He was the only person that could drive me insane , he totally consumed my thoughts day and night and I obsessed about him to the point of stalking, Jordan Catalano possessed me and I needed to like see him, like all the time...

Angela lay on her bed, listening to the Cranberries song 'Linger'. She had only ever talked with Jordan twice, one time being when he needed to borrow a pen and the second time to remind him what lesson they were actually sitting in.

She was sure that Jordan liked her, I mean, they made eye contact all the time, how could he not feel something for her?

Patty called to her, breaking her thoughts "Angela, hurry up you'll be late for school". She closed her eyes for a few seconds and scrambled off of her bed. She used to detest school, the cliched groups and loneliness felt if you didn't fit in , but since she started hanging out with Rayanne Graff and Rickie Vasquez she finally felt part of the cool crowds.

She grabbed her lunch from Patty and kissed her briefly on the cheek "See you later Mom" she smiled as she sailed out of the house and towards the awaiting school bus.

The bus was crowded and Angela scoured the aisles looking for a free seat. The only one available was next to one of Jordan's friends.

She slowly sat down next to him and he screwed up his face in disgust. "hey" she said quietly as she tucked her hair behind her ears, the atmosphere was so tense she could cut it with a knife. Shane glared at her and moved closer towards the window away from any skin contact with her "Hey" he mumbled as he turned up his stereo and leant his head back on the seat adjusting his earphones.

Angela took out her history book from her backpack and pretended to read it, anything to make it look as though she wasn't bothered about the hostility Shane was showing towards her very presence near him.

Shane looked at her work from the corners of his eyes, he noticed that Angela had finished the assignment he was supposed to do three days earlier. "Fuck, I forgot about that" he muttered. Angela looked up at him, surprised that he had spoken.

"Huh?" she asked, looking at his face.

Shane took off his headphones and looked around to make sure no-one was watching him interact with her, he then nodded towards her homework " I like, totally forgot about doing that..It's due in today right?" he asked her.

Angela smiled shyly " yea, I like only managed to finish it last night"

Shane shook his head "That'll be another fail, one more and I'll be suspended" he mumbled. He sighed deeply and put his headphones back on.

Angela smiled to herself. Jordan's friend actually spoke to me she thought as she looked at page after page of her finished assignment.

She coughed and gently tapped his arm, Shane flinched and took his headphones off once again, irritated that she had dared to touch him "What?" he asked a little impatiently.

"I was thinking, if you could like, maybe get an extension..I'll like..do the assignment for you if you want" she offered, waiting for his response.

Shane frowned and thought for a few seconds. "You'll like do that for me?" he asked.

Angela smiled, keen to get on his good side " sure, I mean...If you want.."

Shane's frown turned into a satisfied smile "Sure, that'd be awesome, it'd sure as hell save my ass from being suspended" he smiled gratefully.

Angela sighed with relief, pleased to be making headway with him "well, get the extension and then give me your history book later..I'll like do it tonight"

Shane smiled at her "Your name's Chase right?" he asked her unsure that that was in fact her name.

"Yea, Angela. Angela Chase" she smiled. He knows my name, Jordan must have mentioned me she thought. She sat back into her seat smiling to herself.

"Yea I remember the teacher calling out for you one time" he shrugged. Angela's heart sank. Okay, maybe Jordan hadn't mentioned me after all she thought.

Shane stood up and shuffled past her to get off of the bus " Thanks Angela, I'll see you later" he smiled as he walked away from her.

They got off the bus and headed into Liberty High, hordes of students filed past her but Angela was only looking out for one face.

She couldn't see him anywhere and she resented herself for feeling like she did about him. Rayanne and Rickie ran up to her and threw their arms around her, enfolding her in a small group hug. " Angelica" smiled Rayanne as she took the lolly out of her mouth. Rayanne was always eating candy or chewing gum , it would be odd to see her without it.

"Hey Rayanne" she smiled as she put her arm through hers. "Hey Rickie" she kissed Rickie on the cheek and put her other arm through his. They walked as a threesome through the coridoors of the school.

Rayanne laughed " We like look like the Tin-Man, Scarecrow and Dorothy from the Wizard Of Oz ". Rickie laughed and started singing "we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of OZ", Angela laughed and playfully hit Rickie on the arm.

Just as they approached the lockers, Angela's heart leapt into her throat and her mouth went dry Oh my god, there he is! She stopped in her tracks at the sight of Jordan leant against his locker. He was without a doubt the most beautiful man she had ever seen, with chin length Brown hair and the most piercing Blue eyes, he had a well defined jaw and beautiful edible lips. She sighed and looked at him longingly.

Jordan rubbed the back of his head and felt as though he were being watched. He looked at the girl staring at him and a small smile formed on his mouth.

If I keep staring at her she'll look away, she'll go all shy and tuck her hair behind her ear. She looks real cute when she does that he thought as his eyes burned into hers.

Angela felt herself blush and tried to look away from his captivating gaze, she saw him slightly raise his eyebrows and immediately looked to the floor, tucking her hair behind her ear as she did it.

Jordan's smile turned into a huge grin that's my girl he thought to himself as he slowly shook his head. He watched her back away from him and practically crash into the girls bathroom door. She fumbled with her coat trying to salvage any dignity she may of had left and rushed into the safety of the bathroom away from his stare.

He watched Rayanne and Rickie follow behind her and furrowed his brow She hangs with that Graff chick, she's my link to talking with her he thought to himself.

Shane slapped Jordan on the back, diverting his stare from the girls bathroom to Shane's grinning face.

"Yo Catalano, how's it going man?" Shane asked casually.

"Yea it's all good" he answered.

Shane leant back against the lockers and shook his head laughing " man it's only 9am and I've had my ass saved already today" he smiled.

Jordan looked up at him , not really paying attention to what he was saying as his mind was still on Angela "Huh? what you on about dude?"

Shane wiped his jaw and smiled " That Chase chick is gonna do my homework, you know, the weird chick that like drools over you all the time dude..She's like offered to do my history assignment for me" he grinned, savouring his forthcoming victory over a possible suspension.

Jordan's eyes widened. I can't believe Shane has found it so god damned easy to like..talk to her! he thought a little enviously."Shane, Angela's not weird okay.."

Shane frowned, shocked that his friend knew her name "Whatever man" he smiled as they both headed for their first class of the day.