Prompt: # 01 - Beginnings

Title: Another Journey

Word Count: 220

Rating: PG

Summary: Katara thinks about the moments in the cave with Zuko as they leave the fallen city of Ba Sing Se.

Author's Notes: Ho'shit. It's been a while since I posted something here. XD This was written for zutara100 on livejournal but before I posted it there, I wanted to see what people thought of it here. So, please tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: All characters and places belong to Nickelodeon. I no own. You no sue.

She watched the ground fall away from under Appa's feet, the opening of the Crystal Caves and the fallen city of Ba Sing Se shrinking out of sight.

Aang's heartbeat slows and flutters underneath her hand but Katara doesn't notice the slight change. Her mind keeps flitting back to few moments in the cave with Zuko.

The feel of his scar under the pads of her fingers.

The hope that swelled in her chest as she watched the conflict swirl in his eyes.

That same hope dropping and transforming into a burning anger in the pit of her stomach as he shot fireball after fireball towards her.

She tries desperately to forget. Hating herself more and more every minute that she can't. Katara doesn't know the future or even if Aang will survive the night. What she does know, however, is that this isn't the end of their long journey. This is only the beginning of another one.

P.S. Reviews feed the soul. /wink wink/