Hey! Last chapter finally! It really sux. Well the ending really really sux. Just r/r.

Chapter 5

2 weeks later


"Hey Mimi," Sora said as she walked towards me. "You headed to rehearsal?"

"Ya," I said as I started to take my script out of my locker.


"so what?"

"How's the play going? How's rehearsing with Matt?"

"It's okay I guess…"

"What do you mean you guess?"

"I dunno, it's not that big of a deal rehearsing with that jerk,"

"You gotta admit he is hot," Sora said smiling.

"Whatever…" I said as I started walking towards the auditorium.

"See ya later," Sora said.


Another day of rehearsal…another boring day. At least there's only a week before we actually have to perform this play then I don't have to rehearse with Matt. I thought as I walked.

"Hey Mimi, you're here now all we have to do is wait for Matt and then we can start," our teacher said.

Matt walked in with his script in his hands and rehearsing his lines.

"Okay people places everyone lets take it from the death scene."

How exciting the scene where I kill myself because Matt dies…like that'll really happen.

1 hour later after rehearsal

"um…great rehearsal" Matt said.

"Ya…whatever," I replied uninterested.

"well…um…see ya tomorrow,"

"sure…whatever," I said coldly. Why has he started to be nice to me?


God she's always being mean to me. I try to be nice and she's till all bitchy.

"Hey Matt," Michael said as he walked up beside me.

"Hey man,"

"Is Mimi still in the Aud.?"

"Ya…um…do you know why she's always bitchy towards me?"

"Well it's obvious," he said as he started to walk off, "She hates you!"

"Well I sort of figured that out all ready! Thanks for your help man!"

"No prob. Anytime."


"Michael what's up?" I asked as I saw him walking towards me.

"Not to much u?"


"Hey, it's nice outside wanna go to the park or something?"

"Sure, lets go,"

When we got to the park we sat down on a bench in front of a fountain.

"Um…Mimi…" Michael said.



"what is it?"

Michael seems kind of nervous I wonder what he wants to tell me.

I got a little confused as he started to lean in. Does he want to kiss me? seems like it but I just can't kiss him he's one of my friends I never thought of kissing him ever. He was looking into my eyes and I was looking into his trying to figure out what he was planning to do. Then he kissed me…


I decided to take a walk and think about the whole play thing and why Mimi was being so bitchy. It was like she was having PMS everyday. Then I saw Mimi and Michael sitting on a bench in front of the fountain. They looked like they were so into each other. They were staring deeply into each others eyes. Then it came. Michael kissed Mimi. I was Shocked I couldn't believe they were more than friends. For some reason it really bothered me. I don't know why but it just did. I left before Mimi and Michael finished kissing. I just needed some time to chill and try to figure out why Michael kissing Mimi bothered me so much.


"What was that for?" I asked as I pushed Michael away from my lips.

"um…Mimi…I…sort of…really like you," Michael replied looking away from me.

"You didn't have to kiss me!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry… I'm really sorry…I just couldn't figure out a way to tell you so…"

"So you decided to kiss me?" I questioned, "I can't believe you did that. I trusted you I thought we were just friends."

"Mimi? I'm sorry…I just…just,"

"You just decided to surprise me with a kiss,"

"I really like you Mimi…and…if you don't like me then…I understand,"

"Michael it's not that I don't like you…it's that I've only thought of you as a friend and that was it…I'm sorry if I've hurt you in anyway by yelling at you or making you think I don't like you. Because I do just not in a boyfriend, girlfriend way." I said after I calmed down. "I'm sorry," Then I stood up and walked away.

Next day


"Hey sexy," Crystal came up to me and whispered in my ear.

"Hey," I said seriously.

"What's up with you today? Aren't you happy to see me?" she asked making a puppy face.

"Of course I'm happy to see you. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I dunno you tell me. Did I do something to upset you? 'cause if I did I'm sorry,"

"No you didn't do anything,"

"Then what is it?"

"I dunno I'm just thinking about stuff,"

"What kinda stuff?"

"Just stuff that happened yesterday,"

"It's that Mimi chick right? You're thinking about her aren't you?"

