Pairing: George/Katie, mentions Bill/Fleur
Rating: G
Summary: Katie's not letting George anywhere near those birth certificates. George's way of remembering Fred.
Disclaimer: I own George and Katie's post-Hogwart's timeline. That's it.
George had three daughters.
He had wanted to name them all Fred, but Katie wouldn't let him.
"You do want your children to like you, don't you?" She asked when she was pregnant with their first.
"Well, I suppose so, but Katieā¦"
"I'm not naming my daughter Fred, George!"
So George had three lovely brunette daughters (a travesty, George had said, that none of his girls were red-heads) with normal girls' names, Hannah, Lauren, and Sarah.
Katie was in labor for the fourth time, with a fourth daughter. It was the last time, she had told George, several months before, unless they could find a way to transfer her morning sickness to him.
He sat on the side of her bed in St. Mungo's and looked at the baby in his wife's arms. She had random tufts of Weasley red hair and dark blue eyes. She looked up at him, cooing.
"She looks like you," Katie said softly, smiling down at her daughter.
"She looks like Fred."
Katie didn't respond.
Bill was sitting alone in his backyard reading and eating peppermint humbugs when a familiar ocher barn owl landed in a low tree branch near him. He hooted loudly until Bill untied the embossed envelope from his leg. Bill laughed and took the announcement into the kitchen to show Fleur.
George and Katie Weasley are pleased to welcome
Their fourth beautiful daughter,
Fred Olivia Weasley,
On the 14th day of November, 2007
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