You can thank the show 'Merlin' for this update.



Bianca's yell bounced off the stone walls of the clock tower. Elisa cocked an eyebrow at the fae pair.

"I think I'm the only one not on the same page here."

"I fear you are correct, Elisa. For this is certainly a page you need to be on." Angela muttered, worry lacing her every word.

"Alright you two, explain this to me one more time but slowly."

Puck pulled the edges of his long ears down in frustration. "Mortals." He growled.

Celia took a deep breath and began again.

"Xanatos has kidnapped a young human girl and she is no ordinary girl. Well, she is but she is not at the same time. She is not as she seems. She has had contact with our kind once before in her early life."

"Yeah, and of all people it was your damned pervert of a brother too!" Bianca tossed her two cents in as she threw herself onto a step.

The female fae threw the young gargoyle an aggravated look but continued none the less with her tale.

"As Bianca states, she had a run in with my elder brother. And it's my brother Xanatos wishes to reach."

"Okay, and why does he want your brother?"

"My brother is very powerful. My brother is a king. The Goblin King. But unlike most of our people who need spells and certain incantations to be summoned or even seen by most mortal eyes, one needs only to utter a simple wish to call upon him."

New York's finest found herself being captivated by the words fluttering from Celia's lips, like they were a spell themselves. She sat down on a tattered ottoman and stared up at the immortal with great interest.

"Im sure you've had cases where infants, children and in some cases, even a few adult that just seem to vanish. Parents or older siblings often say they had just seen them before the disappearance but no trace of the person is found. Your officers call them cold cases I believe. And in a way they do 'vanish' I guess you could say."

Elisa's brow wrinkled in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Its quite simple, really." Puck interjected. "The man doesn't always show his softer side."

"These people are wished away, Elisa."

"Wished away? That sounds a little far-fetched, even after everything I've seen."

"Lass, haven't ye learned yet? When dealin' wit the Third Race things are never as they appear to be." Hudson's aged voice hung like a bad omen over the group.

"Frustrated siblings wish away their younger kin in fits of jealousy and blinded, misplaced fury. Normally without even realizing it, they send their own blood away. All one must do is say 'I wish the goblins-"


"-would come and take you away, right now."

No sooner had the words let the multi-millionaire's mouth when the lights went out. Sarah's heart beat wildly inside her ribcage, her eyes wide with fear. The words echoed in her head, words she'd promised herself she'd never utter or even think of again. She struggled madly against the restraints she's been placed in. Her pleas were muffled by the gag. A sharp sting in her left check.

"Silence, filthy human!" Demon growled.

Sarah's eyes stung with the tears that threatened to spill, but she refused to cry in front of the creature before her and the man she knew would soon come.

"Demona, place the sheet over her."

Again the brunette's muffled words fell over deaf ears as the cotton blanket was thrown over her form. The faint sound of bells echoed in the empty room. Her heart stopped briefly. She knew what that meant.

"Your Majesty." David spoke with faux politeness.


"And what does saying that do?"

"It will summon the Goblin King to whomever spoke them and he takes the wished away child to the UnderGround and the Labyrinth."

"Okay, I know what a labyrinth is, but whats underground?"

"UnderGround is a world within a world." Celia explained. "There are many magical realms in which magical folk live. Only a few are even known to the mortal world. Most have heard of our home in Avalon, and all know the tale of the Utopia, Atlantis."

"Hold up! You mean to tell me the City of Atlantis is real?"

Puck laughed at Elisa shock. "Well of course it is! You see Ms. Maza, Avalon is what you could call home base. It's the center of all operations in the magic world. The mother. Atlantis is a branch off of Avalon, IS Avalon. Atlantis was created with Avalonian soil but is located elsewhere. Same for the UnderGround."

"Except UnderGround is located beneath your world. But due to its magical nature, your people will never find it or even see it unless you are brought there by some form of enchantment."


Duel colored eyes studied the beings. His face was grim and stern. Every graceful line felt jagged, cold. David felt a moment of doubt but quickly hid it. He would not cower before a fae.

"Your Highness may I - "

"No, you may not. I can easily see this is no mere wish."

"Perceptive. Then I shall cut right to the chase."

"Kindly do. You're wasting my valuable time, mortal." The blonde male snapped while picking invisible dust from his leather gloves.

Demona smirked.

"I believe we can help each other out."

"And I believe there is nothing you could possibly do to assist me."

"Let me explain, Your Highness. I seek passage to the land of Avalon. If you grant my companion and I that, I will give you something you desire."

A glint of amusement sparkled in his eyes as he let out a short chuckle.

"Are you offering me my dreams? I do believe that is my job. Now if you're done playing…"

The Goblin King's words trailed off into nothingness as the sheet was removed. Sitting bound and gagged was the only human to ever defy his will, his kingdom, and his heart.

"Sarah?" he whispered.


"He gives the summoner a chance to save the child. They must run the Labyrinth and beat it. If they win, the child is returned and all memory of the event will vanish."

"And what happens if they fail?" Lex asked.

"Well, it really depends on Jareth's mood. Most of the time if the runner has shown they truly regret what they did, he returns the babe and sends them home, memories cleaned. However he sometimes keeps the child in the Goblin City and turns them into goblins. Other times he'll send the child to another human home where they will be cared for, the other sibling goes home being the only one remembering the wished away child."

"He leaves them to suffer with their own decision?" the younger gargoyle commented. "Sounds cruel"

"It may be, but its even worse for those who don't even bother to run the Labyrinth. They remember their sibling while its like they were never born to the rest of the family."

"How many people have won?"

"One. In all the years that the Labyrinth has lived only one person beat it. Sarah won the game but she'd won more then just her little brother back and she was allowed to remember her journey."


Short, but im tossing some ideas right now.