Chapter 31: Epilogue

Here it is! the LAST Chapter of Part One!-Skullhead 881.

And the Complete series 1 of the KH:KA storyline. We'll be in touch as soon as we can.-Soultail Omega-Light.

As Sora and his companions left the sewers of the Marauder City, Torn and Kleiver had already diminished the army of Marauders vastly, the Heartless and Nobodies having retreated. The KG Bots had been reprogrammed by Jinx, and the Metal Heads were all gone.

After the last hour of fighting, Jak's army had been victorious, having only lost thirty in the fight. Torn walked up to the group as they approached.

"So, I'm guessing by the retreat of the Heartless and Nobody fronts that you sealed the Keyhole?"

"Yeah," Sora said, stepping forward. "We couldn't have done it without your guy's help. Thanks for doing what you do best." He gave a bit of a goofy smile, which Torn ignored. He turned back to Jak.

"So, you think we will ever have troubles here like this again?"

"There's no way of telling, Torn. The only one of use possibly able to have told us anything would have been Onin, but she left weeks ago. We will just have to be ready."

"Well Jak," King Mickey said, talking for both him and Sora. "We had best be going. Other worlds are in danger and require our help."

"Alright. Sora, good luck out there."

Kairi moved closer to Sora, who blushed a little. "What exactly do you mean by, good luck?"

Jak chuckled a bit. "You know what I mean." He walked off, waving to the others. They waved back, and headed back for the Gummi Ship.

Once there, Nero confronted Soultail once more.

"So…You really do hate me now, don't you?"

Soultail sighed. "About time you figured that out!" She went into the ship, power-walking on, almost causing Donald to fall off the ramp.

Nero sighed, his head held low. He sluggishly got on the ship and entered his cabin area, dozing off in minutes.

Sora met up with Mickey in the main cockpit, the ship now out in space. "So, where to next?"

"Who knows, Sora? As soon as we find a planet, we'll have to scan it for possible Heartless and Nobody threat, along with any other enemies. Also, we'll have to go on all the planets anyways, to seal the Keyholes. Ready for another long adventure, old friend?"

"As long as I have friends at my side, I'm ready for anything."

Riku paced in his throne area, having lost in the Wastelands to Sora and the 'Keyblade Army'. While he paced, a female In Organization robes confronted him.

"Something troubles you?" She said, a slight Asian accent in her voice.

"Sora and the King are back together. They have found more wielders and helped to stop my assault on the Wastelands in that idiot Jak's world. Of course I'm troubled! Our Lord may demote me for such a thing happening! What should I do, Freta?"

"Funny you should mention him," she said, smiling a bit. "He would like to see you."

"Oh, this is great." He exited the room, Freta following close behind.

Riku entered the Massive control room, the same one that held the door Sora had entered.

"You wanted to see me, Lord?" Riku asked, kneeling a bit.

"Ah, yes. Riku, there you are. You showed me with that war on the Wastelands that this Galaxy we are trying to take is powerful! It is time we sent in the new creatures to fight."

Riku stood instantly, shocked at what he had heard. "You don't mean-"

The Lord nodded, not saying anything else.

"But, My Lord, they are only experimental right now! There is no telling what they could do!"

"That's a risk, I'm willing to take." He turned away from Riku, lowering his hood. His short blonde hair showed. "We must do what must be done, Riku! Sora must be dealt with, along with the King and those other wielders." He turned back to Riku, his eyes pure black. "I want revenge that of which my real self could never have done. Ansem was weak, but I am his Nobody, and I am strong!"

Mickey called all the people on the ship to the briefing area of the ship, except for Sora, who was maintaining flight with the ship.

"Okay. We have a lot to do. We know that we are in an alternate universe, full of new and possibly more powerful and defiantly more dangerous Heartless and Nobodies. We know that we have many Keyblade wielders on board, and that we can do many things together. We still have many planets to visit, which may take years."

The others listened inventively to the King.

"I have called you here to ask for your help. You all swore to serve me and Sora, but we have decided to give you a chance to leave. If you wish to leave, you only need to tell me or Sora, and we will take you back to your worlds. So, anyone want to leave?"

Everyone sat there, staring at Mickey. They said or did nothing.

"Good. Now, I-" He was cut off from the ship suddenly violently shaking, an alarm going off.

"We're under attack!" Sora shouted from the speaker system. "There's millions of Heartless and Nobody Ships all around us, firing rapidly! I can't hold them off forever!"

"We're coming!" Mickey shouted, and he bolted out the door, headed for one of the cannons. The others followed, Goofy, Nave and Soultail headed for the Cockpit, the others to Mounted Cannons like the king.

End Of Part 1