You Had Me at Hello


"Naturally," Remus said rolling his eyes as he stood "Nice to meet you Nymphadora," giving her that lopsided grin again and following Sirius.

"It's Tonks!"She called at his retreating back

As Tonks watched him leave she felt a strange warmness from inside the pit of her stomach as shed watched his retreating back.

Remus John Lupin, you had me at Hello.

Well I thought Id give one of these a try to be honest, this is my first HP one I've written because I've been writing the same one for the last two years aha. So yeah, here goes :


Nymphadora thought, she had just Apparated into a puddle, she shook off the excess water from her boots. She marched onwards towards a distant building shrouded in darkness; the only thing that was visible was the dimly lit windows and the small sign hanging just above the door with a picture of a Hogs Head pictured in the middle.

She marched towards the Hogs Head; crisp summer night air brushed against her face, and wisped through her pink spikes. She looked down and checked her watch;

I'm late!

Her mind screamed at her as she picked up her pace. She reached the door to the small dilapidated pub; Tonks took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She looked around, there behind the bar with long grey hair stood a wizard who was wiping a glass with a dirty rag; he looked up as Nymphadora entered, as he cast his eyes over her his expression mingled with confusion and amusement when his eyes reached the top of her head. She was used to this being a metamorphmagus; he down cast his expression and turned away from her. She looked around further, there was a gaggle of old witches huddled in a corner whispering and a small looking creature or wizard; she couldn't quite make out which was apparently asleep under his or its travelling cloak.

Tonks looked into the furthest corner, there sat a man with dirty blonde hair, chunks missing from his face and nose and magical eye whizzing madly in all directions in its socket. Next to him sat an older looking man with a long beard and hair. He was wearing midnight blue robes and greeted her with a welcoming smile as she approached their table.

"Professor," She said smiling at him

"Albus, this is one of the most talented Aurors from the ministry. My young protégée, Nymphadora Tonks," Mad Eye said nodding to her

"Don't call me Nymphadora! Its Tonks, you know that!" Tonks hissed the tip of her hair turning bright red while Dumbledore merely chuckled with what Tonks could only assume was delight.

"Well Nymphadora," Mad Eye continued as though he hadn't heard her. She scowled and Dumbledore looked delighted. "Dumbledore has asked me to recommend witches and wizards to join the Order of the Phoenix; so being the only bright young Auror I've seen in years, you were first on the list."

"" She stuttered stupidly

Her mother had long told her stories of the secret Anti Voldemort faction, but she thought herself to young clumsy and definitely too stupid to join but it appeared she was wrong.

"Yes I remember your Hogwarts days, always the most gifted in your classes, especially in Transfiguration, "Dumbledore smiled giving her a small wink to which she grinned. "I would be truly honoured if you'd consent to join us in our fight against Voldemort."

"I..." she stuttered again, unsure of what to say.

I'm making a complete fool of myself!

She thought, annoyed at her own stupidity.

"I understand if you need to think about this, Nymphadora."

"No, I want to join,"

Had fallen out of her own mouth before she could stop it. Her mother had never wanted her to join; she always told her daughter the horrors of being a part of the resistance faction to Voldemort and his supporters. Andromeda had wanted nothing to do with these factions so as to keep her daughter and husband safe from her Voldemort supporting sisters. She had always told Tonks when she was younger, that the danger of joining such groups is if you become attached to people or even worse fall for someone you're in the faction with and then to loose them is the worst pain, and here she was not even thinking, but she wanted to join, to help and save people from anymore pain and suffering, she was old enough to take care of herself now and didn't need her mother's permission.

"Excellent! Our first meeting is on Monday evening, Mad Eye will fill you in on more of the details when I arrange where and exactly what time." He got up to leave, as he did so he nodded to Moody. "I'll look forward to seeing you then Nymphadora, I mean, Tonks." He said with a small smile. He walked around the table and out of the small pub without a backwards glance leaving Nymphadora Tonks standing by Mad Eye Moody feeling quite bemused.

