Chao Fairy Tales
Alien-Child Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry for the long delay. Kay, because I've haven't update for so long, plus I've cut the last fairy tale so short, I have a little surprise at the end of the chapter.
A blue streak with a yellow skidded down the hallways, but when they've entered a room, the doors behind them shut down.
"Sonic, we're trap!" Tails shouted.
"Well duh!" Sonic said as he began revving.
"Not so fast Sonic!" Eggman said as his Egg-o-matic floated into the room, "You two haven't played with my 'new' friend yet!" Eggman presses a button, and another pair of doors open and a giant red eyeball can be seen.
"Oh great!" Sonic said sarcastically, "It's another one of Eggman's secret monsters that he'll plan to use, but in the end, it uses the chaos emeralds for itself and become some giant monster that I need to go super and save everyone from!"
"Hey, it won't end like those other times!" Eggman shouted, "My creation, ATT-"
"EGGY!" A voice shouted and Eggman made a sigh, and Sonic cringed remembering whom it is, "EGGY!"
"Oh no, th-that chao!" Sonic muttered.
"How did you let a chao beat you up?" Tails asked.
"Whatever," Eggman said as he turn to his creation still in the shadows, "Take care of them!" He said before he drove the Egg-o-matic out of the room.
"EGG-" Nasty stop his wailing as Eggman appeared before him.
"Let's make this quick!" The doctor said as he grabbed a book.
The Gingerbread Hedgehog
One upon a time, there live Knuckles the Echidna and Rouge the Bat who were married and lived out in the country because everybody hates them cause they've married interspecies.
"Argh, Rouge I'm hungry!" Knuckles said.
"Well maybe I'll have some money for food if you got a job!"
"Hey, I have a job and it's guarding the Master Emerald!"
"Who gave you that job anyway?"
"I don't know!"
"Besides the point, when did you ever been paid?"
"My point exactly!"
"Look, me getting a job isn't the problem, it's why we need food the-OUCH!" Knuckles said as he held his nut-sack as Rouge kicked him there.
"I'll go look in the fridge and see what we have…" Rouge said as she left the paralysed Knuckles on the ground holding himself with his left eye twitching.
And so looking in the fridge, stove and cupboards, Rouge found the only piece of food left. "Gingerbread!" Rouge said as she went to work cooking and baking it for the entire day. And in the next mourning, Rouge awoken and went to the stove and took out the fresh gingerbread in the shape of a hedgehog.
"Well Knuckles, I hope you-" Rouge stop herself in her tracks when she went into the living room to see Knuckles still in the same position as when she left him the day before. "Oh yeah, I guess I've kicked you too hard. All well, I can enjoy this little guy myself!"
"Nuh-huh-huh!" The gingerbread-hog said as he ran away from Rouge's fingers. "You'll never catch m, cause I'm Sonic the Ginger-Hog!" Sonic said as he ran out of the house.
"Huh, talk about fast food!" Rouge stated.
Sonic the Ginger-Hog was so fast, he never stopped running, but he was leaving the scent of him to everyone and they smelt the delicious scent. And Sonic only taunted them with 'Run, run, run as fast as you can, you'll never catch me, I'm Sonic the Ginger-Hog!"
He said this everywhere he goes, out running everybody till he stops at a wide river. "AH CRAP!" Sonic said, since he can't swim.
"Hi there!" Tails said as he appeared from behind a bush.
"You need some help crossing the river?"
"Well duh! You better not eat me!"
"No thanks, I eat health food!"
And so Tails fly in the air spinning his two tails and carried the ginger-hog to the others side of the river.
"Hey, thanks man!" Sonic said.
"No prob!" Tails replied watching the cookie-man run off.
"Run, run, run as fast as you can, you'll never catch me-Crap!" Sonic cursed as he looked beside him to see Shadow running at his speed. "You're not going to eat me, right?"
"Nah, don't like fast food." Shadow replied giving Sonic a sigh of relief, until Shadow pulled out a gun shooting the cookie-hedgehog's legs off!
"AHH, What was that for?" Sonic screamed.
"Told you, I don't like fast food!" Shadow answered before he eats him.
