Prompt: Beginnings

Rating: K+

Pairing: None

I always wondered where the twilight gang began.


"I need three."

DiZ frowned. "Three should take awhile. Personalities - everything, you'd like?"

"As much as possible. He's got to believe it."

"Alright. Two boys and a girl."

There was a lengthy pause, in which the hooded man behind him gave the question great thought. He sighed heavily. "The boy - he had two, did he not? A boy and a girl."

"You'd like me to recreate them for him?"

This time, 'Ansem' responded like a gunshot. "No. No, definitely not. We don't want similarities."

"...What did you have in mind, then?"

"I was actually thinking the opposite. Characters as far as possible from the other boy's young...comrades. Anything else could produce residual memory, couldn't it?"

DiZ laughed. "No, it couldn't. This boy knows nothing of Sora - if we waved the true boy in front of his face, I doubt he would recognise a thing."

"That's sort of sad." Ansem laughed softly, leaning on the table beside DiZ. "Not knowing your true self, I mean."

DiZ looked pointedly at him, but turned away without comment. He hummed. "Personality. Did Roxas have any friends in the Organization, perhaps? Anyone he had particular chemistry with?"

Ansem shrugged. "I wouldn't know. I heard tell that he was close with Axel - Demyx, too, maybe - but Axel's... unpredictable. He's harsh and fierce and...a bad influence, to put it mildly."

"But he was Roxas' friend. So we take the confidence...the little jokes, the silliness. Maybe we can make three people out of that. We could even make some parts of them look like him..." He clicked various settings on the computer, swerving back in his chair so that the cloaked man could see. Deep green eyes stared out of the computer.

"Maybe." Ansem conceded, frowning. "Put those eyes on the girl - but no redheads."

DiZ regarded him strangely. "As you wish."


"Ansem." DiZ said quietly, and the other man looked up from where he'd been sitting. "They're ready."

He was led down the corridor, only to stop three doors down and stare at the place where DiZ had pointed. He took a step forward, aghast. "Are these the three? His friends?"

DiZ nodded, and Ansem stepped forward to touch the cheek of the shortest boy, flinching back when this creature blinked gently. Brown eyes. The one beside him was the girl - green eyes, like he'd told DiZ, but long brown hair and a pleasant expression. The boy at the end had a struck-by-lightning hairstyle, deep brown eyes again. He was tall - good looking, too - and all of them were smiling serenely. Tanned, like they'd been left out in the sun too long.

Dolls. Just dolls.

"What are their names?" Ansem said softly, touching the girl's hair. DiZ coughed.

"Pence, Hayner and Olette."

"...where's Roxas?"

DiZ looked at the floor, but pointed towards a glass sphere in the corner of the room. Inside, a boy hung suspended, curled into a ball. He looked like he was sleeping, blonde hair slightly outgrown and hanging around his head in waves of gold. He was full of soft curves, gentle as anything - though Ansem knew the fierceness that dwelt within him.

Ansem looked from Roxas to the three dolls, and sighed.

"What a beginning."

DiZ only smiled in the silence, always calculating.