Second Chapter on my Volke/Mist story enjoy!

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Chapter Two

The small duo of Mist and Volke had been walking all day since they left the busy town and now the sun had gone down over the horizion and night had came. Volke found them a small area in a nearby forest to stay the night and out of sight. Volke gathered wood and placed them in a pile and lined stones around it as he grabbed some moss he found and placed it inbetween the wood. He retrieved matches from his puch and lit the moss and watched as smoke rose and began to catch the wood on fire. He turned and saw Mist place some wood she had gotten on the ground and than sit on a log and rubbed her hands together to get them warm. It had gotten cold since the sun went down and Mist wearing a short dress was not helping her. Volke sighed and laid back against a tree and brought out his pipe placing some tobacco in it before lighting it.

" Get closer, it'll warm you up," he informed Mist. She smiled and moved closer as he blew smoke out from his mouth.

" You know thats bad for you," Mist said making Volke grunt. He hated it when people got onto this subject.

" You don't live forever, so I live it how I want," Volke said inhaling another bit of smoke and blowing it out.

" Hey Volke, how come your an assassin?" Mist finally asked. Volke looked over at her on the other side of the fire and sighed dumping the ashes from his pipe.

" Its just something I fell into, everyone has their own special talents I guess, and the gods gave me the ability to kill," Volke said placing his pipe away. Mist sighed and placed her head in her hands.

" But why do you kill, you seem like a nice guy," Mist said. Volke closed his eyes and crossed his arms.

" Like I said, its the gods will I guess," he answered. Mist looked over at him and suddenly she felt angry at how lame his answer was.

" No its not, you have your own decisions in life, its not the gods choice to make you a killer," Mist yelled standing up," you don't have to be an assassin you can some who saves lives instead of taking them," she finished as Volke looked at her. He stood up with a sigh and looked at her.

" Its to late for that, my path is already carved in stone," he said turning away from her.

" No its not, unless you actually like killing people just for money," Mist said. Volke stopped and clenched his fist's and spun around at her making her flinch back a bit.

" Listen here, you know nothing of my life or what I do, you know not how I feel or how I think so mind you own buisness," Volke yelled. He than turned and began walking away into the dark.

" Well maybe you should talk to people more, you big jerk," Mist yelled as Volke disappeared from view. Mist groaned and sat down folding her arms across her chest and pulling her legs up. She thought Volke was a nice guy when she first met him, but this was a different side of him, his assassin side. Mist sighed and looked into the fire and lowered her head, maybe she had over stepped her boundaries by criticising him. " I'm sorry Volke," she whispered.

" Ahhh so sweet," came a deep cold voice. Mist looked up and behind her to see only black before her, black armor that made her face turn to horror.


Volke grunted and punched his fist hard into a tree out of anger. He than placed his head against the tree and sighed. " We have our own choices, huh, maybe for her, but me its different once your in your in for life," Volke said to himself. He sighed and remembed how he became an assassin and as soon as he did small tears ran down his gace but he showed no signs of sadness, the tears just fell. He wiped them away as he stood back up straight, he than buried his past deep down and decided to head back to Mist.

" I guess I should apologize for yelling at her," he thought. He walked slowly but than a loud scream rang through the forest. He looked around and than realized," Mist!" he yelled. He drew his dagger and took off fast as he could seeing the fire coming closer to him. He leaped through the brush and rolling to a stop to look up and see to his horror, The Black Knight.

" Ahhh the assassin returns to save the girl," the Black Knight laughed in his deep voice. Volke held his dagger steady as he looked to see the Black Knight with his hand wrapped around Mist's thoart holding her as his hostage. " Well are you going to save her or just let me take her off your hands, I heard your little fight earlier and wonder if you would let me take her," the Black Knight said laughing. Suddenly he jumped to the side with Mist as two daggers aimed for his thoart flew past him. He glared at Volke who drew more daggers.

" I would never leave her and I would never let a evil person such as you take her," Volke said. He than took off full speed towards the Black Knight.

