
Hey people! This is my first fic it might not be that good but at least I tried. At first it may not seem like it's mimato but it is. I just love mimato! I sort of made Matt a little bit clueless 'cuz it's funny. Well at least it's funny to me. I hope you guys like this fic remember it's my first one so it might suck. This is only the first part I have a whole idea for my fic, but I guess you guys don't' care. Please tell me how it was and give me some pointers 'cuz I'm new at this. I LUV MATT!!! Just felt like sharing that with the world. Please r/r.

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon…blah…blah…blah…I do not own any of the characters (even though I wished I owned Matt).

Well here's the story! I'll stop annoying you now.



"Hey Sora," I said as I walked up to my locker.

"Hey" she answered back.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much, the same thing I do everyday before class, get my books out of my locker," she said "what about you?"

"Same old, same old" I answered "my life is boring. The same thing happens everyday. Wake up go to school, go home, do part of my homework, watch TV or go to band practice, then go to sleep."

"Why don't you try something different?"



"I don't know…why don't you get a girlfriend?" I hinted. I've been hinting a lot to Matt lately. He is so hot and sexy. He just doesn't get my hints. He still thinks I like Tai.

"A girlfriend?"


"…I dunno, I just can't seem to keep 'em"

"Why don't you get someone that understands you that knows you well…like maybe a friend or something." I hinted again hoping that he would get it.

"But who?" he asked looking clueless. I was getting frustrated at him. "There's only you and…you like Tai," he continued.

"Ugh!" I said and walked away leaving him standing there.

I can't believe how dumb he can be, he can be dumber than Tai I thought.


"I wonder why she just walked away, was it something I said?" I asked myself out loud and shrugged. Maybe she's right. Maybe I should get a girlfriend but who? As if on cue a very hot girl walked in the school doors. When I say hot I mean HOT. She reminded me of someone, but I don't know who. She had light brown hair that shined in the light, brown almost hazel eyes that sparkled like stars. She had a great body with fine curves and a great ass.

"Hi" I heard her say. I quickly snapped out of my dream world and casually said "hey."

"My name is crystal, I'm new, um…would you tell me where the office is?" She asked.

"Um…m-my name is Matt, um…the office is um…just down the hall and to the r-right," I stumbled over my words.

"Thanks," she replied.

"No prob." I tried to say coolly

As she was starting to walk away I said "I can walk with y-you to the o-office just to make s-sure that you um…g-get there" I offered.

She let out a soft giggle and answered "that'll be great."

As we walked together we talked. I asked her questions and it seemed like we got along.

"Well I'll see you around," I said when we got to the office.

"Yeah," she agreed.

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"Hey dude," Tai said as I walked into my first class. "Hey," he said again "earth to Matt, you in there" he tried to get my attention waving his hand in front of my face. "YO!!! MATT!!!" he yelled.

"What?" I said startled.

"What's up with you man?"

"What do u mean?"

"You seem….different,"

"How's that?"

"Are you doing 'em," he asked.


"You know 'em…as in dr-"

"I know what u mean, dumbass, and no I'm not doing 'em" I snapped.

"Then why do you seem out of it?"

"I met this …" I started to go into dreamland again.

"This…this…what? Tell me already. Ugh not again. MATT SNAP OUT OF IT!"

"What? Why are u yelling jerk."

"Whoa, chill dude you went off into la la land again, so what did u meet?" he asked.

"Well there's this-" I started.

"Class get into your seats," our teacher cut me off.

"I'll tell you later," I whispered to Tai.

As we got into our seats the teacher started explaining, "We have a new student with us, I hope you will treat her with respect," she signaled the new student to come in as I saw her walk in my jaw dropped " This is Crystal," the teacher said.

"She's hot isn't she Matt?" Tai whispered to me.

"Yo! Matt are you in la la land again?! Fine don't answer me."

"That was the girl I met today," I replied.

"You mean the girl that you've been drooling over?"


"She reminds me of someone, I don't know who," Tai said.

"I know, she reminds me of someone too."



"You can take a seat beside Matt over there in the back," our teacher told her.

She started to walk over to the seat beside me. At once all the guys started whispering.

"Hey we meet again," she said as she sat down.


"Who volunteers to show crystal around the school until she gets used to everything," the teacher asked.

All of the guys raised their hands excitedly. "What about you Matt?" she asked

"Sure" I said and smiled one of my smiles at Crystal. She smiled back at me with a warm smile.

