i know im lame for starting ANOTHER story, but i can't help it, i'm on a roll. although i think with all these new stories, i'll be inspired to continue with my others. so enjoy.
Serena starred terrified as the soldiers carried her down the dim hallways of the castle. Through the bars of her cage, she could see the haunting statues and realistic sculptures that were settled to the side of the hall. Despite their frightening appearance, Serena was happy to be out of that dark chamber she was in earlier. Only this morning was she relaxing near the Moonlight Lake, when these men came out hunting in the forest and caught her while searching for other creatures. They had placed her in a pitch-black area until this very moment. Although she knew she should have been more scared, she could not help but feel anxious as to why her life was spared. Suddenly, her eyes were blinded by an intense light, and she immediately tucked herself under her wing to hide from its brightness.
"To you, Your Majesty, in honor of your 25th birthday." Darien looked at his friend Andrew and then to the pitiful bird in the cage before him. Inside was a puny bird no bigger than his hand.
"This bird has been told to have a marvelous talent to produce wonderful music. Sing bird, sing for his Majesty." Serena ducked her head lower beneath her wing, at Andrew's command. Andrew chuckled weakly and Darien shook his head. He took the cage and stuck his hand in, to retrieve the bird. Once his fingers were inside, Serena jumped up and snapped at them. Darien's eyes widened at the bird's boldness, but smiled. This time, he offered his fingers as a perch and cautiously, Serena sat on top of them. Noticing her wings were clipped, Darien could guess there was no way for her to escape, so it would be okay to bring her out. Carefully, he stroked her feathers and chuckled as Serena snipped at him affectionately. Raising her higher, Serena jumped off his hand and stood happily on his shoulder. Darien rose from his seat and made his way to the end of the hall, with Andrew following closely.
"Thank you for my gift, Andrew."
"Of course, Your Majesty."
"Andrew, none of that. Call me Darien, please." Andrew sighed.
"All right, you win Your, I mean Dar-"
"Darien!" Darien looked at see Princess Ann coming toward him. Andrew looked at her rather questioning and Ann corrected herself.
"I mean, Your Majesty. I was wondering if you'll share a dance with me."
"Unfortunately, I have just decided to go to bed early. Can you handle the people in my absence Andrew?"
"Of course."
"All right then, good night Andrew. Your Highness." Darien bowed and excused himself. Serena watched as Ann's face turned into a frown and walked away. She couldn't understand why he would dismiss her so unkindly.
"She is quite the girl isn't she?" Darien sneered. Serena turned to face his cold exterior and wondered how he was able to hide such a strong dislike.
"She's been after me for years, and for years I have tried to convince her to stop this pointless chase. Although, I suppose I should get used to it huh?" Darien couldn't understand why he was talking to his new birthday present, but the idea that she wouldn't be able to tell anyone helped him. He opened his bedroom doors and placed her down on his table by the window. Serena looked outside and starred at the full moon. She was surprised to see her home was so close to this side of the castle. Although she knew the Great Wall separated her world and his, she had no idea they were still this close to one another.
"What? You want to go back?" Serena turned to see Darien had changed and wore only a long sleeved shirt that went down to his knees. She watched as he flopped on his bed, not even pulling the blankets out to cover him, and settled herself on the table. Darien could see Serena wrestling with herself to get comfy and got up from the bed. He walked over to the front of his desk and pulled out his drawer. Taking a silver box, he took the top off and placed his handkerchief in it for padding. He set the container part to the side and offered the bed to Serena, who stared at him with big blue eyes. Instead of returning to his bed, Darien sat on the chair and watched Serena settle herself. And still, she was unable to fall asleep. Feeling a bit sorry for her, Darien pulled out a star-shaped locket from the silver box and unclasped the top. A sweet melody filled Serena's ears and put her heart at ease. She knew she wished to be home, but she could tell the King was making an effort to make her comfortable. Listening to the locket play, and watching each other's eye lids droop, both Serena and Darien fell asleep.
i know it's short, but you like? you better. lol. review please!