What's within is what matters

What's within is what matters

Author: Green Cherie

Summary: Sakura quietly resides as a girl dressed as a boy after the death of her mother, father and older brother. Sakura forces herself to believe that she is a boy. What will happen when she meets a gruff and cold Syaoran who unwittingly makes Sakura regret?

Chapter 20: Confrontation Drama

Sakura woke up with a start. Tiresome as it was, she hadn't slept a wink. After all, the anxiety that came with the thought of confronting Darren wasn't too reassuring. Maybe I should just contact the police, she thought. Yeah, and let him escape again. She sat up slowly, observing the hands on the alarm clock beside her bed. Seven o' clock; I still have an hour left. She sighed, swung her legs over to the side of her bed and stood up. After I'm done with Darren, I'll live somewhere else. Somewhere no one knows me. The police wouldn't find me then. Tomoyo might never forgive me, but that's to be expected. She opened her cabinet and took a look at her clothes. Three years ago, I was sure my future would be with a nice man—eventually, after Touya must've tortured him to insanity… and then I'll have a nice time raising three to five kids with otou-san coming over every Sunday to visit…

Now my situation contradicts with that very dream. How did things end up so badly like this? Sakura stuffed some clothes into a bag pack. She paused when she heard her cell beep. "Someone sent me a text message at this time?" She took a look at it. "Ah, Tomoyo."

Text Message from Tomoyo

Sakura, did you get one? The invitation to Syaoran's engagement party? I'm so sorry it turned out like this. Do you want me to come over? Who am I kidding? I am going keep you company! Don't feel depressed, Sakura. There are millions of other fishes in the ocean. I'll come by later, ok?

"Fishes?" Sakura repeated, making a small smile. "She really wants a double wedding." She shrugged and made her way to the bathroom. I wonder what Syaoran is doing right now… Is he… thinking about me? She heard someone mumbling aloud in deep slumber as she wiped her face with a towel. Oh right. They slept over.

She walked slowly into the living room, her bag slung over one shoulder. Kouta was sleeping on the couch, Takashi and Tsukasa each had their sleeping bags on the floor. After taking a long look at them, she turned to the kitchen to grab a bite as well as to get the gun. She frowned as soon as she saw the mess at the kitchen sink. Just what did they do last night? Sakura glanced cautiously at t her shoulder as she walked towards the cookie jar. The gun was still there.

Sakura walked out of her apartment, clad in a man's attire. Somehow her identity as a boy made her feel confident… and strong. She hailed a taxi and gave him the directions as she entered the vehicle. She didn't bother to look back as the taxi began to drive. Whatever happens was meant to happen, thought Sakura as she watched the houses pass by her window.

Kouta sat up solemnly as one would after lying awake for a long time. It doesn't feel right but I'm not supposed to stop her. Sakura made her choice; whatever happens was meant to happen. He had been awake the whole time from the moment she had gotten up. Kouta got up and cleared the sink. That Syaoran… when will he find out?

Syaoran quickly dressed into his suit as soon as he awoke. "Mother, are they there yet?" He asked as he entered the dining room.

"Who?" Yelan said calmly, gazing at her son with motherly pride.

"Are Meiling's parents at the venue already?"

Yelan glanced at her crystal-plated silver watch, "It's too early, Syaoran," She eyed him worryingly, "What are you anxious for?"

Syaoran took a deep breath, "I'm going to cancel the engagement!"

"Today?" She gave a small chuckle, "Why didn't you cancel it earlier? Goodness! Your name will certainly be a taboo to her parents."

"I have no idea what to do… just that… I'm not supposed to be with Meiling." Syaoran stated, falling into a seat beside his mom.

"So you've discussed this with Meiling and she fully understands?" Yelan stared sharply at Syaoran after a few moments of silence, "Syaoran!"

Syaoran hung his head in shame, "I guess I have quite a lot of explaining to do."

Yelan sighed, "It isn't too late to patch things up. Go and call them and ask them to meet you now."

"Yes, mother."

Tomoyo grasped Eriol's arm, "Have you confirmed our flights?"

"Yeah, I hope Sakura hasn't forgotten about it." Eriol replied, activating his car's lock before going with Tomoyo to Sakura's apartment.

