The morning was young as our group of adventurers arose. All but one. The beautiful priestess had already awaked long before the sun. Her night was restless. She knew the end of their journey was close. This trouble Kagome. What would this bring? What would happen between her and InuYasha one the jewel is complete and Naraku is dead?

She sat secretively but the racing stream deep in the woods. She focused her chocolate orbs on the battle between water and rock. She found it calming and captivating to watch and study. That is until a hand placed on her shoulder broke her thoughtful trance.

"Good morning my sunshine," said an over confident Koga. Kagome had fascinated him since the day he laid eyes on her elegant figure. And now alone, he finally had his opportunity.

"What are you doing awake this early?" Kagome responded quickly in a friendly manner, although it saddened her that someone found her thinking spot.

"I could ask you the same thing my beautiful." Quickly Koga shot back. He shifted his position and knelt next to her grabbing her hand, hoping to lace his fingers with her soft delicates.

Kagome felt a little uncomfortable with Koga. She was flattered by how much he admired her, but her heart didn't reside with him. It resided with a half demon who she had no idea if he felt the same or not. It resided with InuYasha.

"What are you doing with her!?!?!" exclaimed a furious half-demon, the same half-demon who had Kagome's heart. InuYasha. Although Kagome and himself weren't together, he still considered her his. He had his mind set on the fact that he wanted her as his mate, he was just, well rather shy and unsure on how to express it to her. And now in the mist of everything he comes to find Koga with his women. The rage boiled inside of him. This was something that sparked the match of fury within his amber eyes, he wouldn't stand for anyone else's hands gracing his Kagome. "Well what are you doing?! Get away from her! She's mine!" Shouted his forceful voice, while his battle worn hands gripped the tetsuiga.

Koga calmly rose to his feet. Glaring into InuYasha deep in the eyes. "Yours?" He responded finding himself rather puzzled. He knew Kagome, for some unknown reason, had a thing for the half demon, but had InuYasha and her mated already. Or was he just bluffing. His body was build of muscle, but to no surprise his brain wasn't the strongest of them all. "Did I miss something mutt?" he questioned roughly. "I think your mistake- -" he was cut off.

One simple pull and the tetsuiga was released from its sheath. "Yeah, she's mine. You wanna fight over it." He egged on. Something had come over InuYasha. Normally he was jealous, but would never admit it, but now it was to a new level. He didn't want anybodies hands but his gracing the porcelain skin of Kagome.

Kagome sat there in astonishment. Had she been dreaming? Did InuYasha just call her his. Quickly she snapped back to reality, she couldn't let a fight happen for such a silly reason. "InuYasha, sit boy." And down he went, coming in harsh quick contact with the earth. "That'll be enough Koga, it was nice to see you again, goodbye." She said to him almost as if she was dismissing him.

Koga looked absolutely puzzled once again. Had his love just told him to beat it? Did she truly want him gone? What made things worse was when she stood. She walked elegantly right past him and sat next to InuYasha. Koga may not have been the brightest, but he could take a hint. He knew when he was unwanted, but in his mind he told himself he would return later, when she was alone again.

Kagome sat down next to InuYasha. "What was that about?" She asked calmly. Normally she'd be mad at him for picking a fight, especially with someone who had helped them out so many times in the past. But something inside her told her not to be mad. Well maybe not just yet.

"I don't like that creep." InuYasha mumbled. He didn't like that Koga character. Everyone knew this. He tried to convince everyone that it was because he wasn't as strong as he said he was because Koga used the jewel shards for power. But really he didn't like how he loved Kagome. He didn't like anyone who liked her in that way around Kagome for that matter. Pulling himself off the ground, InuYasha finally sat up and crossed his legs Indian style.

"You just don't like him because he flirts with me." Kagome replied smiling, she knew she was right. But something was still bugging her. Why did he call me his? What's on his mind? "InuYasha. . . can I. . "

"What?" InuYasha cut her off rudely. He could sense she had a question, she was nervous and her sent changed a bit. He already had an idea of what her question would contain. And to tell the truth, he wasn't really looking forward to it.

Kagome paused for a second to think of how to word this. "Um. . .what did you mean back there, when you called me yours?"

"Hmp. Nothing." He replied stubbornly. "I just don't want him touching you, ok?" He picked up his head and looked her in the eyes, he could tell she wasn't satisfied with his answer.

"Oh. . . alright then." She sighed a bit. "I'll leave now then," she announced as she stood and began her walk back to the camp spot. She had hoped maybe he finally came to terms with how he felt about her. I guess I'm just a girl with her hopes to high. What was I thinking? Him liking me like that. I'm a fool, she thought, he promised Kikyo that he'd go to hell with her. His heart his obviously with her.

What am I doing. Am I really going to let her walk away, again? InuYasha thought. No I wont let her leave, not this time. I wont bite my tongue any longer. The half demon stood up quickly. Kagome was still close, he could still smell her sweet, enchanting cherry sakura (blossom) sent.

"Kagome wait," he called after her. Full speed he caught up with her as she was turning around to acknowledge his calling. "I need to talk to you." He said urgently. InuYasha knew in his mind that if he let this wait to much longer he would second guess himself and just shake off telling her once again.

"Hm," she nodded in agreement, "okay." What could he possibly want to talk about. She thought to herself.

InuYasha saw they were within earshot of the rest of the group. He tugged at her arm and pulled her behind some tall, thick, trees.

"What is it InuYasha?" Kagome asked puzzled, and ever a tiny bit aggravated after the last talk they just had.

"I. .I did mean something before. When I. . I called you mind to Koga." He spoke a bit shaky. He saw Kagome's soft pink lips about to release her thoughts. Not being finished with what he had to say yet, he placed his index finger against her lips softly. "Shh, let me finish," he softly spoke. "I know things with you and I have been. . well complicated to say the least. With my diminished feelings for Kikyo." He paused there for a moment and thought to himself. Yes I am done with Kikyo. His mind was confident that he was. "I can't keep living in the past. If I keep chasing an old, dead dream. . .I'm going to loose you. And Kagome I. .. I," he paused. Why am I pouring my heart out to her again he thought, beginning to second guess himself again. To late to stop now, I need to know if she feels the same for me. I have to find out. InuYasha took his hand and lifter up her chin so he could gaze straight into her magnificent chocolate orbs. He had dreamt of this moment for many moons now. "Kagome, I. . I love you."

Kagome's heart raced. This was a side on InuYasha he had never shown her. Yeah she'd seen him be sweet to Kikyo before, and almost like this, but he never heard him pour his heart out to her. Had he really just said that? What's coming over him, just last week he was chasing after Kikyo. "InuYasha. . I love you too. I always have."

Just as she finished speaking, InuYasha leaned his head in close to hers and pressed his lips against her soft, angel like lips. They both shared a passionate embrace they had been equally longing for.