AN: I suck. College is ruling my life. Christmas break is a gift from God. Enjoy! And i'm sorry if the thought are confusing. I tried to seperate them so you would know who was thinking what.

Chapter 36

Hermione walked slowly, fingering the small box in her pocket.

God, I hope he likes it. She thought nervously.

When she approached his rooms, the dragon in the portrait winked at her and let her in as she said the password.

Remus was sitting comfortably on the couch with a book I his hands. She laughed inwardly. So very Remus. He jumped up upon seeing her and set down his book.

"Happy Christmas," He joked, as Christmas had been a week ago.

She smiled and sat down on the couch as he sat next to her.

"Okay, you first." She said, pulling the small box out and handing it to him.

He chuckled. "Usually people are more excited to receive gifts then to give them."

She blushed. "Just open it already!"

He carefully pulled the paper apart and then away from the black package inside.

He was utterly puzzled.

What could possibly come in a box like this? He wondered.

Hermione but her lip as he slowly opened the box. Inside laid a heavy steel chain and at the end, in the shape of a crescent moon, the moonstone.

Remus inhaled sharply as he realized what it was. He lifted the chain slowly until the stone was at eye level, feeling the calm it radiated.

"Hermione…" He whispered. "How-Where did you find this?"

"I found it over the summer at a muggle jewelry store." She lied. "They didn't even know what it was."

He shook his head. "Hermione, I can't accept this. It's too much."

She just looked at him.

"Remus, I bought it for You. I've held it since June to give it to you. Besides, what am I going to do with a moonstone?" She joked.

She reached over and took the chain from him, unclasping it and then fastening it around his neck. She then took her hands away, letting it hang down his chest.

He looked down at it and then back up at her. He placed a kiss on her cheek, cupping her face with his hands gently.

"Thank you." He said sincerely, dropping his hands.

"Anytime." She responded honestly.

Remus reached over to the table, picking up another small box and handing it to Hermione.

"I'm afraid my gift pales in comparison to yours."

She smiled. "I doubt that. Besides, for once it isn't a book. You get bonus points for that." She joked.

Thank Merlin for Minerva. He though.

Hermione also took her time opening the gift, trying not to rip anything.

"You recycle wrapping paper?" he asked with a grin.

She laughed. "My mum does. It's a habit I guess."

She tore off the rest of the paper with a wink, leaving a long black box in her hands.

It almost looks like a wand box, but I can't figure what would be inside.

She pulled of the lid and gasped.

"Remus, it's gorgeous." She gushed.

"Do you know what it is?" He asked.

She nodded. "The Celtic rune for the feminine. I've never seen anything like it."

"May I?" He asked, picking up the necklace and unclasping it.

She nodded and pulled her long hair out of the way.

He clasped it and gently let the charm fall to her neck.

"It suits you." He said.

She smiled up at him and pulled him into an embrace.

Just then, the clock on the mantle chimed 9 times. Hermione pulled away reluctantly, looking up at the clock.

"I'm so sorry," She apologized. "But I have to go."

He raised an eyebrow.

"The sorting hat is moved back to Dumbledore's office every night at 10pm." She admitted.

"Ah." He nodded. "Good luck."

"Thanks," She replied, standing up. "And thank you for the necklace."

He expressed his own gratitude and then she left for the 2nd floor, hoping beyond hope that the man she had ju8st left would be the date chosen.

Sorry it's so short. I'll try and update soon.