Authors Notes:


As bonus I will be posting a couple of prologs for stories soon, they should be entertaining but not worked on until this is finished or if people want it, maybe.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars in any way.


Chapter 8

The soldiers and pilot now stood in the center of their new ship. The layout was simple; the cockpit was at the front, which was linked to the current room they were in. The center was a meeting room with a round silver table and chairs and a holo-projector at the center of the table. (Now in the center) To the left was the medical room and to the right was room where food was stored. You could walk in a straight line from the cockpit to the center and through a hall. The hall had quarters on the left and right, enough to fit six people. At the end of the hall you either take a left or a right. To the right was the cargo hold and captains quarters and to the left was a room that was sealed shut.

"Well I'm glad that ordeal is all over with." Naruto said as he stretched out on a chair in the newly acquired ship.

"What are you talking about you idiot! They are still after you! And according to this reading we stole one of their ships!"

"Ouch Tenten, that hurt, you didn't need to yell in my ear."

Tenten then stormed off, yelling that the room closest to the med lab was hers.

Naruto started to pick his fingernails and look around the rather nice ship until Kiba decided to inform Naruto of his complaint.


"Ouch, my other ear. Ok, uh let's see who wants to explain?"

Naruto's finger went past Lee, who eyes were on fire and hands waving enthusiastically, quickly past Shikamaru who was giving Naruto an irritated look, past Tenten's new room and to Chouji, who was eating chips.

"Yup, Chouji I choose you."

Chouji paused from eating his chips and looked at Kiba and then Naruto and then Kiba and then his chips and then put on a depressed face.

"You should do it in the cockpit."

Chouji and Kiba stood up and left.


Kakashi gather all of the pupils onto his ship. After a brief explanation everyone calmed down, sort of, oh and Hinata got sober. The masked force user told them that it was not all bad. Sasuke gave him a look and the Jedi Knight sweat dropped.

"Listen, everyone since they took one of our own ships, for the time, we may have some access the controls."

"This is outrageous! How could a bunch of nobodies out due us! We have the force." Sakura could not believe she had failed when she was so determined.

"It is because we are weak." Several flinched at Sasuke's comment.

"No you are wrong. It wasn't strength that made you lose but something else, something that maybe more important. Can anyone tell me what that is?" Kakashi was irritated; they could just never seem to get this point no matter how many different ways he taught it. Maybe now that they had failed they would learn. The problem was that they seemed to think that if you had enough strength then nothing else mattered, what you said was law. Though it was hard to blame them because all of the masters were the strongest, not necessarily the ones that knew the most about the force.



"Yes! Good job Shino, they escaped because they could maneuver as one, when needed."

"Now let us listen in on their conversations while we still can. Sasuke could you please enter your ship's ID and passwords?"


Naruto and Shikamaru were the only ones left in the room and the silence was making Naruto a little uncomfortable.

"So Shikamaru mind telling me how you got that lightsaber?"

"Actually it was a present that my old teacher gave to me just before he died."

"I'm sorry."

"Asuma was a great man, we were paired together from the day I arrived at the academy. He was the head masters son."

"Uh, I thought Jedi weren't allowed to have kids."

"That law was made afterward; they soon found that it was too hard to detach emotions from the parents. Plus he was adopted, as they are different species. Only those that are apart of special families are allowed to produce children because of the certain traits that will be pasted down, still they rarely see each other and even then it may not have been enough if you look at what happened to one particular clan."

"Why is it like that?"

"Jedi are taught to leave behind emotions, including love, it must have been hard for Asuma; I can see why he taught me the way he did." The ex-jedi stared off into space for a while, until he gathered himself and started his story.


"So Asuma this is the place?" Shikamaru said looking at the shabby old building. It was plain, made of concrete, and had a funny smell. There was a front yard with a playground and kids running around, playing tag or Jedi and Sith.

Shikamaru had sharper eyes than most people and being a first-class analyzer made a good combination. However most of the time his mind tells him stupid pointless things, like this time. He saw one kid with blond hair standing next to a tree in the shadows, watching the other kids. Using his genius brain he put it together that he kid was not well liked, though anyone could have told him that. It was still annoying that his brain forced him to bother with stuff like that.

