"InuYasha hurry Naraku has. . "Sango charged at the couple but stopped short when she saw them kissing. Sango stood jaw dropped at the site. Everyone knew they were ment to be, but did this mean they were actually an item now?

"It would probably serve best if we just let them be right now. Naraku has already returned to his castle. We don't need to rush." Miroku spoke calmly as he approached Sango from behind. He found his hand reaching for her perfectly round bottom that her black fighter outfit displayed so well. But sing the little but of self control he did posses, he rested his hand on the center of her back. "We should probably just leave them alone for now." He flashed her a smile and admired hers as she returned the gesture.

Back near the bone eaters well, InuYasha and Kagome deepened their kiss. Kagome sat up on her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck. InuYasha placed his hands on her slender, bony hips, and pulled her body towards him, so that their bodies were pushed up against each other. Deepening the kiss, InuYasha slid his tongue into her mouth, their tongues both dancing with each others. Both of them were getting very wrapped up in the kiss and even a good bit aroused when. .

"InuYasha. Kagome. Are you two gonna get married now?" Shippo's high pitched voice interrupted. He sat close to Kagome, awaiting an answer. "My parents used to kiss like that a lot and they were married." Shippo added.

Kagome and InuYasha jumped back from the intimate position when they heard Shippo's voice. However, InuYasha grabbed Kagome's hand, lacing his fingers with hers. InuYasha was rather angry that Shippo had came and interrupted their embrace. He had waited so long to hold Kagome like that, and to share something that passionate with her. "Whets its matter Shippo? Ya jealous or something?" He slyly remarked shaking off he question.

"No I'm not jealous I just think you two need to hurry up and get married already! We all know your ment to be together. Heck, even Naraku and Koga know it!" Shippo exclaimed at InuYasha.

"Heh! You should keep your nose out of other people's business." InuYasha smirked. He raised his free arm right above Shippo' head. He clenched his fist and drove it into the fox demon's head. "Kagome and I will do as we please." He said smiling at Kagome, looking deep into her eyes, longing to embrace her once again.

Seeing as Shippo had already interrupted the couple, Miroku and Sango approached the group. "InuYasha, Naraku attacked us today looking for Kagome. But once you two were no where to be found, he retreated back to his castle." Reported Miroku.

"Well I cant chase him tonight," InuYasha replied half disappointed. "And I'll be damned if he EVER gets his filthy hands on Kaome." The half-demon exclaimed with a slight growl. The statement clearly exerted his care for her and his willingness to always protect her like he had promised long ago.

His face looked up at the sky. The sun was sinking beneath the tree line. Tonight was the night of the new moon. As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, InuYasha's hair turned to a dark shade of black, almost blending in with the night. His claws turned to normal hands, and his eyes turned to a dark chocolate brown. "Heh, this is gonna be a long night." He commented with a sigh.

"Kagome. . ." Sango finally spoke. "where are your normal clothes?" She asked finally realizing Kagome's new kimono. She had also taken notice to the destroyed well before them, she knew how Kagome must feel. Sango to had lost her home, it had been destroyed when Naraku had attacked.

"My clothes!" Kagome exclaimed jumping up from her resting spot. "I forgot all about them." Kagome raced off into the dark woods trying to remember how to get to where she left them.

"Stupid girl." InuYasha commented as he got up to his feet slowly. He set off in the direction she bulleted into and chased after her. He chased after her for a few minutes before she turned around and stopped, realizing he was behind her.

InuYasha slowed down his speed and caught up with her. He had forgotten the difference between his half demon speed and human speed. It was quiet different. Once he caught up to her, he lightly pressed her up against a near by tree and stole a kiss from her. He slid his hands up and down her torso gently, sending chills through her body. She smiled as he began to arouse her once again. Sensing her arousal, he began to undo the top of her kimono. Quickly Kagome pressed her lips against his, finding herself unable to contain herself.

The human InuYasha slid his hand up her breast and gripped it tenderly, beginning to massage her breast. He deepened the kiss she gave him, not allowing it to be broken. He slid his tongue into her mouth once again, playing with her soft tongue. He pressed his body against hers allowing Kagome to feel his arousing manhood.

Removing his hand from her breast, he moved it down to the tie of her pants. Kagome continued adding passion to the kiss, letting InuYasha have his way with her. Within a moment her pants fell to around her ankles, followed by she undergarments. InuYasha took his pointed finger and ran it across he hips, watching her shiver with pleasure. He then moved his finger down to her sacred place. He played around down there a bit, teasing her at times. Then he found her hole. He began thrusting his finger in and out of her slowly, watching her body began to move with the motion of his finger gliding in and out of her.

Kagome's hand slid down from around his neck to his chest, taking off his shirt gracefully. Then she ran her fingers softly down his bare chest, then finally rested at his pants line. She began untying his pants while still kissing him deeply. Soon she had them undone, leaving him standing there nude, just as she was.

He pulled his finger out of her and picked her up, breaking their kiss. He smiled at her, gazing into her eyes. He had never been this happy before. InuYasha laid Kagome down gently on the ground, and hovered over her on one knee.