Eriol tapped the door loudly upon their arrival. A cranky Takashi opened the door for them.

"Do you have to come this early? There's this awful story about a couple who got into trouble after visiting people early in the morning."

"Not now, Takashi." Tomoyo said sternly, "Where's Sakura?"

Takashi rubbed his neck in order to think. "She's in the bedroom, I think."

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Eriol asked, catching a glimpse of Kouta cooking in the kitchen and a sleeping Tsukasa as Tomoyo went to the bedroom.

"We're living here now."

"Really?" Eriol thought it was very funny. "And Sakura knows this?"

A yell interrupted their conversation.

"She's not here! Most of her clothes are gone!" A sudden pause before a hysterical, "What is the meaning of this?!" A flabbergasted Tomoyo appeared with trembling legs, "Where do you think she went? She… didn't even say anything." She thought for a moment, then paled, "Oh no! What if she couldn't face the idea of Syaoran getting—!"

"Tomoyo, please calm down." Eriol said calmly, rushing over to her, "Sakura wouldn't do anything foolish."

Kouta turned around with a serious face. "You don't have to worry. Sakura knows what she's doing."

All three heads stared at him.

"Where is she?!" Tomoyo bellowed, getting angry at his compsure.

Kouta shrank back, "She… was going to confront Darren."

Eriol managed to catch Tomoyo before she collapsed on the floor. "Do you know where she is?" He asked Kouta.

"No. However, there is one boy who does."

Takashi thought hard, "A boy?"

"His name is Kenji."

"I know him." Tsukasa sleepy voice was heard. "You know this isn't a very nice way to wake people up."

Eriol became silent for a moment and then said, "Where is he?"

Kouta took a deep breath before answering. "He's Syaoran's nephew. He lives with him."

Kenji tugged Sayuri's arm. "What time is it?"

"Seven-thirty. Why?"

"Um… I think we have to tell Uncle…"

Sayuri felt the same way but hid it under a smile. She wondered just how she would do that. "Kenji, who do you prefer: the lady that brought you to the zoo or Meiling?"

Kenji didn't even hesitate. "Don't tell Uncle. I think Aunt Meiling isn't any fun – but the lady sure is!"

"I see… Let's go to your uncle then."

They met Syaoran in the hallway, frantically walking to the main room. Kenji blocked him.

"Uncle, I have something to tell you…"

"Sorry, Kenji, I need to go to the main room. Meiling and her parents are there waiting for me." Syaoran started walking.

Sayuri blocked him this time. She let him see her desperation. "I know about Sakura… I know something you don't know about her."

Syaoran stiffened suddenly and then relaxed. "I'm sorry, Sayuri. I wanted to tell you sooner… She's the one for me. Whatever you say won't change that."

Kenji doubled his fists, "It's not that, Uncle! Listen to us!"

"She can't be the one for you if you don't save her now!"

Syaoran stared at Sayuri first before Kenji. "What are you trying to say? Save her from what?"

"Sakura is—!"

"Syaoran! I demand to see you!" Tomoyo's voice rang shrilling in their ears.

A door opened to reveal she, Eriol, Kouta, and the twins. The latter stared at them.

Kouta's eyes fell on Kenji, "You know, don't you? Where Sakura is?"

"She's what?" Syaoran asked anxiously, averting his gaze to Sayuri.

"Sakura has a stalker." Sayuri looked away, fearing his fury, "The stalker is Darren—Sakura's going to confront him."

Syaoran couldn't believe his ears. "I thought he was dead—why are you telling me this now?"

Sayuri mumbled, "Sorry."

Kenji went forward, "Uncle, she's meeting him right now at Manchester Street, the third floor building with a rooftop."

"I can't belive she would do this! Does she want to die?" The frustrated Tomoyo couldn't help but mutter.

Hearing this, Syaoran turned to hurry out of the house. "It's alright now, I'll never bother you again. You won't see me anymore." He remembered her say. Syaoran cursed himself silently for not noticing her struggle.

"Wait! Where're you going?" Kouta yelled.

Unable to control his emotions, Syaoran ran out of their sight.

Kouta turned to Sayuri, "What about Meiling?"

