Disclaimer: I own Phoebe, Paige, Jamie, and Paige's friends.
A/N: Thank you so much for the wonderful reviews! I love writing this story! If you want to see the trailers for it then go to my profile. I have two trailers for it now!
All you need to know:
- Rory and Jess never dated, but have been best friends since they were kids.
- Rory went to Yale when she graduated and Jess went off to travel. Still kept in touch, but not as much.
- Both twenty-four.
I got my inspiration from the movie My Best Friend's Wedding and Brown Sugar. Never seen it? It's okay, you'll get it.
And by the way I want to give a special thanks to my BETA: Just A Girl of the Hollow x3 AKA Cat.
I walk inside the house, or stumble really and go into my room. Phoebe stands there slipping on her other heel, "Hey Ror! I'm so so so sorry! I had work to do and then I fell asleep and when I woke up I noticed the time and—wait, why are you home?"
I shake my head and sit down, "No more party … let's just go to bed and I'll tell you everything in the morning, okay?"
"Oh … okay." Phoebe nods and walks out of the bedroom and to the living room.
I sigh and lay on the bed, closing my eyes. Not even a minute goes by and I am asleep.
"It's still raining out there," Jess said, looking outside at the droplets running down his window pane.
"Yup," I replied and paced around the room, pulling my jacket closer to my body.
"Would you calm down? Just stay here tonight. Your mom won't be home from New York until tomorrow and Luke is out with Nicole. Why won't you just stay here?" He asked me and I laughed, bitterly.
"Oh that's real nice. 'Hey mom, I stayed with Jess last night because you and Luke were out of town and it was raining real hard. Oh did I mention Jess and I are both sixteen and his hormones are in control of 75 percent of his body!'" I ranted and looked at him when I was finished.
Smirking, Jess put his hand over his chest, "I can't believe you would think I would take advantage of you just because we are alone. And the lights went out, and the only source of light we have is the two candles Luke has and the flicker of lightning."
I glared at him, grabbing the pillow off Luke's bed and throwing it at him. He chuckled and threw it back at me. I laughed and set it on Luke's bed, "Okay, I'll stay. But, I am staying in Luke's bed."
"Fine, fine," Jess gave in and walked over to me, "but, can we stay up a little longer, watch MTV and make fun of the new reality shows that are taking over?"
I laughed and nodded, sitting down on the bed. "Sure," I patted the spot beside me and he got in, pulling the covers up on both of us.
Jess flipped on the TV and moved closer to me.
"You're a virgin?" I asked, disbelieving later on that night.
Jess sat in front of me, smirking, "What do you think I am? A man whore?"
I laughed and shook my head. "No! Of course not! It's just … You just seem experienced."
"No, I guess I'm waiting on the right girl. Or at least someone to make it special," he laughed, "Do I sound like a clichéd teenage girl or what?"
I laughed harder, "Jess has suddenly become Jessica, girl who dreams of her first time with a special guy who will sweep her off her feet and whisk her away." I stopped to take a breath from laughing and smiled at him softly, "I'm joking, Jess. I think it's a good idea to wait for someone special."
Jess nodded and smiled at me, "You think?"
"Yeah …Have you found that special girl?"
He shrugged and wiped the smirk off of his face, "Maybe."
I looked up at him and he leaned in a bit. I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them back up as Jess was placing his lips softly on mine. It took me a minute, but I responded by kissing him back and placing my hand on his cheek.
The lightning flashed, lighting up the apartment as Jess laid me back on the bed and comforted me by placing short kisses on my lips, continuously. I tugged on his shirt and he stopped to look at me, "Maybe we should …"
"Stop?" I asked him and he nodded, slowly. I knew it was too good to be true, so I went on.
"Yeah, I mean … this is … odd. We're friends, best friends. This isn't right, not that it is wrong or bad, but it's just … we're frien—" He cut my rambling off with another kiss. Forgetting what we just said, I kissed him back.
Jess sat up to take off his shirt and I followed suit. He stared down at me and gently leaned down, descending his mouth on mine. I turned the sweet kiss into a fiery passionate one as I ran my hands down his back and clawed into his lower back when he moved his lips down to my neck.
I shoot up in bed and hold my head. I sit there for a moment before realizing my dream was a replay of my first time with Jess. I sigh and pick up my clock beside my bed. 5 A.M.
I get out of bed and dress in warmer clothes before walking outside and down the road. I walk up to the diner and pick up a rock, throwing it up at the window. 'Please don't let Paige come to the window' I think, waiting for him to come.
A few seconds later, he appears at the window and looks down at me. I hear him groan as he closes the window. Not even a minute later he walks out of the diner and over to me, "What the hell are you doing here at five o'clock in the morning?"
"I don't know … Honestly, since you've been back in town my world has gone crazy."
He stares at me, waiting for me to continue. I sigh and nod, "Right … So, you see, I've said things and done things that I'm not really proud of and I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Jess. Come on, we've been friends forever we can't let this little fight come between us, can we?"
"Paige is staying at the Inn tonight. After your little speech I had to explain that I might have left out a few details of our past. So she freaked out, thinking I lied to her and that I loved you at one point … or whatever. The thing is you always find a way to mess it up for me, Ror." He shrugs and breathes out, sticking his hands in the pockets of his sweat pants.
"Wha- Jess, no that's not what I was trying to do," I sigh and run my hands through my hair, angry that he won't raise his voice and just get mad at me. He's so calm it irritates me.
"Maybe not, but it's what you did. I'm always going to take your side, I'm always going to lie for you, or defend you and that messes up things for me. My last three girlfriends, before Paige, said something involving you … of course I defended you or took your side and guess what? I got dumped."
He sighs heavily, "I'm not going to do it anymore, Ror. I love Paige, okay? I love you, too and you know that, but I can't keep stopping myself from getting into a relationship just because of how close we are."
I nod and look down at the pavement, "You really love her, huh?" I look up at him and he's staring at me.
Jess nods and swallows hard, "Yeah."
"Then I will back off, okay? I'll go back to New York with Phoebe and call every once in a whi-,"
He cuts me off with a loud groan, "No! Damn it, Rory! I want you in my life! I still want you as my best man! I still want you to be around for every holiday! I want us to still be best friends …"
I nod, "Okay."
He looks at me, a surprised look crossing his features, "Okay? That's it? We can go back to normal?"
"Yeah," I say, taking a deep breath.
"Just like that?"
"Yes, Jess. Just like that, we're back to normal."
"Good," he nods his head and smiles a little, "good."
"I'm going to go back home. Remember, tonight at 10 we meet back here, got it?"
"Got it," he smirks and pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You are a handful, you know that Gilmore?"
Hugging him to me, I nod, "I know. It's in the Gilmore blood."
He chuckles and kisses the top of my head, "Go home and get some sleep, and never wake me up this early ever again. Deal?"
"Deal," I smile at him and let go of my hold on him. "I hope you and Paige get over this … I can help a bit if you'd like."
"I think you've done enough, but thanks. We'll work it out." He starts walking backwards, back to the diner, "Night."
"Night," I smile and walk back to my house. Maybe we're just not meant to be anything more than friends. But I've dealt with being just friends for a while now, I can survive with being just friends for the rest of my life. I hope.
A/N: Okay, again this chapter is not my favorite! The chapters, to me, start getting better in either next chapter or the next. But, even though it's not my favorite, I do like it. Review, please.