"Ada?" Elladan knocked on his Father's bedroom door with a tray of breakfast items in hand. There was no response. Not that he expected one, for Master Noenri's draught was potent and his father did not normally awaken before mid-morning since he started taking it. But the healing draught had greatly aided his recovery. Elladan, who was not normally given to prayer, had given thanks each day for the steady improvements he observed. Indeed, soon Elrond would be returning to his normal routine including his traditional morning run. Noenri, the Master healer and Elrond's Mentor, predicted a full recovery and he was departing with Erestor and his family this morning. They were bound for Mithlond. Erestor's children, especially Gwaefaer was very excited for her first glimpses of the cities that she had only read about. Her usual travels took her often to visit her Naneth's people, the Avari or to visit Greenwood. Elrond wanted to be able to see them off. Elladan left the tray on the table before entering the bedroom.

"Ada" Elladan called gently as he walked to the bed. Elrond was sound asleep. He was not wearing a nightshirt and his torso was covered with just a light sheet. Elladan gently felt his father's forehead. "Slight fever." The fever was a side effect of Noenri's draught. But he found the deep sleep the draught induced far more disturbing, for Elrond was only given to such sleeps when he was exhausted. "Adar it is time to awaken." Elladan examined the injured sites. His hand slid down along his father's arm until he grasped the warm hand gently. There were no visible signs of what his father had endured. For that Elladan silently sent a prayer of thanks to Elbereth even as he asked for her future protection.

"Elladan do not worry. I will be fine." He jumped at the sound of his father's soft tenor. An amused smile met his as the warm fingers gripped firmly.

"I am so thankful that it is so Ada." He leaned to kiss the top of his father's head.

"Thank you for waking me. How much time do we have?"

"Thirty minutes. They are beginning to carry things down to the yard." Elrond sat up but was obviously dizzy and light-headed. Elladan steadied and assessed him. These were just side effects of the draught and were slow to wear off.

"It is more than enough time, Ada. There is no need to rush. Careful, you are still unsteady." He chided as he handed him a shirt. "Let me help you to the table. You will feel better after a light meal."

"Just a week more and I will be done with that medicine." Elrond sighed and allowed Elladan to helped him. Cook and Cheredeth had sent up fresh strawberries and vanilla Aurcram. Both were among Elrond's favorites. The enticing buttery morning pastries were still warm. Elladan busily arranged things and poured his father a cup of tea.

"I am going to get spoiled by all this pampering. There is far too much food for two of us." Elrond broke one of the Aurcram in half. The aroma induced a smile. "Heavenly." Elladan held back a smile as he watched his Father happily indulged in the tasty biscuit.

"You deserve it Adar."

"You are advocating slothfulness and gluttony? Hardly the ethics that you want your staff to adhere to, oh acting Master of Imladris." Elrond teased.

"But I know you would not take such advice to heart." Elladan smiled as he helped himself to a bowl of fresh berries. "Besides you are teaching three lectures a week and making regular rounds with the healers. Be mindful you do not push yourself too hard."

"You never followed that advice during your many convalescent periods." Elrond's feigned affront but laughed at his son's next words.

"Do as I say, not as I do."

"I have heard from a reliable source that you are hard at work tackling repairs and gauging the trade agreements that will be renegotiated this fall."

"You are not supposed to be worrying about Imladris for a few more months." Elladan watched with glee as his Adar indulged in a hearty breakfast. His Naneth had divulged secrets to making sure his Adar ate. Elrond had a tendency to forget to eat when he was caught up in a project or when stressed and overworked. Her keen tactics of enticing him with one of his favorites while distracting him with light conversation were guaranteed to succeed. Once breakfast was finished, Elrond dressed. Then he and his son walked down to the stables, which were now a bustle of activity.

Gwidian was standing near her black stallion. The enigmatic wife of Erestor was silently surveying the preparations while her children were helping to secure belongings on one of the back animals. The beautiful wife of his trusted friend and top councilor was an elleth of action but few words. He had first met her at their wedding, a magical affair in the Avari settlement. Celebrian had quickly taken to her as a close confidant, as Gwidian had a wicked and satirical sense of humor. She turned to greet them.

"You look well, Master Elrond." She embraced him. Her emerald eyes were shiny.

"Your children appear to be ready to depart." Elrond returned the embrace.

"Gwaefaer was ready weeks ago. Today she rose before the sun." Warriors and travelers alike were mounting. Gwidian sprang upon her steed with ease and waved her goodbye to the Master of Imladris.

"May Elbereth bring you safely to Mithlond and guide you back to us again." Elrond announced. A cheer went up in response. Erestor guided his horse forward.

"It has been too long since you traveled outside the valley." Elrond embraced his close friend and confidant. "Take care of yourself. Enjoy this precious time with your family."