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"Hi, my name is Tai," I said as I introduced myself to Crystal. Why does Matt get all the hot chicks? I asked myself. He is so lucky. Well I still have Sora I guess she is hotter than Crystal OK maybe not, why am I having a conversation with myself? I thought. O well. We, as in Matt and I, showed Crystal to her next class.

"Well I gotta jet, I'm gonna be late and I can't get another late I have too many already" I said scratching my head. Matt and Crystal started to laugh. "Well see you later," I said as I walked away. As I walked to my next class I started thinking about Crystal. Who does she remind me of? It's like I know her from somewhere but not really know her just like I've seen her somewhere but not really seen her more like…like she looks like someone I know well maybe knew. Ahhhh my brain is starting to hurt! Too much thinking ahhhhh now my hair hurts can't stand it! What's up with me I can't think for a long time I wonder why? Ahhhhh I better stop thinking or… or… I dunno I might get brain damage. So I stopped thinking. Sora was in my next class I'm glad she always cheers me up.

"Hey, Sora" I said

"Hey" she replied

We got into our seats as our teacher walked in. then another boring class of history started.

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I couldn't' stop thinking about Crystal who did she remind me of. The whole morning I walked her to every class. My last class before lunch was gym. Great gym, I really liked gym yeah right. Gym is for Sora and Tai I'm into music. At least I'm in Sora and Tai's class. I also found out that Crystal was in my gym class. When I got to gym I entered the change room.

"Did u see the new student isn't she cute?" one guy asked

"Yeah," another guy answered.

"Hey Ishida you're so lucky u get to show her around," one guy told me

"Yeah you are," another guy agreed

"Why do you always get the cute chicks?" a guy asked

I can tell Crystal was the talk of the whole school. Maybe not the whole school but at least all the guys in the school.

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When I saw the new girl I said "hey."

"Hi" she said back.

She reminded me of one of my best friends, Mimi, I really missed her. She moved to New York about a year ago. I still keep in touch with her over the Internet and phone. Maybe that's the reason why my phone bill is so high.

"I'm crystal," she said.

"I'm Sora," I replied.

All of a sudden all of the girls started asking her questions. I heard one girl ask, "How does it feel to have Matt show you around school?"

"It's great, he is so sweet and funny, I really like him," she replied.

"You forgot one thing about him," a girl named Brittany said.

"What's that?" Crystal asked.

"You forgot to say that he is sooo hot!" Brittany answered

"Yeah that's for sure" all the girls in the change room agreed.

All of the girls kept on talking about how lucky Crystal was and how great Matt was. I coudn't believe that all the girls like Matt. Actually I can believe that all the girls like him considering he's hot, sweet, considerate, he's just a perfect guy and now Crystal gets to hang out with him 24/7. I'm not jealous I just don't think it's fair that Crystal has to be good looking and that Matt likes her more than me. Gym class went well, I guess. The whole time Matt and crystal were practically inseparable. I hated it. Well at least now it was lunch.

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"Hey Matt," Sora said.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, what up?" Tai said coming up to us in the cafeteria.

"So what do you guys think of Crystal?" I asked.

"She's nice and ho- I mean nice," Tai answered.

"Why are you asking?" Sora wondered.

"Well, because I was thinking of asking her out. You were right Sora I should get a girlfriend to make my life more exciting. Thanks Sora," I said.

"No prob.," she said sadly.

"Matt did you figure out who Crystal reminded you of?" Tai asked me.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sora asked.

"Matt and I think that Crystal looks like someone we know or have seen," Tai answered.

"Do you guys remember Mimi?" Sora asked us.

"Mimi? Do u mean…Mimi Tachikawa?" I asked.

"Yeah," Sora replied.

"Wasn't she the girl that always whined in the digi-world and moved to New York 1 year ago or something like that" Tai asked.

"Yeah, how could you guys forget about her?" Sora asked.

"I always thought she was whiny, annoying, snobby, and a complete bitch," I said.

"What? You know what Yamato Ishida sometimes you can be a total insensitive jerk!" she yelled at me and ran off.

"What was that about?" I asked Tai.

"I dunno weren't Sora and Mimi best friends or something?"

"Yeah they were, but if Crystal looks like Mimi than that means Mimi was a hot chick doesn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah I guess it does, I wonder why we never noticed?" Tai asked.

"Yeah, I wonder why?"

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Well that was part one I hoped you liked it. Remember review 'cuz I really need tips and stuff. Well the story might not seem like mimato at the moment but when I say it's gonna be mimato then it'll be mimato. I know this is kinda short but part two will be up soon I just wanted to create suspense I hoped it worked. I'm almost done part two. Well bye, keep on reading.