She walked into a long supposedly muggle street called 'Grimmauld Place'. Tonks walked until she reached a gap between numbers eleven and thirteen, she reached out into her pocket and pulled a small folded piece of parchment that read "The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London' as the last word was read a small rumbling noise started, quite unnoticed by any of the muggles in their respective houses. When Tonks looked up Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place had slid into view between number eleven and thirteen, she approached the door and knocked twice. Within seconds the door had opened and a small plump woman was standing before her.

"Wotcher," Tonks said smiling at the plump woman

"Good evening," She replied

"Nymphadora Tonks, Dumbledore asked me to come here for a meeting of the Or-"

"Yes yes! Don't say it aloud around here; you never know whose listening. Come in," She said motioning to Tonks to step over the threshold "We mustn't make too much noise in the hallway, we don't want to wake anything else up."

As Tonks stepped inside

That sounds vaguely ominous, Tonks thought as she followed the plump woman along a narrow hallway to a door at the end. The woman smiled at her and opened the door, and Tonks followed her inside.

When she stepped into the room, which she now saw was a kitchen; there were hoards of witches and wizards standing around or some even sitting at the long wooden table in the middle. She felt slightly out of place as she moved among them towards the long wooden table in the middle, she pulled out a chair and sat down. Tonks gazed around the room gobsmacked at all the different people that filled the room.

I shouldn't be here

She thought bitterly. They all looked so much older, wiser and more experienced where she was just a young clumsy Auror who had only got her licence a year previously.

"Sickle for your thoughts?" A kind voice said to her left

She looked up and there stood a man that had greying hair, scars on his face

and a lopsided grin.

"Oh nothing really," Tonks said shrugging as the man sat down

"Shame, I thought it would have been quite amusing due to your dazed

expression just a second ago," he smiled again

"And you are?" She asked rather more forcefully than she had intended but the lopsided grin never faded from his face

"Remus John Lupin," He said "And YOU are?"

"Nymphadora Tonks, but please just call me Tonks." She said hastily before he could speak "I hate Nymphadora,"

"Well hello Nymphadora!" He sniggered

She scowled "Oh yes, how amusing you are,"

"My apologies," He said holding up his hands in defence.

How cute, she thought and smiled to herself. He smiled too and for moment everything stopped and it was just the two of the grinning like idiots.

"Well Mooney, see you've met my little cousin?" Said a voice, with bark like laugh just after

They both jumped and looked up at the man standing before them with a stupid grin on his face, Sirius Black. Sirius gave his usual bark like laugh while

Tonks gazed at Remus. He was so calm and always gave off a certain aura of being at peace with everything, and also the hint of being slightly sneekish and playful with his lop sided grin. Of course, she thought this was Remus, Mooney, long time friend and fellow Marauder of her cousin Sirius Black.

"Molly wants to talk to us both about what we should tell the kids when they get here," He announced

"Why, me too?" Lupin said looking puzzled

"Because you're the responsible one," He said grinning "And also I think it's because you didn't just spend twelve years in Azkaban, plus I have the tendency to let things slip that aren't supposed to be heard by young ears," He said still grinning, even though Tonks thought he looked a little devious at the end of his sentence. Sirius nodded to Tonks and disappeared back through the crowd.

"Naturally," Remus said rolling his eyes as he stood "Nice to meet you Nymphadora," giving her that lopsided grin again and following Sirius.

"It's Tonks!"She called at his retreating back

As Tonks watched him leave she felt a strange warmness from inside the pit of her stomach as shed watched his retreating back.

Remus John Lupin, you had me at Hello.

She thought and shook her head violently to get rid of the thought when she felt a smile appeared on her lips as Dumbledore stood at the end of the table and called order and everyone took their seats.

Well I hope that wasnt so bad / please review so Ill write more : aha
