Chapter 10: Treasure

Navigating the endless voids of the Grand Line, facing the countless enemies and protecting those who asked, the Straw Hats faced numerous dangers as they made their way to their dream of obtaining One Piece. Luffy's eye became trained to keep itself on Nami despite his location, embracing her after each battle.

Under Captain's orders a larger ship was bought, designed by their new shipwright nakama, and under special orders a Captain's cabin big enough for two was built, containing a large bed for the soon-to-be Pirate King and Queen.

Preparing to rest for the night, their minds danced with various thoughts for the future, Luffy's especially. His eyes stared at the roof as Nami cuddled up closer to him, feeling the warmth of his presence massaging her body.

"The treasure……I have to get her one………." He whispered to herself.

His words caused Nami to stare up towards him, smiling at him as he concentrated on the promise he made her two years ago.

"Luffy…….you've given me more than I could ever wish for." She reassured him as she rubbed the ring that now laid on her finger. "I'm so happy that I've met you, that's more than enough."

"I know……but I love you." He simply stated, his new dream taking over his mind as he slowly laid his eyes to rest.

Usopp stood on the ship's Crow Nest, fulfilling his role as night guard yet his eyes did not focus on the sea or the ship but on letters he held in his hand. Earlier he had decided to write Kaya letters and send photos through his latest invention.

Sanji walked across the ship and stopped to look at Chopper's grave, lighting his cigarette to calm himself down.

"We sure had a lot of fun that night Chopper." He said to himself as he walked off.

"Yeah YOU guys had a lot of fun! Making a tombstone and ignoring me so I thought I was dead! That I was a ghost!" Chopper yelled out from behind the wall.

"Yeah, good times." Zoro chuckled as crept into the conversation.

"What about the time when Marimo got so lost that he ended up nearly drowning at an island we didn't go to yet." Sanji laughed.

"Oi! How about when you were seduced into giving away our ship to that brothel!" Zoro shouted.

"Oi! You promised not to mention that again! How about the time it rained on your head and that weird fungus started to grow?" Sanji yelled out.

"You're both dorks!!" Usopp yelled out.

"Come down and say that Long Nose!" the two warriors yelled out.

"Yeah Chopper! Go down their and say it again!" Usopp countered.

"YOU said it you idiot! Don't involve me!"

"Will you guys shut up?!" Nami yelled out from within the room.

Making their way to the final island of the Grand Line was a difficult task, especially taking down the countless enemies they encountered. The plans the crew had set up were coming to life.

A year later, Vivi-the princess of Alabasta, was alerted by one of the guards that a pirate ship was heading towards the castle's port. She pulled out her binoculars and saw Luffy waving from the ship.

"It's alright. It's the Straw Hats. Let them in." she said as she dropped her binoculars and ran out of the castle, greeting them at the port.

"Hey Vivi! We found it!!! We found One Piece!!" Luffy shouted as Vivi smiled and waved.

"You still single?" Sanji yelled out.

"Yes!" she yelled back.

"Good!" he yelled back.

The princess invited them to dinner where Nami asked the question that they waited to ask.

"Vivi, Luffy and I are together now and we're getting married." She stated.

"That's wonderful! Where it's going to be held?" Vivi excitedly asked.

"We kinda hoping here. We wanted to invite you and this place brought back so many memories, we decided it would be best." Nami announced.

"That's wonderful! Of course! Stay as long as you like!" Vivi cheerfully invited.

The feast they shared that night was greater than the one they ate years ago, leaving everyone full.

Nami had already went to sleep while Luffy stood on the balcony, thinking.

"Still thinking what to give her?" Zoro asked.

"Yeah…..but I think I know now! We've talked a lot and I know she'll love it! We've had plenty of conversations about it." Luffy stated.

The wedding held was celebrated by all citizens of the kingdom, a large feast was fixed, paid by the Straw Hats, who fed the entire kingdom using fish Sanji found in the All Blue.

Zoro drank as much alcohol as he could take, entertaining people with the story behind the black sword he now held. It was the sword of Mihawk, the previous Greatest Swordsman in the World.

Usopp used his inventions to light the nighttime sky with fireworks that made the darkness turn to day. Robin sat down with Chopper, telling the children stories of their adventures, watching their eyes open in awe and the jaws drop in admiration.

Luffy and Nami held each other tight as they slowly danced across the floor outside, enjoying the night they planned for two years.

"Thank you Nami." He whispered into her ear.

"Thank you Luffy." She whispered into his.

The next month the crew traveled the East Blue once more, greeting old friends and celebrating every time. Finally, it came time for Luffy to see his hometown once more, to show them what he had done.

The breeze on this cloudless afternoon touched his face in such a gentle manner, as if welcoming him back home. The crew smiled as they watched the town get closer. Nami walked up to her captain, her lover, and now husband. Patting him on the shoulder, she smiled as he held onto her hand.

"I can't wait for everyone to see me again. How's your treasure?" he asked her.

"My treasure is doing great Luffy. Thank you for giving it to me." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her extremely large belly rubbing against his back.

"I felt it kick me." Luffy smiled as she pulled back rubbing her belly.

"I wonder what it's going to be?" she asked out loud.

"A boy." He said.

"How do you know?" she curiously asked.

"I know because it's the treasure I gave you." He chuckled, as he saw his old friends wave at him from the shore, welcoming him home as he waved back, the entire town now filled with cheer.


Final Crew Commentary:

Usopp: Um… about me and Kaya?! You didn't say what happened with us!!

Sanji: Or me and Vivi!!

Author: First off, I didn't want to bore my audience with the details and secondly, nothing happened between you and Vivi. I made sure of that!

Author: Besides, there's a girl whose always liked you.

Zoro: Oi! Don't point at me!

Author: I was pointing at the millions of fangirls behind you idiot!

Chopper: Why did everyone pick on me during the story?


Chopper: Wake up!!

Robin: He's tired. Let him rest. Oh! My water broke!

Usopp: Holy crap! Wake him up!

Straw Hat Crew: That's it! See you later. The story ends here! We hoped you enjoyed!

Usopp: I'm sure they did if they read all the way up to chapter 10……..

Author: If you like .hack G.U then read my other fanfic: Azure and Birds!!!

Usopp: Stop advertising yourself!

Author: But I love reviews! Feed me more!

Usopp: Oi, oi! Shut up!

Author: How many times have you guys said "oi" in this story?