The End
"Okay Nasty, that-You're still awake!" Eggman freaked out seeing his Chao wide-eye awake looking at him.
"That story was short, read another one!" Nasty demanded bouncing on his bed.
"Ok, ok! I'll read it again-"
"No, finish the Amy Mermaid!"
"Argh, alright!" Eggman said as he grabbed for an old book.
The Amy Mermaid (Pt 2)
Last time on the Amy Mermaid, young Amy Rose has fallen in love with the hedgehog Shadow, but to be on main land she sold her voice allowing her and Tails to be legged creatures on land, and she has one week to kiss him to have the spell keep going and be able to talk.
Waves splash on the beach, as a naked Amy and Tails in legged form walk up the beach.
"Well Amy, what do you have to say for yourself now?" Tails asks and Amy opens her mouth but no words came out. "Alright, can't talk. Do you have any idea where that guy lives?" And Amy shook her head and Tails began irritated.
"Hey, could you two mind?" Shadow said as he lay on a towel, "I'm trying to catch some rays!"
"Hey, it's that black hedgehog!" Tails shouted.
"Black? You want a fight two tailed freak?" Shadow said as he takes off his gloves and is bare-fisted.
"Um…no, but my friend here wants to date you!" Tails said pointing to Amy.
"She's hot, so okay!"
And so Shadow and Amy had a date that night, they went to the movies, had diner and even went on a boat ride.
"You know, I like the most unique date there is," Shadow said as he rowed the boat, "But does your mutant friend has to come along?"
Amy turns around to see Tails at the opposite end of the boat.
"Just keep your hands where they belong!" Tails said in a threaten tone, but Shadow made a glare that made Tails shrink back.
"Whatever Plane-Ass, anyway Amy, a while ago I was saved by a beautiful woman, and I promised that I'll marry her," This made Amy smiled brightly and Tails just smirks, "So I decided, that-"
"Hi there!" Rouge said as she flew by.
"WHAT?!" Tails screamed and Amy motions the words with her lips.
"I did what now?" Rouge asked.
"I have decided that you have saved me and I'll marry you!"
"You only saying that cause she has a huge rack!" Tails stated.
"Hmmmm…sounds like me, so I'll agree with you mutant-fox!'
"This guy's a perv!"
And so in the days, a wedding on a ship was made where Prince Shadow would marry Miss Rouge, and all their companions were invited (And Tails who snuck in).
"Amy, we got to do something!" Tails stated, "cause if you don't you never become a mer-hog again and never sing another note again!"
Amy took the words deep and she tried to think of something.
"AMY!" A voice from the water shouted and both she and Tails look overboard and sees the Mermaid Cream.
"I've heard what happened from the Dark!" Cream exclaimed, "I've sold something to him and got this!" Cream said as she tosses Amy a magic glowing arrow.
"Thanks, but what did you sold to the Dark?" Tails asked.
"MY PORN!" King Eggman's voice roared through the ocean causing a huge wave.
"Oh…" Tails replied as he shook the water off him like a dog.
After the ship got dried, the wedding was continued and Shadow and Rouge stood at the alter with everyone watching them.
"And do you Shadow, take Rouge to be your-"
"Now Amy!" Tails said asnd Amy let go of the arrow that flew in the air towards Rouge and it-
"What, NNNNOOOOOO!" Shadow screamed as he saw Rouge's chest get smaller.
"No? That'd it, I'm getting out of here!" Rouge said as she ran off the alter.
"Great, no girlfriend no giant melon, I have nothing!" Shadow sighed.
"You still have Amy!" Tails said as he brought his friend to the front.
"…Eh sure, why not?" Shadow said as he kissed the girl.
"I now pronounce you man and-Fish?" Tikal, the priestess said as she witness Amy's transformation to a mermaid, but the kiss never stop.
So how are they going to do it?" Rouge asked.
"They'll figure it out!" Tails replied.
The End
"There, are you happy…" Eggman said as he finish the book and notice Nasty sleeping, "Now?" Eggmna notice his chao was asleep, so he silently walks out the room.
End Of Chapter
Alien-Child: Once again, sorry for the delay. I hope you all enjoy one and half fairy tales today! Next chapter, as requested a Peter Pan parody featuring Silver and Blaze!