

I don't own InuYasha.

The story on hand, ‚The womanizer' is fan-fiction. I wrote it, because I love to write, but I will not use 'The womanizer' in any commercial way.


Please review!


Author's note: And here it is... the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading the same way as I enjoyed writing... Besides, I wanted to thank you all for the reviews. It's always great to see that there are so many out there who like the story :-)






The moon was hanging high above his head, it was nearly midnight.

There was no light in the hut, obviously he was too late. He sat in front of Tenno's hut and lost himself in the dark and silence of the night. It was hard to force himself to make his mind a blank slate. Eventually, it proved too difficult and he tried to imagine what his forthcoming talk with her would be like. He needed to be prepared…


The voice behind him let him startled him from his thoughts. The monk whirled around and looked at Sango in surprise. For a moment they didn't do anything. Didn't move, didn't brerathe, didn't say a word.

"Aren't… aren't you with him?"

The demon slayer sighed, "Not at the moment."


Miroku looked at her nervously and could feel his heartbeat quickening, and the cold sweat spilling over his body. He knew he would hate himself for asking his next question, but he had to know, "So… did you?"

Sango nodded, "Oh, it was nice."

He closed his eyes and felt his heart braking. He had lost her. He lost everything.

"Tenno is really good in talking."

"Talking?" Miroku asked in shock. "But didn't you want to…"

"Listen Miroku, what would you say if I told you I wanted to go back with the group?" Sango interrupted him.

"W… what?"

"I mean… is there any reason you can think of that I should return?"

"Well I…" Miroku began, at this point he was so grateful that she hadn't slept with Tenno he was willling to promise her anything she asked, "W… what do you want? I want to do everything you want!"

"Really? Everything?"

"Yes, of course!" he said nervously.

"Stop flirting with other girls."


"What's the problem? I'm sure, Tenno will not flirting with other woman, if I ask him for."

He looked to the ground.
"I promise it to you."

"Swear it to me, monk!"

"I… swear it to you, Sango," he whispered frustrated.

"Second, swear to me that you will not touch me, if I'm not asking you!"

He gasped, "That's too hard! You can't do this to me!"

"Swear it or I will leave!"

He lowered his head in despair, but whispered, "I… I…"

Suddenly they heard an impatient shout, "Oh move on! Ya have got all, ya want! We've lost so much time! Hurry, Sango!" InuYasha made a step out of the bushes towards Sango and Miroku.

A loud and furious scream pierced the night, "You stupid idiot! Sit boy! Sit boy! Sit boy! Sit boy! Sit boy! Sit boy! Sit boy! Sit boy! Sit boy!"

Miroku stared at InuYasha while Kagome's merciless voice let him hit the ground over and over. Once that show was finished he looked to Sango in disbelief, "You… you tricked me!"

Her cheeks turned red and she looked down to the ground in embarrassment.

"You played with me!" he stopped, looked at her disappointed, "I hope, it was fun to you, Sango."

"Mi… Miroku…"

"Please," Miroku said, holding up a hand to silence her.

"Miroku!" shouted a furious voice from behind him.

The monk turned to face Kagome, who came out of the bushes with Shippo and Kiara, "What do you want?"

The miko grinned maliciously, "I just wanted to tell you, that it WAS fun. Everybody knew it. Me, Sango, InuYasha, Shippo, Kiara, Tenno, Nanami, Tomoko, Ayaka… And do you want to know why we did this to you, jerk?"

The monk shook his head.

"Because we wanted to make feel you, what Sango is feeling, if you damn idiot flirts with other girls!"

He started, looked at Sango embarrassed, "Eh…"

"Yes Miroku!" Kagome went on, "You hurt her everytime, when you do this! If you've ran away, she worried so much for you. She forced us to search you for damn two full days! And the best thing you had in your pervert mind was to flirt with THREE girls at once! I hope, you know, what you've done, lecher!" Kagome glanced at him dangerously and folded her arms.

Miroku glanced to Sango in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous laugh, "Sango… I'm sorry," he said quietly.

She nodded in concurrance. "I'm sorry too," she apologized.

"I didn't know, that my actions hurt you so much," he told her.

"Well, what did you think? That I enjoyed it?" she shot back.

He smiled at her, despite the angry looks she was giving him. Suddenly he explained, "But listen, I don't care about enforced promises and oaths, but… I think I understand things better now," he told her. "I will try to take more care the next time we enter a situation like this."

"That's the beginning, houshi."

Miroku grinned, "Should we leave now? InuYasha's right, we've already lost a lot of time."

She nodded, "Yes, let's go. I don't like this place."

When they turned and walked away it made Kagome happy to see that Miroku and Sango walked side-by-side again.