"She doesn't know yet." She said, hiding her face in shame.

"We's better call the police," Eriol suggested, taking out his phone. "Tomoyo, let's go."

Tsukasa took hold of Sayuri's hand, "You did what you could and that's all that matters."

"Li-sama! Where're you going?" Wei asked in surprise as he saw Syaoran approaching the main door.

Syaoran cast him apologetic look, "Wei-san, something important came up. I need you to explain it to them."

Wei caught his arm as Syaoran reached for the door, "Actually, the Rae family is already here."

Before Syaoran could react, Meiling appeared. "Syaoran… Where're you going?"

"Meiling…" Syaoran clutched held the doorknob as he stared firmly into her eyes. "I'm sorry. I can't do this."

"Wait!" Meiling cried hopelessly as Syaoran darted out from the door. She couldn't believe that he ran out on her.

Tomoyo and Eriol came running from the hall. The rest were hot on their heels. They went to a halt as soon as they saw her.

Sayuri walked towards Meiling slowly, "Meiling…"

Meiling was trying to figure out what Syaoran had meant. "Syaoran said… he said he couldn't do it…" She looked at Sayuri, "What did he mean by that?"

Sayuri hesitated. How she wished she had told Meiling earlier! Meiling had started sobbing silently. That showed that she already understood its meaning but since she asked, it also meant she didn't want to face the truth. Sayuri turned to Eriol and the others. "You guys should get going. I'll talk to her."

"What does it mean?" Meiling repeated, making a fist.

As soon as they were alone, Sayuri told her to sit on a nearby chair, "Meiling, Syaoran calling off the wedding."

Meiling shook her head slowly, "Why? Why would he do that?"

"He loves another person… that person might die today unless Syaoran saves her."

"Who is she? Do you know her?" Meiling asked desperately, "What does she have that I don't?"

Sayuri chewed on her lip before making her answer, "Cherry is Sakuragi… Sakuragi is Sakura."

Meiling frowned, "I don't know what you mean-"

"Syaoran loves Sakura. They've been trying to avoid each other because they want you to be happy…"

"So I'm the bad guy in this story," Meiling's lips quivered with anger, "I'm not the heroine in this fairytale is what you're saying!"

Sayuri placed her hand on Meiling's shoulder, "You know that's not what I meant. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Meiling shrugged her hand away, "If they wanted to be together from the start, they could have just said it." She covered her face with her hands and started to cry hard, "Why make me the root of their problems?"

"I'm so sorry, Meiling…"

Sakura stared up at the building. There was still no sign of Darren, but her heart throbbing anxiously made her want to withdraw. Feeling the gun in her coat, she became a little confident. She turned the dusty knob, knowing she may never come out that way again. Inside was really dirty, Sakura could tell by the smell because it was dark. Behind her the door closed loudly and a pair of rough hands grabbed her shoulder. Sakura, startled, tried to struggle but couldn't get free. 'I can't believe I fell into a trap! Why did I even bother trusting Darren?'

"Boss, I caught her!" The man holding her called out. Slow footsteps came from the stairs.

Sakura recognized Darren's voice immediately as soon as he said, "Good. Chuck, get the van ready." He referred to another of his accomplices as he walked down the stairs.

Sakura couldn't help trembling with fury and fear, "What's the meaning of this?"

"A change of plans, Sakura." He switched on the lights. "Why're you dressed like that?"

"To kill you."

He laughed, and told another man to bring ropes.

Sakura glared at him, "Are you scared of me so much that you have to tie me up?"

"It's not that I have to tie you up because I'm scared of you; I'm scared that you'll run away, Sakura." He grinned, "It's what you do best, isn't it?"

Sakura gritted her teeth as she glared at him. Now she was in a real fix. What is she going to do now?

A/N: I'm sorry I took so long! I'm really really sorry! I had moved to a new country so I had all sorts of things to do, new friends to meet, get used to the place, learn some of its language and so on. I will continue writing this story. I'm very thankful to all of my readers that have been waiting for me to update for months—I don't know how much time has passed. You guys rock my world!

Don't forget to review! cAuSe tHeY gIvE mE mUcH gReEn hApPiNeSs!

With lots of greeny love,

Green Cherie