" Heheh fool, you'll die than," the Black Knight said using his free hand to retrieve his sword. Mist knew the sword, it was the one that slew her father and there was no way Volke could stand up to it, unless. She looked ahead to see Volke push off of the ground and fly towards the Black Knight who slung his sword back but before he could swing it at Volke, Mist opened her mouth and chomped down hard on his gloved hand. " Awwww, you bitch," the Black Knight yelled turning and smacking Mist in the face and knocking her away to the ground.

He than remembered the assassin and turned just in time to get a dagger in his shoulder, Volke had found a small crack in the armor and decided to jab his dagger in it. The Black Knight growled as Volke flipped over him and ran towards Mist fast, picking her up and hoisting her onto his shoulder as he kept running, using the Black Knight's second of being stuned to escape. The Black Knight grunted and pulled the dagger out and turned to where they ran and calmly began to follow them.

Volke ran as fast as he could until he came to a long wooden bridge over a very deep canyon. He looked at Mist on his shoulder and than began to slowly cross the rickety bridge. He stepped carefully, hearing the bridge creak under the weight of the two. He stepped and suddenly his foot broke on of the planks and fell through but he got himself. He wiped sweat from his brow and kept going and saw they were almost there when he felt the bridge rock. He turned to see the Black Knight behind him and raising his sword to cut the bridge. " Shit," Volke said as he picked his pace up.

Just then the bridge was cut from beneath them and Volke felt himself being to fall. He quickly tossed Mist to the land on the other side and leaped for the edge. Mist grunted and opened her eyes slowly and looked around. She than spotted Volke holding on to the edge of a cliff. " Volke," she yelled reaching over the side. He grabbed onto his hand and used all the strenght she had to help Volke climb up. When he got up he laid down and breathed heavily as Mist fell back and tried to regain her strength.

" You okay?" Volke asked her. Mist nodded and than looked over at the otherside to see the Black Knight turn and disappear into the shadows.

" He was after me, he wants the emblem and either me or Ike," Mist said looking down at the pouch which held the Fire Emblem. She than saw Volke's hand placed on hers and looked up at him.

" Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise you on my life," he said smirking. Mist smiled and gave Volke a quick hug which caught him off guard and than he smiled and patted her back. He than got up and placed a hand out and helped Mist up. " We should get going, he will return its best we find a town or village somewhere," Volke said walking ahead. Mist nodded and ran to his side and followed him.


" My king I'am sorry but the girl escaped me, its seems her little assassin friend will be more trouble than I thought," the Black Knight said kneeling before Ashnard.

" I want that emblem you fool, get it the next time you find them and kill whoever gets in your way," Ashnard yelled as his pet dragon roared at the Black Knight.

" Yes my King," the Black Knight said bowing. He than turned and exited the throne room. ' Fool when I get the emblem I'll keep it too and after I get that girl I'll kill her little friend in front of her,' the Black Knight thought. He than laughed as he disappeared.


Mist yawned as she walked next to Volke. They had been walking for a few hours since escaping the Black Knight and still had found nothing. Volke looked down at her and saw how tired she was and sighed. He reached down and before she could speak carried her bridal style down the round in his arms. " Ohhh, Volke its okay I can walk," she began to protest.

" No its okay, I know how tired you are, just rest for now," Volke said. Mist looked up at him and smiled and snuggled into his warm chest to rest. Volke looked down at her and smiled at how cute she looked asleep in his arms. ' Hey you shouldn;t think about that, she is the sister of you commander and remember the daughter of your employer,' Volke's inner voice said. He kept walking down the lone road and looked down at Mist again when he felt her move and snuggle closer to his chest. He also did not want to get her mixed up with his job or life.

He sighed and than looked ahead to see the lights of a small village come into view. He smiled and walked down a hill and into the town. He looked around and spotted a inn and headed inside to get them a room. " Yes sir we have on room, 35 pieces of gold please," the owner said. Volke paid the man and got a key to the room. He found it and walked in to find only a single bed, ' Great,' he thought. He sighed and laid Mist down on the bed and than yawned.

He looked behind him and saw a small bathroom with a tub of water ready. He looked to see Mist still asleep and decided to take a bath while she still was. He removed his assassin garb and closed the bathroom door.