Erestor pulled back to look more closely at the dear Peredhel. The handsome face looked more careworn than ever and yet Elrond was obviously gaining strength each day.

"My duty is to see to Imladris and its Lord." Erestor said solemnly though his eyes were teasing. "I have set others to the task in my absence."

"Do not fear. I have more than enough minders." He gestured to where his sons were saying their goodbyes to Gwaefaer and Eruingal. "Safe travels!" Erestor mounted his horse and guided the steed towards Gwidian. Slowly and steadily the party departed. Elladan and Elrohir came to stand next to their Adar, who was now trading jibes with Noenri.

"Do not let me hear of any more injuries, lest I invite your sons to Mithlond and give them a full disclosure of your younger days." Noenri admonished lightly.

"I believe that Cirulian has already enlightened them." Elrond returned.

"Another viewpoint would be most educational." Elrohir grinned.

"I am sure the most revered Master Noenri could elaborate those tales further." Elladan executed a proper bow of respect.

"If Gil-Galad could see them." The elder elf face brightened at the antics of Elrond's sons.

"He would appreciate their comedy and humor." Sadness flickered momentarily in the silver eyes.

"And love them like grandchildren." Noenri waved his farewell. His turn had come to follow the procession out of the valley. "I expect to see you in Mithlond before another yen has passed. May Elbereth protect you." The Peredhil watched until the last rider disappeared from view.

"Come Adar, it is nearly lunch time." Elrohir coaxed. But the silver eyes seemed cloudy, and Elrond shook his head.

"I believe I will spend a few hours at the healing halls, for I have done nothing yet today to earn my lunch." He winked at Elladan as he referred to their breakfast conversation.

Xxxxxxxxxxx Weeks later xxxxxxxxxxxX

It was a bright summer morning. Anorlach was already out working in the small blueberry patch. They had received this fruit in a trade with Greenwood, where it apparently grew wild in the woods. The bushes were only a few years old, but for the first time they displayed a bountiful harvest of the ripe blue berries. Anorlach thought about how they might expand this patch given the plants obvious preference for a moist location that received a half-day of sun. The cracking of leaves and soft footfalls caught his attention and he looked up to see a familiar, noble figure with checks red from exertion emerging from the forest trail.

"Good morning my Lord." He called brightly. Lord Elrond waved and slowed his pace finally settling into a fast walk as he reached Anorlach.

"Morning…. Anorlach." Elrond tried to catch his breath as he circled obviously concerned about coming to an abrupt halt. "I …. try to get back ….. to …."

"No explanations needed." Anorlach smiled. It was the first time in many months that their Lord had been well enough to pursue his early morning run. One of the guards had stopped by not more then ten minutes ago to see if their Lord had passed here already. "They are seeking you up at the house. There will be fresh blueberries at lunch. Have a good day!"


"You have a talent for conscientious building." Glorfindel praised as the walked towards the council chambers. "You do your Adar proud."

"Elrohir and I agreed upon three more months. By that time Ada should be more than healed and fully rested." Elladan sighed and finally brought up something he and Elrohir had been worrying about. "The protocol in Imladris has been to allow warriors who have suffered captivity or extreme stress many years off from their duties to give their minds and faer time to fully heal. Obviously, Adar cannot take that much time. But do you, do you think?" He paused a moment before trying again. "You have spent much time with him. Do you think that Adar." He was unable to give voice to his fear. Glorfindel's face softened.

"Elladan, I have known your Adar a long time. He is strong and has faced many challenges. I can tell you that he is healing well both in mind and body. There will be no lasting effects from this."

"Thank you." Elladan breathed out in relief.


Elrond waved to the farmer and resumed his path back to the house. A small stretch of woods separated the farm from the children's fields and playground. Children's joyful shouts rang out. In the field several boys were engaged in a game of tag, while a younger set were filling cups with sand and gravel, although their efficiency was quite low. Elrond had to smile as one of the more energetic toddlers waved his small shovel full of dirt unexpectedly towards his Mother. The lives of these children – and all the elves and men in the valley were his responsibility to protect. His purpose and mission, his reasons for remaining instead of sailing west – were reinforced by a child's innocent smile. They had labored long and hard to create this haven. Innocent and not so innocent smiles from the past swirled in his mind.

Xxxxxxxx Númenor, Second Age 205 xxxxxxxxxX

"Elrond!" The wavy hair was now peppered with gray, which startled Elrond for a moment, but the guilty smile was the same.

"Elros!" Elrond hurried forward, but paused at the palpable concern he sensed from Elros' guards – of course they did not remember him. It had been almost ten years. But Elros stepped forward and embraced him. "It is good to see you!"

"I thought you would not mind a detour and some exercise." Mischief sparkled in the silver eyes.

