I'm sorry I left this so long but here is chapter 5.

Disclaimer: Don't own it don't sue!!

The song is "How Far We've Come" By Matchbox 20. I don't own it either.


The each sat down again in their respectful seats and waited.

They waited for Cragen to show up.

They waited for the doctor to come out and tell them Olivia was ok and awake.

They waited for the world to stop spinning.

They waited for the silence of their hearts not beating in their ears.

They waited for a sense of normalcy to grace their presents…

The cars are moving like a half a mile an hour and I
Started staring at the passengers and waving good-bye.
Can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time?

Only one of the previous occurred after ten minutes.

Cragen arrived, flustered and concerned. He quickly spotted the group and ran over to them.

"How's she doing? What's going on?" He asked.

"So far we've been given the all clear." Munch relayed the doctor's words.

"Oh…ok." Cragen took a seat next to Fin and rested with his head in his hands, his elbows supported by his legs.

But I believe the world is burning to the ground.
Oh well, I guess we're gonna find out.
Let see how far we've come.
Let see how far we've come.
Well I believe it all is coming to an end.
Oh well, I guess we're gonna pretend.
Let see how far we come.
Let see how far we come.

They sat in silence aside from the odd cough or sniffle. They were each contained in their own little world of turmoil and distress until Casey broke the trance.

"You owe me $50 by the way." She said quietly, everyone knew exactly what she was talking about.

No-one having the skills to respond at the time created an eruption of nervous laughter from everyone.

I think you turn, turn the clock, but I don't really know,
And I can't remember caring for an hour or so.
Started crying and I couldn't stop myself.
I started running but there's no where to run to.

"How did we become so desperate, so dependent on Olivia?" Cragen asked.

The question went unanswered, out loud anyway. Each knew why; some how in their own little part of the world, the small building in which they worked had become home and this was their family. They were each one another's life support, their rock.

I sat down on the street,
Took a look at myself,
Said where you going man, you know the world is headed for hell?
Say your good-byes if you got someone you can say good-bye to.

After their small outburst they fell into a mutual silence of grief and despair at the possibility of what they might loose, although none felt compelled to mention that detail or to even think it at that point in time.

After three hours of barely moving from their positions they each shifted as a doctor made his way over to the entirely numb group.

"Olivia's out of surgery." Dr. Mathews informed them, "and she's going to be okay, for now. She's currently in ICU. She'll remain there until about 6am when we'll move her into a private room." Although his delivery seemed sterile it was the best way to keep people calm in this kind of a situation.

But I believe the world is burning to the ground.
Oh well, I guess we're gonna find out.
Let see how far we've come.
Let see how far we've come.
Well I believe it all is coming to an end.
Oh well, I guess we're gonna pretend.
Let see how far we come.
Let see how far we come.

"When can we see her?" Elliot asked after not talking for nearly three hours.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't…" Dr Mathews began but soon saw the desperation in the man's eyes, "One at a time and no longer than two minutes each. She's not awake yet so don't disturb her, she needs to rest. Currently the anesthetic will be wearing off."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Ok, follow me." Dr Mathews turned on his heal and began leading the small group through a series of corridors and up an elevator. They stopped on the fifth floor where they proceeded to get out and be led down a small sterile hallway. It had white walls and a white ceiling; the floor was a speckled blue lino which coated the entire hospital.

They stopped just short of a double swing door with the words "Intensive Care Unit" printed across the front.

Each took their turn in going in to see Olivia lying semi conscious but asleep on a bed, oxygen mask over her face, hair pulled back under a cloth cap.

It's gone, gone.
Baby it's all gone.
There's no one in the corner,
And there's no one at home,
Well it was cool cool.
It was just all cool.
Now it's over for me, and it's over for you.
Well, it's gone, gone.
Baby it's all gone.
There's no one in the corner,
And there's no one at home,
Well it was cool cool.
It was just all cool.
Now it's over for me, and it's over for you.

Each came out shaking their heads with the exception of Casey who was crying.

Elliot was last to go in. He slowly pushed the doors open and entered the brightly lit room. He spotted Olivia immediately and ran over to her bed. The first thing he noticed was the pallor of her skin. It was no longer the colour of golden honey but more like the slightly off stuff that usually covers the liquid sweetness.

Elliot quickly moved to her side. He gently caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead as he imagined the others would have done. He swept back the few stray stands of hair which didn't quite make it into the cap.

"God, Olivia. You scared the absolute crap out of me." He whispered.

Elliot reached down and touched the back of her hand before taking it in his own. He needed to make sure she was there, make sure she was real. He knew she was when she gave his hand the lightest squeeze.

"I'm so glad you're safe." He whispered, pressing his lips to hers.

That said and done Elliot reluctantly untangled his fingers from Olivia's and left.

But I believe the world is burning to the ground.
Oh well, I guess we're gonna find out.
Let see how far we've come.
Let see how far we've come.
Well I believe it all is coming to an end.
Oh well, I guess we're gonna pretend.
Let see how far we come.
Let see how far we come.

Elliot knew if he paused for a moment that he would break. He continued to push through the double swing doors,

Let see how far we've come.

Past Casey and Munch and Fin and Cragen,

Let see how far we come.

Past their calls to him,

Let see how far we come.

Past the bright lights of the hallways,

Let see how far we've come.

Past the green exit sign,

Let see how far we've come.

Through a room full of people, through the sliding doors,

Let see how far we've come.

Past a last hope of denial

Let see how far we've come.

Past a last ditch attempt of feigning ignorance and onto a bench outside the hospital.

Sorry, can't think of some extravagent way to aske for revies right now.

I've gotta meet a friend so I'll talk to all you peoples later.


