Jack & Katrina

Disclaimer: No, I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean (characters, plot, dialogue, etc.). Any other tid-bits of creativity, however, are mine… in which I hope you will enjoy.

Author's Note: It's been forever… for all my stories… I apologize… you can blame the reasoning for my horrible and long writer's block to school sucking up all my mental energy to be creative. Anyhow, I hope this came out alright… and more importantly… that you all will enjoy it. I hope to be adding on to my other stories soon… but until the semester is over… it might be wishful thinking. Let me know what you think of this. Thank you!

Meeting the Sea

"Ah," Jack sighed happily, "I love it when it's the Turners' day t' go to the market."

"Oh, Jack," Katrina shook her head with a light smile as she began to remove baby Jack Henry Sparrow from one of her breasts. "We'll have a place of our own soon enough."

"Aye, I know. So, is 'e finished yet, love?" Jack asked eagerly from the white iron rocking-chair to the left of his wife. It had been a pleasant morning so far, eating breakfast out on the back porch, but Jack could hardly wait to make it a more wonderful morning.

"Just a moment, Jack," Katrina answered a bit distracted as she continued cleaning the face of their infant son. "I can't help it that your son seems to carry after you."

Jack smirked. "All the greater reason for namin' him after me, aye?"

Katrina finally looked up to her husband. "Yes, Jack."

"So are ye done wi' him now?"

"Yes," Katrina laughed lightly to herself before handing the baby boy over to Jack. "You go on and try burping him while I put these dishes away."

After adjusting his son to look over his shoulder, Jack watched his wife begin to button up the front of her dress again.

"The dishes, aye," Jack commented with a teasing grin, "but must you put those away, too?"

"Yes, Jack," Katrina laughed as she finished closing up the dress about her chest, before adding with a flirtatious wink, "Your turn will come later."

Jack eyed his wife up and down. "Is that a promise?"

Katrina tried to answer yes as she laughed all the harder. The view of Jack in front of her was simply too funny: the infamous, notorious pirate trying to burp a baby over his shoulder while at the same time giving great effort to seduce her.

"What's so funny, love?" Jack frowned.

"Nothing," Katrina managed as she stood up and gave her husband a kiss. "You are just very charming when you try to multitask."

Jack looked at Katrina in confusion.

"Don't worry, Jack," Katrina laughed as she backed away to collect the dishes from the little table between the rocking chairs. "And don't think so hard. I'll be right back."

Jack blinked a couple of times before finally speaking up just as Katrina headed to go inside the house with the dishes. "Don't take too long, love. I want t' hurry down there before the tide starts comin' in."

"Of course, corazon."


Several minutes later, the small Sparrow family arrived onto the sands of their favorite hidden beach front.

"Sure it's alright, love?" Jack smiled excitedly.

Katrina seemed to swallow her nerves as she tried to smile back, "Do I have a choice?"

Jack adjusted their boy in his arms. "Nope."

"Well then," Katrina gave a nervous laugh. "Go on… just… please… be careful."

"O' course, darlin'," Jack broadened his smile. "Are ye goin' t' come join us?"

Katrina looked down at her long dress for a moment before looking up at her husband with a new, sly smile. "Oh, why not!"

Following an all too enthusiastic Jack, Katrina joined him in swiftly removing shoes before running down into the water of the oncoming waves.

"Remember the sea, Jacky?" Jack asked his son as they looked out across the horizon.

It was a long, quiet moment as Katrina stood ankle-deep together with Jack as he held their son while listening to the call of the ocean as it washed up onto the shore.

"She may one day call your name as she once called for me," Jack eventually went on. "She's a beauty, that's for sure, but don't let her beauty fool you… ever. Always keep a weather-eye open for her change o' temper. That'll help ye keep good sailin' days."

After another silent moment, Jack turned to look at his wife. "Are you ready, love?"

Katrina gave a genuine smile. "Whenever you are, Captain Sparrow."

With the eager sparkle in his eye, Jack lowered himself close to the water helping baby Jack set his bare feet onto the mushy sand under the clear water.

"There ye are, lad!" Jack cheered as he held his son by the hands so that he stood upright. "What do ye think o' that, Jacky? Feels good, aye? Do ye like the sea?"

Little Jacky looked up at his father with an open-mouthed smile before kicking his legs about in the water excitedly.

Katrina laughed as she looked down at their baby boy. "I believe that's a definite yes, Daddy Jack."

Jack chuckled as he looked up at Katrina before returning his gaze to their son. "Is that so, Jacky? Ye do like the sea?"

Another open-mouthed smile with an added squeal of delight came from Jacky, causing Jack to hoist up the babe in his arms with keen pride.

"That's m'boy! Just ye wait… as soon as your old enough I'll start teachin' ye all ye need t' know 'bout sailin' in these waters! Our fun has only begun, Jacky!"