"This time I'm feeling lucky." His master said while lighting a cigarette.

"You shouldn't smoke, aren't you bothered at what the Jedi council members are going to say?"

"Nah, plus they let Kakashi get away with those 'Icha Icha' books; and he claims he reads them because of the excellent plot ha."


"Well you have been with me for almost two years; I'd say that you're at the Padawan level now. You're just lucky that I convinced the old man to let you become my apprentice early."

"I was accepted early? Why?"

"The old man says that might teach me something that he had to learn the hard way, but I think that he just wanted me out of his hair."

The two made there to the front door, this time only the older one aware of a young boy watching then.

The woman at the front desk was helpful, most likely because they were Jedi. She gave the two robed men the list of kids that stayed at the orphanage. Asuma paused at one name, frowned and asked, "how come this kid doesn't have a last name?"

The caretaker's eyes narrowed a little, "we don't know his last name, beside to tell you the truth, while I would like to see him go, you don't want him. Everyone that approaches him gets this creepy feeling and the longer you are near him the worse it gets."

"Thanks I'll most likely be back in a couple days."

"Anything to help!"

The two force users left the building, talking in a low tone all the way out. A fellow caretaker approached the women at the front desk.

"Who was that Liz?"

"Two Jedi, they always make me so uncomfortable."

"We sure are getting a lot of strange visitors recently. That's the third visit this week."

"Yeah, want to switch jobs for a while?"

"As if!"


"So Asuma what are we doing to do? You sure this is the one?"

"Yeah I'm sure. I wanted to shadow him for a days but I feel that we need to act tonight."

"Why's that?"

"It's just a feeling."


Shikamaru and Asuma entered the building at the dead of night. Not even the insects were up. The room was on the first of the two storied building. Their cloaks brushed the hard concrete floor making no sound. They approached a plain door and slowly turned the round handle. The door creaked open disturbing the silence. The room was dark but the only window permitted moon light to enter the room. It allowed them to make out a small closet, empty, and a bed with no sheets. The worst thing about it was… nobody was there.

A voice echoed loudly and abnormally seemingly coming from everywhere, even behind them from the hallway.

"Imagine my surprise when Haku told me that two Jedi came here today. Surly the force is putting something in motion but which will it lean?" The room seemed to drop in temperature as the voice talked.

The two Jedi quickly existed the room to see a man with bandages wrapped around his mouth and a person around Shikamaru's age at this side.

"And to see that it's the Third's son, it must be something big." He voice was low and cool. He and his partner were completely calm as if this were a normal thing, maybe it was. The room now appeared to be hazy; it was hard getting hard to see all the way to the end of the hall.

"The Blue Devil Zabuzza, what are you doing here?" Asuma's voice was tight and determined.

"And he knows my name, I should feel honored. I am here for the same reason as you, to recruit a special someone, someone as special as Haku here." The boy did not move an inch at the mention of his name.

"Why would you need to do that?"

"Let's just say that, like you, I don't like the way things are run and I intend to do something about it." At this point Shikamaru realized that it was fog that was blurring his vision but it was too late. The suddenly fog came ten times heavier and the two Sith disappeared from view.

"Shikamaru, I was going to give you this after got back from the academy but I feel that this may be a better time." The Jedi Knight tossed his apprentice to what he instantly recognized as a lightsaber hilt.

"Aren't I supposed to make one myself?" Shikamaru asked while switching it on, even he couldn't keep a little excitement and amazement from his voice. It was a pale green of average length.

"Well yeah but I knew you would be too lazy to do it."


Asuma then took out his two short green energy blades and inhaled deeply. He let out a powerful gust of wind that sent a ripple thought out the entire building. As it made its way down the hall and the fog blew away. When it reached to where Zabuzza was he put up both hands and the wind appeared to move around him, he was the only one there.