She smiled back at him, ready to embrace in the strongest act of love there was. "You sure you want to do this?" InuYasha asked not wanting to pressure her into anything. "It is going to hurt a bit."

Kagome answered with a soft kiss and shook her head. "Of course I am. I love you InuYasha."

"I love you too baby." InuYasha replied. Then putting his hands on her hips, he slowly glided his throbbing manhood into her tight, small, hole, breaking her virgin barrier, but still trying to cause as little pain as possible. Kagome's face scrunched up as he entered her. The pain finally subsided and he began to thrust himself in and out of her slowly. Her body began to move along with his moment, now and then releasing a moan of pleasure.

As time passed by, they began to pick up the speed. InuYasha began thrusting in and out of her faster, and almost slamming into her. Her moans grew louder as the pleasure increased. Finally neither of them could contain themselves any longer. With one last powerful thrust, they both released their fluids into each other. "InuYasha!" Kagome screamed with pleasure as she released.

He smiled at her warmly and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. He placed his lips against her forehead then said softly, "I love you Kagome. I truly, truly do."

Meanwhile back at camp, Sango, Shippo, And Miroku built a fire to keep warm as the night air chilled immensely. "They've sure been gone a while." Shippo stated.

"Shippo is right. I hope everything is okay." Sango said expressing concern for her friends.

"Well with the kiss they were sharing before they left, and they have been gone for a few hours. . ." Miroku trailed off. He calmly left his statement there considering Shippo's little ears were present. He slowly lifted the cold, dark stone cup up to his pink tinted lips, and sipped the hot tea inside of the cup. He caught Sango's piercing glance as he rested his cup down on the cold earth. "What's wrong my dear Sango?" Asked the clueless monk.

Sango shook her head lightly, disregarding Miroku's crude comment. "Nothing," she replied calmly.

"Hey you guys!" Shippo exclaimed jumping up and down energetically. "I can hear them! Their talking in the woods!!" With the last statement yelled by the hyper, excited fox demon, he ran off to a bush within hearing range of InuYasha and Kagome. His body chilled with excitement as he hoped to find out what was going on between the two.

"So that marriage thing Shippo was talking about, that means your only mine right?" InuYasha asked gazing into Kagome's eyes. Now, both of them stood up right, Kagome's back up against a tall, thick tree. InuYasha was dressed again in his red fire rat kimono, and Kagome back in her normal school outfit. The couple both looked a bit sweaty and even a tad tired.

With Kagome up against a tree, InuYasha stood in front of her, almost pushing his well toned, human body against Kagome's womanly figure. He placed his right hand on her skinny, bony waist. His right was stroking her angel soft hair.

"It means that I'm the only one whose allowed to do what we just did with you right?" The anxiously waiting hanyou awaited for her answer. In his mind he damned anyone to hell who would even think about laying a hand on his Kagome.

Kagome's radiant smile shown ever so brightly as finally she stood in the mans arms that she had loved for so long. She wrapped her arms around his strong neck, standing on her tip-toes so when time came she could kiss his lips. With a little curiosity in her mind she finally answered. "Yes, that's some what of what being married means. Why?"

Shippo's little fox ears perked up when he heard what the two of them had been talking about. What did they do before? The young fox demon thought to himself.

InuYasha's ears twitched slightly when he heard Kagome's soft, caring voice say that there was a way for her to be just his forever. Racing through his mind, that was exactly what he wanted to do. "So how do we do it then?" He asked. "How do we get married?" InuYasha rephrased.

Did he just suggest we get married? Raced through Kagome's mind. Her heart skipped a beat when he suggested it. "Well first you've gotta actually ask me." Kagome laughed lightly. "And secondly, the guy usually gets the girl and ring, and there is a ceremony." The thought of all of this exhilarated her.

"Well Kagome, will you marry me?" InuYasha asked sincerely, staring into her deep, chocolate eyes. They were so gorgeous, he swore she had to have stolen them from the sky or something.

Kagome was taken by his statement once again. Does he really want to be with me forever? She was only 15, what would her parents say. "Inu. . Yasha." She finally spoke, happiness filled her eyes. "of course," she added for her definite his hand along her jaw line, he lifted her chin and gave her a light kiss on the lips.

"Eww, not again you two!" Shippo exclaimed from behind the bushes. Once Kagome's and InuYasha's heads were turned looking at him, Shippo finally realized that he had said that out loud. He leaped into the air yelling, "ahh! InuYasha don't kill me!" then like a bullet darted off to Sango and Miroku for safety.

"Shippo you better run!" InuYasha exclaimed. "You'll pay for spying on us!" He was about to chase after the fox demon when Kagome's soft, gentle hand grabbed his. She tugged at him to stay back.

Standing on her tip-toes she leaned against him and pressed her lips against his for a brief moment. "They were going to find out eventually," she smiled, "now we don't have to tell them." Kagome smiled, knowing she had made a good point. Moving her body she began walking towards the others, tugging at his hand for him to follow. "Come on InuYasha, im tired."