Kagome walked to school as usual. "Hm..nothing. When's Kikyo going to strike?" She sighed. She entered her school and met up with Sango. They walked and talked as they went to their lockers. Suddenly as Kagome opened her locker, dead frogs piled out of her locker. "KYA!!" WHAT THE HELL!" Kagome looked inside her locker and saw all of her books damaged badly and all of her homework papers ripped. She heard cackling in the back. "KIKYO!"

"I told you I'd get back at you for trying to steal InuYasha."

"KIKYO!" Sango yelled. "What the fuck is your problem?! Why can't you understand that InuYasha doesn't like you! Oh my gawd..are you demented?!" Kikyo snapped back. "Shut up! Or you're next!"

"Bring it on bitch!" Sango yelled, but Kagome stopped her. "Thanks Sango..but I can take her by myself. "hmph." was all kikyo said as she crossed her arms. She sighed. "Kikyo..I would never try and steal someone else's boyfriend. But, you and InuYasha never dated. And me and InuYasha aren't dating. So backoff."

"HMPH. WELL..THAT'S WHAT YOU SAY.. I'LL BE BACK FOR YOU." with that last word, Kikyo stomped to her first class. Kagome grumbled under her breath and slammed her locker door. "K..Kagome..How are you going to explain your homework and textbooks...?" Kagome shrugged and ran for her first class. InuYasha noticed her coming through the door, trying to hide her tears."Whats wrong with Kagome.? Wheres her books and homework..?" Kagome took her usual seat next to InuYasha and hid her face in her arms. InuYasha tapped Kagome's shoulders.

"Kagome..what's wrong?" Kagome mumbled. 'Nothing.' InuYasha got worried and angry. "Just tell me." he said a little more harshly. "No!" was Kagome's only reply. InuYasha gave up and sat back down on his seat.

"Class. Please take out your textbooks and turn to page 708." Everyone took out their textbooks, except Kagome. "Kagome..where is your textbook.?"

"Uh..they were destroyed."

"And by who..?"

Kagome wanted to say Kikyo but couldn't. "Um..my cat..accidently..ripped the book apart." The class snickered. "Kagome..that textbook is worth $500. Can you pay for that?" Kagome sighed. "I'll try."

"Okay..well by then. Please share books with InuYasha." Kagome nodded and leaned over to InuYasha. InuYasha kept wandering off in class, knowing that Kagome wasn't the kind to leave her textbook where her cat could get it. And..WHEN DID SHE GET A CAT?" InuYasha nodded off until the bell rang.