Yup, here it is. It was really hard to write because that episode of Ouran had like no point... but then again this story has no point so I guess it fits perfectly! I changed some stuff though so it would fit Organization XIII. I had to split the Wonderland episode up into 2 chapters because it was getting insanely long. So part 2 should be coming in like a week...

Chapter 18 -- Roxas in Wonderland, Part 1

The next morning, Roxas found himself wandering through the alleys in the World That Never Was. For once he finally had a break from his host club duties. He had planned on sparring with some Heartless, but he was still tired from last night's endeavors in Twilight Town.

"Man, I'm so tired... I gotta sit down."

Roxas plopped down against the wall of a large skyscraper and looked up at the sky. For once, everything was nice and quiet... It wasn't long before little Number XIII had dozed off into a nice, peaceful snooze.

"Ohmigosh I'm so late! What'll they do without me?"

Roxas woke with a start and stared in confusion as he saw Demyx running frantically down the alley. However, something was different about Demyx...

He's got rabbit ears?!

Roxas stood up and tried to talk to Demyx, but the Melodious Nocturne completely ignored him.

I guess I better follow him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid...

Demyx led him down the long alleyway until they reached a dark portal.

"DON'T CLOSE! DON'T CLOSE!" Demyx shouted! He jumped and dove headfirst into the portal, disappearing into thin air. Roxas hesitated for a moment before jumping in after him. As he floated along, he noticed that there were a lot of clocks and other random things flying around him. The clocks all read 3 o'clock.

Did someone redecorate in here? Roxas thought as he came to the end of the portal.

When he came out, he was shocked to find himself in a big city with a large castle in the center of town. Demyx was still running, but now he had his guitar out and was charging toward the castle. Roxas continued to follow him until he reached a strange waterfall. Instead of flowing down, the water was flowing up from the bottom of the lake. He soon noticed a large caterpillar sitting in the middle of the lake on a bubble.

"Wow, that's a big bug," Roxas muttered. "I wonder if it's some sort of Heartless."

"I am not a Heartless," the caterpillar replied. "I believe you need to spend more time researching the various types, or you'll never make it in the Organization." Then the caterpillar turned around, and Roxas realized that it was Zexion in a caterpillar costume. He was fervently writing in a notepad.

"Um, what are you doing here?" Roxas asked.

"Observing, of course," the Zexion caterpillar answered as he wrote something down. "The real question is, what are you doing here?"

"I honestly don't know... I was following Demyx--"

"Oh, the rabbit? You know what happens when you go chasing rabbits, do you not?"

Roxas was getting confused. "What is this place, anyway?"

"Hollow Bastion, of course. Your lack of knowledge is really annoying, I must say."

"Um... so, what are you always putting in that notepad?"

"'Always'? How would you know if I always use this notepad if we've only just met?" Zexion sighed. "I think you need to go see the Dutchess. She'll fix you up."

Roxas stared at Zexion in confusion. "You are Zexion, right?"

"I'm afraid my friends will have to escort you to the Dutchess. Farewell, o ignorant one."

Two big alligators appeared in the water, but they had the heads of Luxord and Xigbar.

"Join the Poker Club or we'll eat you!" Luxord shouted.


Another alligator with Lexaeus' head appeared behind him. "Go."

Suddenly, the other two alligators jumped out of the water and began chasing after poor Roxas. He continued to run until he found another portal, which he dove into to avoid the alligators.

"That was random," he panted. He looked around to find that he was in a large, ornately decorated room. Olette was wearing a maid's costume, frantically trying to wash the dishes.

"Stupid dishes... I'm so tired of washing so many dishes!" she complained.

"Why are you washing them, then?" asked Roxas.

Olette turned to him and glared. "Are you stupid? I'm wearing a freaking maid's costume! I'm the maid for that freaking Dutchess who overworks me and spends all her time flirting with that stupid Cheshire Cat and redecorating his room without his permission and--"

"Oh, my dear maid! I do hope you are still doing the dishes!" Namine walked into the room, wearing a large hoop skirt and a fancy blouse. "I'll need those all washed soon, or I'm cutting your wages again."

Olette grumbled and returned to her work.

"Oh, Namine, you're the Dutchess? I guess that makes sense," Roxas muttered.

"And who are you, you adorable little boy?" Namine asked sweetly.