"Ye-I mean no…why would I be thinking about her?"

"Did something happen between you two yesterday? 'cause if something did I'm gonna go kick her pretty little ass,"

"You don't have to go kick her ass 'cause nothing happened…and she doesn't have a little ass…ya sure it's pretty it's very pretty," I said zoning out of the real world into my dream world.

"I can't believe you!"

"What?" I said snapping out of my daydream.

"You've been checking her out haven't you?"

"What? What are you talking about? I haven't been checking her out" I lied

"Well you've at least been staring at her ass. That's for certain. And now I'm gonna go kick that ass you like so much."

"No don't. I haven't been staring at her ass I swear." Actually I had been staring at her ass but no way was I gonna tell Crystal that.

"I won't go kick her ass if you promise to not stare at it again,"

"I wasn't staring at it in the first place but sure I'll promise not to stare at it," whoa demanding chick.

"Good," she said as she started to wrap her arms around my waist and put her lips on mine and slipped her tongue in my mouth.



"Have you noticed that Matt has been acting a little different today?" I asked Tai in the Caff.

"Ya actually I have noticed,"

"I wonder why?"

"Probably a mood swing,"

"What? Who's having a mood swing?" Mimi asked as she was sitting down.

"Matt," I replied.

"Oh…like I care about him," Mimi said

"What? Haven't you at least noticed he's been acting a little different," Tai asked

"Nope," Mimi replied simply

"o…k…" Tai said looking at me.

A week later


"Hey Tai,"

"Oh hi Crystal,"

"I wanted to ask you something before but I didn't get a chance to,"

"Okay so what is it?"

"Have you noticed something different about Matt lately?" she asked looking concerned.

"Ya I have…he's been the same way for like a week now. He looks serious all the time and he's always thinking,"

"Ya I know…so do you know what's wrong with him?" she asked.

"To tell you the truth, no I don't,"

"Oh okay…well bye thanks anyway,"


Then Crystal left. I wonder what is up with Matt anyway? I think I'll go talk to him right away.

"Hey Tai wait up!" I heard Sora yell from behind me. Hey talking to Matt can wait until later like after I talk to Sora…anything can wait for Sora. I thought as I turned around.

"Hey Sora, what's up?"

"Nothing much but you know that Matt's been acting weird right?"

"Ya…I think everyone has,"

"Well haven't you noticed that he acts really weird around Mimi?"

"Well…no not really actually now that I think about it ya I have so…"

"So…it seems like he likes her don't you think,"

"Ya well sort of, he always stares at her and he always says she's hot and stuff like that,"

"Does he say anything like that about me?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confusedly

"Oh never mind,"

"Okay…whatever I'm gonna go talk to Matt. Um…you going to the play tonight?"


"Then see ya then," I said walking off.

"Hey Matt!" I said as I entered the Aud.

"Shhhh they're having their last rehearsal so would you please be quiet,"

"Oh sorry about that," I whispered.

"Okay everyone take 5," our teacher told all the actors. This is my chance to talk to Matt, I thought.

"Hey Matt," I said to him backstage.

"Oh hey Tai,"

"I know what's going on,"

"What?…what are you talking about nothing's going on,"

"Oh come on you've been acting weird all week especially around Mimi,"

"What are you implying?"

"Don't play dumb with me. You know what I'm implying. You like Mimi don't you?"

"No, I don't why do you think that,"

"Well first of all…um…I dunno ask Sora for evidence. But all I know is that you like Mimi,"

"No I don't, stop saying that,"

"Tsk tsk tsk don't you know that denial is the first stage,"

"Shut up Tai!"

"Whoa…someone's getting a little moody. Chill dude?"

"God Tai I said Shut Up!"

"Fine I'm gonna go I don't like being yelled at so bye,"

ugh! I guess Mimi was right he is a jerk. Just what is his problem.


Ugh what is Tai's problem getting into my business. I don't like Mimi I can't believe he said that. well I don't think I like Mimi…

"Come on everyone back to rehearsal," I heard from the front of the stage.

After Rehearsal


"Hey Mimi,"

"ugh! what do you want?"