Mist groaned and rubbed her eyes as she got over her sleepiness. She looked around and found herself in a nice room and in a soft single bed. She slid to the side of the bed and looked on the ground to see Volke's clothes in a pile. " He must be taking a bath," she thought and than blushed at the bad thought she had. Mist than spotted the bathroom door and smiled, " One peek won't hurt," she said laughing. She walked quietly to the door and opened it a bit to see and empty tub of water.

" Where is her?" she questioned.

" Behind you," came Volke's voice. Mist shrieked and turned quickly to see Volke standing behind her in only a towel with dripping wet hair.

" How did you, I," Mist was at a loss for words, mainly cause she was staring at his body. Volke looked at her and knew she was looking at him due to her blush. He cleared his throat to get her attention.

" I'am an assassin remember and I don't think its appropriate for a young girl like you to be peeking at a man in the bath," Volke said smirking.

" Hey I'm not a little girl anymore okay, I have gotten older," Mist said looking up at him. He just smirked and patted her head and went passed her picking up his clothes. Mist huffed and sat on the bed as he went into the bathroom and than came out in everything but his coat. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed looking back at Mist who was turned away from him.

" Oh come on, your not really mad now are you," Volke asked. Mist turned her head and stuck her tongue out at him and than turned away. Volke laughed and got up walking out onto their room's balcony placing his coat on. Mist watched him walk outside and watched as the silver light from the moon shined down on him making him look so cool yet mysterious. Over the past few days she had developed a sort of crush on him, well to be honest she always had a crush on him, she giggled and thought of herself like a little schoolgirl. Volke heard her giggle and raised and eyebrow looking at her, girls he thought.

Mist stopped her giggling and decided to do something to show Volke how she was not a little girl anymore and also fulfill her own little wish. She got up quietly and walked slowly up behind Volke and hopped on the railing next to him. " Its a beautiful night huh," she said smiling up at the moon and stars.

" I guess so, I never took the time to actually stop and look at the sky at night," Volke answered. Mist smiled at him and moved a bit closer to him making him raise another eyebrow and move down away from her a bit. Mist grunted at his actions and continued to move closer to him but found he always moved away. She growled and suddenly lost her balance and fell back over the balony onto Volke knocking them both to the ground with a thud.

Mist rubbed her head and found herself ontop of Volke and could not stop her blush again. Volke shook his head and looked up to see Mist sitting ontop of him which made him feel a bit uncomfortable but also made his heart beat a little faster. He than noticed how much beauty Mist had when she saw he reflection in the moon's light. The two than locked eyes and for some reason their attitudes changes as if they both saw eachothers souls. Mist saw this as her chance and leaned down towards him and before he could snap back to reality, she pressed her small lips to his.

Volke's eyes widen at what she was doing but closed his eyes and placed a hand behind her head and kissed her deeper. Mist felt a moan in her throat from the deep kiss, this was her first kiss and it felt so right. Suddenly Volke realized what was happening and broke the kiss pushing Mist off of him. He grunted and stood up and wiped his lips. " What are you doing, you just can't force someone to kiss you," he yelled a little too loud. Mist moved back a bit and felt herself get sad.

Volke was mad mainly at himself for letting something like this happen. " I didn't hear you protesting," Mist yelled back. Volke looked at her and turned away.

" Listen to me Mist, you might have some little girl's crush on me now, so you better forget about it I don't want you invovled in my life," Volke said. Mist looked at him shocked, why was he being so mean. Volke turned to looked at her, she was on the verge of tears. " Get some rest, I'll come get you in the morning," Volke said. He than leaped from the balcony and disappeared. Mist began to cry once he was gone, running into the room and throwing herself onto the bed.

Why was he so mean and why did he not want her in his life. Mist knew none of the answers, all she knew was that he hurt her. She curled up into a ball on the bed and slowly cried herself to sleep.

Away outside the village, Volke sat in a tree looking at the night sky. He was in deep thought over what had happened. He knew he was to mean to Mist but he also knew he could have no one in his life ever again. He knew from his past that he could not have love or friendship in his life anymore. " mist forgive me," he said as a single tear ran down his cheek with a shining glow from the moon.

End Chapter

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