YEAHH… I do not own Gakuen Alice….

first fanfiction story! sorry if its bad...

It was another school day and Luna was messing up Mikan's life bit by bit. A while ago, Mikan started to slowly stop smiling, but fast enough to make everyone notice the change.

Her eyes opened to find out that she was still in her own room.

Good. That was only a dream, I thought Luna really did kill Natsume…

She went out of her bed, (1 star bed of course) and took a nice long shower, a little too long that she was late for her class.

Oh crap, im late….again!

Mikan quickly dressed into her school uniform, she took a quick glace at the mirror,

Oh woops! i forgot to tie my hair! i hope it doesnt look bad...

She grabbed her coat and headed towards the door.

In class…

"Oi, Imai where the heck is polka dots?" asked Natsume reading his manga as usual.

Hotaru tossed her head around in her seat and glared at him, "I don't know, why don't you go and find her instead of bossing others around?"

Natsume glared back, "why would I look for an idiot like her?"

Ruka became nervous of the suspense the two of them were giving him and without knowing he began to blush. Natsume and Hotaru noticed this and ignored each other.

"Hey Natsume, stop wondering about that jerk, she keeps bullying me and I need to you protect me from her, please?" Luna smirked, holding on to Natsume's arm.

The whole class was silent when they saw that Natsume did not even twitch when she was so close to him. Permy (sorry can't remember her name) glared at Luna and Luna smirked at Permy. They were causing extreme suspence when Jinno came through the door, he didn't look like he was in a good mood.

"Everyone get seated NOW!" he shouted, slamming his books onto his desk.

The class got quiet and immediately took a seat. Just then Mikan came skipping though the door. Everyone was surprised because..

1. Her hair was down

2. it was silent and then all of a sudden the door opened.

"Gomen…" she blushed as she looked around and saw eveyone starring.

Jinno's frustration was unbearable, "Sakura Mikan! YOU ARE ONCE AGAIN LATE TO CLASS!"

Mikan was surprised that he can be so mad at a little thing; instead she had to suffer 3 weeks of detention. Luna smirked and held on to Natsume tightly. Mikan looked up and saw that she was holding on to him, expressionless, she walked to her new seat.

Eh, she does look better with her hair down…why does she looks so down today?………….WHAT AM I THINKING?!!?!

Koko looked up and giggled at Natsume.

Natsume quickly turned around, If you say this to anyone, I will burn you to death!

Koko got the message and looked at the teacher again. When class was over everyone went out to lunch except Natsume, Luna, Ruka, and of course Mikan.

"Eh, Ruka lets go" Natsume said, still letting Luna hold onto his arm.

Luna giggled, "Natsume come sit with me at lunch!"

Mikan looked up, her eyes filled with pain, Natsume tried to ignore it but it hurt him inside. Ruka saw this and looked down. Silence filled their atmosphere when Luna suddenly broke it.

"Come on!" she said, this time loosing her patience while tugging onto Natsume's arm.

Why can't I say anything? Mikan had a flashback of what Luna said in the storage room holding onto her neck. She had fear of her and also wanted to protect her friends.

She looked down at her feet and held back all her frustration. Instead she got up and heading to the door without a single word.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going? Your detention didn't end!" Jinno shouted.

Mikan looked up, "Gomen, I'll make it up later"

Without hesitation, she left the door, leaving shocked Jinno, Natsume, and Ruka while Luna was behind smirking.

YUP YUP! DONE WITH CHAPTER 1! thanks for reading it..please leave comments or suggestions!