

"What business do you have with him?"

"We must speak with him and him alone, will you take us to him or shall we go alone?"

The squad's leader stepped forward.

"You must see him, eh?"

"Yes, that's right." The squad captain saw a flash of red.

"Well then right this way, I'll show you the way."

"Thank you."

"Uh…captain, are you sure? We don't even know who these strangers are!"

"Are you questioning my authority, Atsuko?"

"N-no sir, my apologies captain Ryousuke."

"Well then if there are no more objections," He looked at his squad members, "Then we shall be off, I am Hiraku, Hiraku Ryousuke, and who might you two be?"

"I am Yuu Saburo, and this is Jiro, my younger brother."

Hiraku merely nodded and led the two into the Tsuchikage's dome. The trio quickly reached the Tsuchikage's office. Gaara, or Jiro, was told to wait outside. He passed the time speaking with Shukaku, going over training aspects for a good hour before Yuu returned.

"Welcome to The Village Hidden Among the Stone." Jiro was handed a hitai-ate and the two made their way to the accommodations Yuu had obtained for them.

A/N: And that's it! Hate it, love it, intrigued? Let me know, and bonus points to anyone who can guess who Gaara's night time visitor is, although I think I made it obvious, but we'll see. Also sorry any Temari or Kankuro lovers out there but I needed to tweak their characters a bit to fit the story, but don't worry, they won't be enemies forever! So, let me know if I should continue, till next time!