"I'm just saying 'hey' is that such a big deal,"


"um…I need some advice,"

"Oh my God Matt, are you feeling okay. You're asking me for advice like you're waiting for me to give you some,"

"No I'm serious, can you at least be nice to me for a moment,"

"Fine, what do you need advice on?"

"Okay say something happened that made you discover you had feelings for someone you never thought you'd have feelings for, ever in your life and you don't know if that person you have feelings for has feelings for you and you highly doubt it. What do you do?"

"What you mean you don't like Crystal anymore?"

"Just tell me what to do,"

"Whoa someone's a little pushy,"

"Come on,"

"Fine, why don't you just tell her how you feel and see if she feels the same way back,"

"But what if I make I fool of myself,"

"It's too late for that already, and anyway the worst thing that can happen is that she might turn you down,"

"I dunno…"

"Oh ya I forgot you're not used to being turned down are you?"

"Ha ha ha very funny…it's not that, it's just that I like this girl a lot and I don't wanna be hurt by her,"

"Awwwwwww isn't that sweet, oh God can you hand me that barf bag over there?" she said laughing.

"What is your problem with me?"

"What? Do I have a problem with new I never knew that. I'm sorry if I'm hurting your feelings with my 'problem',"

"Well anyways thanks for the advice," I said staring into her brown almost hazel eyes.


"See you tonight,"

"Sure," she replied simply.

I guess I'll take Mimi's advice…tonight before the play I'll tell Mimi how I fell.


I wonder who Matt likes if he doesn't like Crystal. I'm actually surprised he's probably gonna dump Crystal after they probably had sex. I can't believe I gave him advice. He is a great kisser though…I can see why Crystal clings to him.

Later that night before the play



"Ya…Matt, what do u want this time?"

"Uh…I need to talk to you,"

"Aren't we talking already?"

"Ya, but I mean-"

"Hey Mimi," our friends, Tai, Sora, and Michael, all said.

"Hey guys," Mimi said walking up to them to give them a hug.

"Good luck tonight Mimi," Sora said.

"Ya good luck," Tai and Michael said.

"Hey you guys what about me?" I said disappointedly.

"Ya good luck to you to," Sora told me.


"Mimi, you look great in that dress," Sora commented.

"Thank you,"

"Well bye guys the plays gonna start soon so we gotta go back to our seats bye," Tai said to us as they all left.

"So what was that u wanted to talk to me about before?" she asked curiously


"Come on everyone the plays gonna start in a few minutes so to your places," our teacher said.

"Well you can tell me after the play"

ugh lost my chance I guess I'll really have to wait till after the play. Or I can give her hints during the play…ya I'll try that it might work.


It was weird…the whole time when we were performing the play Matt was acting very weird well not weird…but different. When he was saying his lines I seemed attracted to him. It felt like he meant all the love lines he said to me. and every time we kissed seemed special…it was different than when we were rehearsing. Really different…it was like…like it was meant to be…like we were dating but the thing that really got to me is that how can I feel this way when I hate him so much. Do I really hate him or do I just like him a lot and I'm pretending to hate him. God I'm so confused…what's up with me and my mixed feelings?

"Okay good job guys, now go out there and get ready for your bow," our teacher said.

When the curtains were up everyone was cheering and whistling. It was very flattering especially 'cause a few guys were yelling to get my phone number and others were yelling that I was hot. After the cheering I went backstage to get the costume off.

Omniscient view

"Uh…Mimi," Matt said nervously. This time I'm really gonna tell her even if she's being a bitch.

"Ya, what's up?" Mimi replied

She's actually being nice to me wow I can't believe it. Matt thought. "Well I have something I really have to tell you…"

"Ya what is it?"

"Well…um…I dunno how you're gonna take this but um…"

"What is it?"

"Well um…I don't hate you even if you hate me and might think I'm a jerk I don't hate you,"

"What do you mean you don't hate me?"


"Whoa calm down girl!" Mimi said coolly to her.


"What do you mean to go out with me? we're not going out! I would never go out with…with…that!" Mimi said pointing to Matt. Well it wouldn't be such a crazy idea…going out with him. He is hot and he's not that bad…well he is trying to be nice to me. Oh my god I can't believe I'm thinking about going out with him. Mimi thought as Crystal was yelling at her and Matt.