"I have been cooped up on a ship and then endured two days in a carriage. A walk or some exercise would be nice followed by a nice soak to remove all the dirt from the road."

"Oh, I think we will postpone the soak until afterwards. I intend for you to be mired in dirt before the afternoon is through." Elros led him to a field and handed him a uniform. "I took the liberty of bring a change of clothes for you." The next hour was spent in a battle with no weapons but a ball and feet and heads on an open field. New faces of his grandsons now joined the familiar faces of Elros' sons. Descendents of old friends were also present. The number of players was perfect for football. The goals at the opposite ends of the field were much more substantial than the last time he had played. Apparently, this game had grown in popularity. Elrond was seized momentarily with memories of dear friends long departed from this world – Analise and Halverad, Mikeal and Erzsi, Selina and Beleford and so many more. Now even their children's children were grandparents. He pushed aside these thoughts at fresh mischievous faces taunted and challenged him to a battle on the field. These short-lived people had a spark - enthusiasm and energy that drew others towards them. Elrond gave himself over to the game, a battle of footwork and ball maneuvering skills that lasted over an hour. At the end, Elrond already weary from traveling, collapsed in exhaustion on the sidelines.

"I thought an elf would have more stamina." Atanalcar chided. Vardamir, Elros' eldest son was making arrangements for refreshments. Vardamir's son Aulendil sank curiously beside his great uncle. The boy was fourteen years old and did not remember meeting this strange elf.

"Is he really your uncle?" Aulendil said doubtfully. "He looks much younger than you." Elros made his way over and sat down next to his brother. He took up Elrond's hands in his own and brushed the perspiration off the youthful forehead with a towel.

"A month on a ship and you are out of shape." Elros, who was now more widely known as King Tar-Minyatur, smiled gleefully. "We ought to cut your hair back to your shoulders and get one of my Grandchildren to lend you some clothes. You are far too thin to borrow any from me. Are their still food shortages in Mithlond?"

"I like my hair the way it is." Elrond's grumble had a whiney tone and Vardamir laughed as he passed around glasses of water.

"You sound like my son." Vardamir teased. "Are you sure you are as old as Adar?"

"Same age but different experiences." Elros pointed out. "Have you even lived on your own yet?"

"You know I live at the palace. But I do travel often." Elrond retorted.

"Have you really kissed a woman yet?" Elros laughed at the blush that spread across his brother's face. He had his answer and switched to another topic. "You stand out in a crowd. As the brother of the King, you are already far too difficult to protect. Perhaps a compromise, just chop an even foot off the end."

"Only elflings keep their hair so short." Elrond grumbled. Vardamir, Manwendil and Atanalcar shared a grin with their father.

"With shorter hair, I think we could pass him off as one of my children when we head out to celebrate together." Atanalcar teased. "Vardamir's sons are far too well known."

"Think of it as part of your education." Elros teased. "Afterwards, you can spend a quiet week debating lore with Vardamir and his colleagues."


"He was here about an hour ago." Anorlach noted the worry on Lord Elladan's face. "He took the path towards the Lady's garden. Perhaps you accidentally passed each other."

"Perhaps," Elladan looked towards the path. He could hear children's laughter in the distance. "Thank you."

"My pleasure Lord Elladan." Anorlach smiled. "Your Adar looks much better." The two exchanged some parting words. Then Elladan proceeded on the wooded path towards the playground. He might have passed his father, had the trees not been singing happily. Suddenly Elladan believed Cirulian's stories of a young Peredhel slipping away from his guards keen sight. For in concentrating on the trees' song, he also detected the melody of his Adar's spirit. The elder Peredhel seemed to materialize from the shadows. Elrond was leaning against a thick oak tree and appeared to be observing the children. Dark hair floated like smoke around the still figure.

"Adar?" He called, but there was no reply. He slipped his arm around his father's shoulders.

"Elladan?" His Father blinked dazedly and turned, lifting his hand to traced his son's cheek. "Do you need me?"

"You were too long in returning from your run. I was worried that you may have pushed yourself too much." Elladan carefully watched his father reaction. The silver eyes were clear and bright. "Not a vision" he thought. "Memories then."

"I am well thank you. I only tarried to talk with Anorlach."

"And watch the children." Elladan teased as the children's voices rose in volume. "Good memories?"

"Yes," Elrond paused. "All reminders of what we nurture in this valley." Elladan lips curved upwards in surprise and happiness. His Adar was truly healing. They all were.

"You have not eaten yet." Elladan guessed. His father did not contradict him. "I have arranged for us to have a late breakfast. Elrohir arrived back from patrol."

"Is he well?"

"Yes." Elladan smiled as he mentally worded his request to deemphasize the meal. "Though he was covered with dirt and I sent him to clean up. I thought the three of us might slip away and spend some time together." His Adar smiled at the suggestion.

"Lead the way ion-nin."