The blast then hit the end of the hall and the exit collapsed, blocking the way out. That attack alerted the residents in the building as to what was happening and chaos soon erupted. Children panicked and swarmed past the Jedi and Sith. Surprisingly Zabuzza simply let them past. When it seemed that they had all left he put his hand up and then against the wall.

Fire raced down the concrete wall and up on to the ceiling and around to the other wall. The only thing not covered by the fire was the windows and floor. It was not a raging fire but one that simply danced as if it had been burning for hours. It seemed more devilish this way.

He said, "Well if fog won't work then I'll just have to use fire. Your wind will simply create more fire and I will not be affected by it, it fact it will just make things worse for you."

The Devil ran this hand down the wall to show his hand on fire but he was not being burn. "I won't burn but if I touch you, you will." He shook the flame out and activated his double sided sliver lightsaber.

"Shikamaru, the kid, Haku is gone. He must have gone to find Naruto, they don't have him yet or else he would be here. He has to be in the crowd outside; I want you to look for him as well. I am going to tell you something very important. Though I don't know why this particular person is important the Jedi are planning to use Naruto as a tool with no emotions, just as they are, and some of the Sith want him to be a tool with only dark emotions. You must find a better way; however, now I think I understand what my father was always trying to teach me. Sometimes the missions are more important than how one may feel. So promise me that you will take Naruto somewhere safe, no matter what."

For a long Shikamaru stood completely frozen, until he nodded.

As Zabuzza approached them a young girl around the Padawan's age with two buns in her hair stumbled out of a room coughing and bumped right into Zabuzza. She must have been too scared to leave earlier but was now forced out due to the smoke. The Sith looked down at the girl and picked her up by the head.

He said "You're in the way kid" and through her out the window. Shikamaru quickly realized that that was the safest way out and he too dove out a window.

He landed safely on the dirt ground and saw the girl getting up. He was about to go check on her on until he heard a caretaker yelling "Oh my God! Tenten are you alright?!" He left with her never even realizing he was there.

He searched for Naruto, the blond haired kid, pushing through the crowd. However someone grabbed his shoulder. He spun around to see Haku with a pleasant smile on his face. Shikamaru was about to turn on his new lightsaber until Haku held his hand up and looked at the people around. Shikamaru understood and simply held his ground. Innocents would be hurt. They started each other down for a short time, daring the other to make a move.

"Doesn't that smile ever leave your face, it's kind of annoying."

"Why do you follow that man?"

"Why are you asking something like this?"

"Zabuzza is a man trying to find his own way and he saved me for a purpose."

"…Asuma is someone that I want to be like when I grow up."

"To follow his way, a little different than me, for I chose to be a tool for Zabuzza but you too will find strength. One finds strength when they fight for someone precious to them, don't you think?"

"That's not very Sith like but I guess that could lead to the dark side."

"We are trying to—"

Haku tense for a moment and then vanished in a second. When Haku vanished Shikamaru could see what was behind the Sith, blond hair. Naruto was standing by the gates with a packed bag. It looked like he was planning on running away tonight. He must have sensed that something was going to happen.

'I didn't stand a chance against Haku after all. He must have been hiding his power, but why did he leave?'

Then Shikamaru sensed it; something in the burning building, more powerful than his master and Zabuzza. He saw then saw Haku carrying an unconscious Zabuzza out with a pale red lightsaber in hand, smoke came pouring out the hole in the wall that he had just made. It was hard to tell but it looked like he was fending off black tentacles. Asuma must have been helping them because otherwise Haku would be dead right now. What in the world was going on?

Shikamaru now had a choice. Go for Naruto or try to help his master.

God damn that promise.

He turned toward Naruto with his back to the building. As if that was what the world was waiting for, the building collapsed. The sound was monstrous.

Tears were running down his face.

It was the day he quit being a Jedi.

Sometimes emotions were just too important to give up.


Authors Notes: I liked this chapter. Though it was not as big as the last two I feel that I packed a lot into it. Next chapter should be up in a week, it's probably going to be a shorter one just because of what I have planned for it. Sorry for the lack of fighting, there will be some next chapter.