"Crystal if you're so mad at Matt then why don't you just leave him alone!" Mimi started yelling.

"Oh now you can't fight your own battles huh Matt? You have your girlfriend fighting them for you!"

"FOR THE LAST TIME I AM NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!!! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE MATT ALONE!!!! GOD!" Mimi said defending herself and matt. Then Crystal left furiously.

"What was up with that bitch?" Mimi asked after Crystal left.

"I broke up with her after rehearsal today," Matt replied.

"Why? didn't you like her?"

"Not really,"

"Oh ya now I remember you like someone else right?" too bad I thought I had a chance with him but I forgot he liked someone else.


"So what did you want to tell me before we were so rudely interrupted by that bitch,"

"Well I just wanted to tell you that uh…"

"You seem nervous…just tell me what you wanted to tell me,"

"I saw you and Michael in the park like a week ago,"


"I never knew you guys were an item," Matt said shyly

"What? We're not an item where did you here that,"

"I saw you two kiss on the bench in the park,"

"We're not an item. We're not together. We did kiss though well actually he kissed me, but I don't feel anything for him so I kinda turned him down,"


"Why do you care if we're together or not? Does it bother you or something,"

"No I mean yes I mean no,"

"What is it no or yes?"

"Um…sort of," god I'm so nervous. Matt thought.

"What's that suppose to mean?" does he like me? Mimi questioned herself

"…um…this is what I um meant,"

Matt leaned in and kissed Mimi. She kissed back. Their tongues slid into each other's mouths as they shared a long, passionate, meaningful kiss.

"mmmm," Mimi moaned in delight. Oh my God he kissed me…and I like it.

As their lips parted they stared deeply into each others eyes. Mimi touched Matt's face delicately with her soft hand. She held his face in her hand and brought it down to her level and kissed him again. This time more passionately and longer than before.

"Uh you guys sorry to ruin the moment but uh…me and the rest of us were going to the pizza place and we were wondering if you guys wanted to come," Sora came backstage to ask.

"Um…no we're fine," Mimi and Matt said in unison.

"Okay well I'm gonna go. By the way Crystal is really pissed at you matt," Sora said walking away.

"Um…thanks for telling me,"

"Was I one of the reasons you broke up with Crystal?"

"Well…uh…I sort of," matt said scratching the back of his head.

"Really? What if I got mad at you for kissing me? What if I slapped you? Then you wouldn't have a girlfriend,"

"That was a chance I was willing to take…and besides I didn't really like Crystal the only reason I was going out with her was cuz I guess she reminded me of you,"

"Well then you are a jerk if you didn't really like her but you still went out with her,"

"But wait when you were saying what if you got mad at me for kissing you and stuff like that what did that mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"Were you saying yes…you'll go out with me?"

"Well…what do you think?"

"I dunno what am I suppose to think?"

"Well…I dunno…" Mimi said starting to lean in closer planting her lips on Matt's.


"Hey you guys Mimi and Matt aren't coming with us. They're a little busy at the moment,"

"Busy? Doing what?" Tai asked cluelessly.

"Busy making out knuckle brain," I replied harshly.

"What? Them making out? I never thought they'd be together…they both hate each other well Mimi hates Matt even though Matt likes Mimi…." Tai babbled on for a while.

"Hey Michael, you seem quiet, why?"

"I'm just thinking about stuff,"

"Oh I get it, you're thinking about Mimi and Matt,"

"No I'm not I'm thinking about other stuff,"

"Oh come on I know you like Mimi I can so tell,"


"I just can. Come on lets get going," I said. And we headed to the parking lot.

Why can't I get the guy I want…Crystal can get Matt and so can Mimi what's wrong with me. I can't get Matt but I will soon. I am happy for Mimi though but she hated Matt and she still got him. I love Matt but I couldn't get him…but hey there's still time , and I'm sure I'll have him soon. I know I will.


Okay so I told you the ending sucked but hey I tried…I'm better at sad fics I think that says something about myself actually I just suck at endings but o well just review and tell me what you thought about it. I'm out peace.