The Suite Life of Zack and Cody - Those Hidden Emotions - Chapter 5: The Depths of Darkness: Cody finally manages to gather up the courage to tell his brother his dark secret. Now that Zack knows, how will he look at his brother now that he has discovered his weakness? And will he keep his promise on not telling anyone? Find out in Chapter 5.
My gosh…I haven't updated in SOOOO long! I am so sorry everyone! Please forgive me!! I've just been so busy with school that I've just had absolutely no time to update. But now that I have finally managed some free time, I am going to do another chapter or two! Hurray! So, I hope that you guys will enjoy this. I may be just a tad bit rusty, but you can be the judges of that. J
Zack's POV
I…was raped.
My expression dropped.
"W-what..?" I asked, dumbstruck. He was kidding. I could just hear the sarcasm in his voice--this was all just some big joke to freak me out.
..That was sarcasm, right..?
The expression that was held on Cody's face didn't waver, I could just see the tears that were streaming down his cheeks weren't going to come to an end any time soon. He was trying so hard not to break and it could be easily read in his eyes.
"Y-you don't believe m-me, d-do you, Zack..?" he stated softly, his voice now quiet and cracking under the pressure of the sorrow that was built in his small body.
"I-I didn't say that…" What could I say? "No, Cody. I'm just acting surprised so that you can get sympathy." "No, Cody. I'm finding this all to be a big joke and your just trying to freak me out." I think he would hate me if I did. I went along with it.
"B-but…when did this happen? H-how?" I felt a surge of curiosity cycle throughout my body, making me want to flood him with questions. However the more I spoke, the more it seemed to hurt him. I fell silent.
He said nothing, and suddenly it felt like a ton of bricks hit me straight out in the stomach. His eyes let free some more tears, and soon his entire face was wet with water. My brother looked down, placing his face into his palms and began to wail into them. I suddenly felt very helpless, and not only that, heartless. His tears were endless it seemed, and my heart ached. Did I really say something that hurt him so much?
"You don't get it, Zack! I knew you wouldn't!" he yelled from the inside of his palms--I cringed. He was definitely breaking down now, and I realized then that he wasn't joking around. This was no lie.
Reaching out, I placed my hands on his shoulders in a comforting gesture. Cody's moist green eyes came up and stared up at me, still wet with fresh tears. "Don't ever, for a second, think that I don't understand, Code." I spoke sternly, watching a few single drops slip out from his bottom eyelid. "This is no joke. I get it now…"
His lip quivered, and soon his forehead was pressed against my shoulder. My cheeks flustered a bright pink when I realized what was happening, but soon I gave in and wrapped one arm around him. He was so fragile…why couldn't I see this before?
No wonder he kept lying to me about all those stains on his blankets.
…It was blood.
"Can you tell me what happened?" I ask suddenly after a long pause, wishing there was something more I could do--like taking all this pain away from him. But I just didn't have the magic or anything like that to do it…no matter how much I wanted to.
I felt his head shake from side to side against me, and I nodded. "I understand." I spoke softly, gently rubbing his backside to help settle those endlessly flowing tears.
Another silence overwhelmed us, well one that still involved his soft wailing into my chest, and I could feel my eyelids beginning to droop a little. Today had been such a long day.
However my thoughts had been disrupted as Cody sat up, not bothering to wipe his wet cheeks down. "..Do you promise not to tell anyone?" he asked, and I looked to him. My facial expression held major concern as I nodded. "Of course. I don't break my promises, bro."
That made him smile a little, but it was gone as soon as it came. "Okay…cause there's something I want to show you."
My eyebrows arch a little. I said nothing.
He seemed to know that I wanted him to press on, and so he did. His hands moved from their intertwined figure to the edge of his pants. I watched them curiously as they pushed the button out from it's little slit hole and yanked the small zipper downwards. I wasn't at all shocked that my brother was about to reveal his most secret area--the odd time when our Mom wasn't home we'd undress and measure each other or if there wasn't enough hot water for two showers we'd share one.
Cody had taken a quick glance around, but I knew that the door was locked and people knocked before entering. He then stood up a little and pulled his pants and boxer shorts down just a little to reveal a rather gruesome sight. I gasped in horror!
Redness and swelling had formed around his thing, and rashes and scratches were aligned all along the insides of his thighs. There was dry and wet blood kind of leaking from both his thing and the section on the other end of him (which seemed to be the worst infected). It was like he was sick from the inside and was slowly leaking out!
"I've tried my best to keep it clean but it's really hard when I can't reach most of the wounds down there.." I heard him say. My green eyes slowly trailed up to his, horror making my heart pound against my rib cage. Now it was my turn to feel the waterworks coming along my own eyelids.
He looked down to me and sniffed, and I began to wonder what was going through his mind right now.
"C-Cody…why haven't you gone to see a doctor?!" I asked, my tone sounding more scared then I had wanted it to be. He was painfully tucking himself back in and zipping himself up before he had responded. "I…I was too scared. I didn't want to leave the suite and see…him.." he muttered, and somehow, I understood.
Once he was done cleaning himself up by using the room sinks and such, he came back to his seat. However, he walked passed it and crawled onto the bed. I didn't mind…
It was like I suddenly understood everything. I wasn't afraid to be the big brother now.
He had laid down beside me after I made some room for his small body, and snuggled right into the pillow. "Do you mind if I stay here the night? I'm sure Mom won't mind." Cody asked me softly, and I sank down against the pillows right next to him.
I smiled.
"Of course, little bro. You can stay here as long as you want." I watched the smile on his face grow as he cuddled right into me. His eyes slowly fell, and the next thing I knew, so did mine.
I drifted into sweet dreams soon after, hoping that my brother was able to do the same.