"I'm... Roxas, remember? Can you tell me where I am and how to get ba--"

"Dear goodness, Roxas! We need to fix your hair!" Namine rushed over to him and began messing with his hair. "I think if we cut some off here, and then gelled it up like so... Ah, Maid! Will you be a dear and get the scissors and hair gel for me?"

Suddenly, a plate came flying toward them, missing Roxas' head by mere inches and crashing into the wall. Olette was fuming and grabbing more plates.

"I've had it! I'm tired of working for you and your ridiculous demands! I quit!"

"But dear, it's 3 o'clock! It's almost tea time!"

"I don't care! I'm leaving NOW!" With that, she threw more plates at Namine, who dodged them effortlessly, as though she was used to this. Then she ran out of the room.

"Now, now, we have a guest. I just got back from Chessy's place. He's such a sweetie! He even let me paint his walls!" Namine smiled. "I wonder when we'll get married."

"You're engaged?" Roxas seemed surprised that Namine would settle down with any man, except Marluxia.

"Oh, Marly hasn't proposed to me yet. But I'll make him marry me. He just doesn't have the nerve to ask me."

So the Cheshire Cat is Marluxia... I'm sure he didn't let Namine paint his walls willingly...

"Dutchess! You killed my rosebush!"

Marluxia stormed into the room, dressed as a cat. A pink cat. Naturally.

"Oh, Chessy-Marly, I didn't kill it! I just trimmed it a little. It was getting a bit overgrown."

"That's it! I'm not taking any more of this!" Marluxia frowned. "Painting my walls is one thing, but tackling me and then killing my rosebush is another!" Then he suddenly disappeared from the room.

"Dear, dear, he looks so dashing when he's mad. Now, what will we do about your hair?"

"Not the hair!" Roxas quickly ran out of the room before Namine could work her styling witchcraft on him. He ran through several hallways. Once again he discovered a portal and wasted no time in jumping into it. He hoped that one of these portals would take him back to the World That Never Was.

Roxas soon found himself in a library. He could hear people laughing in the distance. After wandering through the maze of bookshelves he came upon a tea party. Axel, Demyx, and Xaldin were all drinking tea and chatting. Well, Xaldin was actually snoozing...

Axel was wearing a giant top hat, and Xaldin was dressed as a mouse. Demyx was still in his bunny outfit.

So he was running late for... a tea party?

Roxas approached the table. "Wow, Demyx, I didn't think you were much of a tea party person."

The others looked up at the newcomer.

"Why, happy unbirthday!" Axel shouted. "Here, have some tea!"

"Unbirthday?" Roxas' eye began twitching.

"It's not your birthday is it?" Axel asked.


"Then it's your unbirthday! Demyx, my boy, give some tea to the lovely young unbirthday boy!"

Demyx grabbed a tea cup and ran over to Roxas. "Congratulations!" he exclaimed.

"Uh, sure." Roxas looked in the cup and realized that it was empty. "You gave me an empty cup."

"Well, you can't expect us to serve you, can you?" Xaldin muttered.

"I suppose." Roxas went over to the tea and tried to pick up the pot, but Axel anxiously grabbed it first.

"Goodness, I'm out of tea! I'll have to refill, I guess!" He poured more into his cup. In the distance a clock chimed three. "Ah, it's three o'clock again!" Axel exclaimed.

"Oh no, three o'clock?!" Demyx stood up. "I'll be late!"

"It was three o'clock when I got here," Roxas muttered.

"Well, it's always three o'clock, silly!" Axel explained. "Always tea time! Have some more tea!"

Roxas was about to take the teapot when Demyx quickly grabbed it.

"I'm running late!" he shouted. "I need one more cup before I go!"

"You don't need anymore caffiene," Xaldin mumbled.

"It's bad for your heart," Roxas added.

"We don't have hearts, remember?" Axel grabbed the teapot from Demyx, who quickly gulped his cup down. "So we can drink as much tea as we want! Demyx, however, goes wacko on too much caffiene."

"Okay! Gotta go!" Demyx shouted. Then he ran off.

"Where is he going?" Roxas asked as he tried to get the teapot from Axel.

"Oh, the trial, I suppose. He is the person who writes everything down, after all. I'll need another cup before I go. They're going to execute the Dutchess, after all."

"The Dutchess?!" Roxas stood up. "Oh no! We can't let that happen!"

"Why not? She is pretty annoying," Xaldin muttered.

"I'm going to go stop this trial before they do anything to her!" Roxas exclaimed. He dropped his empty teacup and ran off in the direction Demyx had gone.