Disclaimer: The Walt Disney Corporation is taking over the world! What don't they own? They don't own this ficlet that's for sure…though they do own the characters that appear in it, meh…whatever.
Summary: This is pretty much a series of ficlets I'm writing….because I can. And I've decided to name them like how the writers of Friends name each episode because it makes me laugh. Some of these drabbles will be funny, some serious, some M rated, some Modern AU's and some not. I don't know why I'm doing this but I think it will be fun.
The One Where She Can't Bring Herself to Love Him.
She wasn't thinking when she lied to him; she was only half sober that night. Her tongue was so loose and she wore her heart on her sleeve. She promised him something she wasn't sure she wanted to commit to.
He was so young, he was too young. Sometimes she felt like an old hag when she was with him, or worse, like his mother! He was only 19 and she, 26. But her age didn't matter to him, nor did it to her, or at least that's what she told herself.
Will Turner was a musician, a great one at that. He had the voice of a rock star yet his sound was much more soft and mellow. He played the guitar like only a God could do and when he sang he kept his eyes on her as if to serenade her with his every word.
Still she was angry with him. She wanted to love him, she really did, but he made it so hard. He was a natural flirt that much she knew. But now he was going on tour and he would be gone for weeks doing God knows what with God knows who, and she didn't know if he was worth the wait. After all, he was so young.
His long unkempt hair cascaded down his face impairing his view of her. She was balled up on her sofa hugging her knees tight. Her dress was short, exposing her long nude legs, milky white and beautiful. She had the body of a Goddess and he couldn't help but fantasize about making love to her.
"Please, speak to me." He said finally breaking the silence.
"I don't know what you want me to say."
"Yes you do!" he protested loudly.
"No." She simply shook her head.
"Elizabeth I love you, please." He begged one last time.
"I can't Will, I can't marry you!" she was near in tears now.
"But why?"
"Because I can't!" She buried her face in her hands and began to sob endlessly.
What had he done to her? He wondered to himself, he was so confused.
He walked over to her slow putting a hand on her bare back rubbing it slowly. She raised her head up at him and he reached out to dry her tears. She smiles sadly and welcomed him as he wrapped his arms around her body.
"I'm sorry." He simply said. And for what? For loving her more than she would ever understand? For wholeheartedly devoting himself to her and yet experiencing the heartbreak of her rejection time and time again?
She said she'd marry him, she promised, but now she was going back on her word.
He didn't know what he would do without her, or how badly his longing for her touch would get while he was gone. But he had her now, so he held her tightly against him. He smelt her hair and stroked her soft skin trying to memorize every last detail about her. To take it with him, to be with her while he was without.
Tonight he would get to live out his fantasy but tomorrow he would leave not knowing where their relationship stood, or whether or not she would wait for him. The only thing he knew for sure was that he would wait for her; he would wait a life time if he had to. She would come around, eventually.
Cooing into her ear he whispered her name.
"I love you." He said.
She couldn't bring herself to say it, or say anything for that matter, but then again, she didn't need to.
They simply kissed and made love.
A/N: This ficlet is kind of depressing but I like it. I don't know if any of you noticed but I pretty much am obsessed with Paolo Nutini and this is inspired by his song "Jenny Don't Be Hasty" where Liz is Jenny only not exactly. But Will is pretty much Paolo…in so many ways! V-FEST '07! I'll finally get to see him live!
Anyhow I'm choosing to dedicate this to my Kare Bear because I love her (that's williz, don't get it twisted.)