Disclaimer: I do not own any thing that J.K. Rowling owns, which is a lot indeed.
A/N: The end? Who knows really! The only think I'm sure of is that I have a lot of homework.
Slavery is Illegal
Chapter 21:
You're counting up to 100,
100 random names,
And you should sleep and don't think about him,
And you should sleep and don't think about him,
And you should sleep and don't think about him.
-Count to One Hundred by t.A.T.u
Finally! They're gone! I can't believe they were waiting for me for so long. Can't they see that I'm pretending to sleep so that I won't have to talk to them?
It was a good thing that they realized that they required a thing called sleep, I expected more out of them.
They didn't have a chance; no one can out wait me!
Even though Madam Pomfrey is obviously trying to get me to leave because I apparently "just needed a little bit of sugar" and that it would actually be better for me to go to dinner rather than stay in the Hospital Wing. But boo to her!
I can't believe that James has finally discovered that I fancied him. I can't believe that Lily knew that I fancied James. I can't believe that Sirius fancies me! Though I'm not too sure if that prat could 'fancy' someone, I'm rather convinced that he fancies having snogging sessions with someone.
It's a bit of a relief though.
Er, a relief that James knows that I fancy him, not that Sirius probably fancies snogging random stick girls.
Or me.
Er, fancying me, not fancying snogging me. However, I suppose that it would make sense for him to fancy doing the latter if he did the former.
Do you understand me?
That's alright, I don't either.
James really hates me now, huh? All this time he couldn't date Lily because I fancied him. I suppose that I should just move on and forget about him.
This is hard, I think I'll forget tomorrow, I'd rather sleep now.
… I think I'll count the tiles on the ceiling.
If only there were tiles. Boo..
…? I glanced around the room for a person.
How annoying! Can't this person see that I'm trying to count imaginary tiles?
"What?" I snapped, "Can't you see that I'm trying to forget about something?"
"… what?" said the faceless voice with a patronizing sort of tone.
"Who are you?"
"Who do you think I am?"
"An annoying prat who refuses to stop bothering me when I am so obviously preoccupied with counting imaginary ceiling tiles!"
"You know what; I am not even going to ask about the imaginary ceiling tiles,"
"OK, fine,"
"…So what do you want?"
"…I… I wanted to talk to you, Lena,"
"And you are,"
"What was so important that you had to disrupt my counting?"
"It's… it's about Sirius,"
"Er… you're not Sirius?"
"Obviously not, do I really sound like Sirius to you?"
"Well, if you're going to stay invisible, I would say that I wouldn't be surprised if you changed your voice as well…"
"Don't be a prat, I'm not being invisible to hide my identity- I had to sneak out of the tower somehow,"
"That's nice," I paused, "So seriously, who are you,"
"Er… not serious?"
"Don't even start with that err…- whoever you are,"
"It's…" he hesitated, "er… it's me, James,"
"…what?" I said disbelievingly. I heard a sigh and suddenly saw James appear out of nowhere, "bugger, how did you do that?"
"That's not important, Lena, the point is that we need to talk-"
"I didn't really think that you would ever want to talk to me ever again- don't you hate me now…?"
"What is wrong with everyone- always jumping to conclusions…" James said shaking his head. Coming from the person who shouted in the common room that all his friends were gay because of an offhand sarcastic comment, the declaration didn't mean very much to me.
"But, I'm the reason Lily wouldn't go out with you-"
"I said that it was fine, Lena," James said rolling his eyes, "if you would do me a favor and tell me exactly how you feel about Sirius,"
"Sirius-? Oh, I see," I muttered.
"Don't look at me like that Lena,"
"I'm not looking at you like anything; I'm just saying that I see!"
"Lena, I seriously, don't start that either, that you and Sirius will do very well together…" James said a little quickly.
"You're just doing this for Sirius, because he's your friend- You probably don't even think that we do well together!"
James paused for a moment before admitting, "You're right,"
I opened my mouth, but I was a loss for words by his frankness.
"I owe this to Sirius…"
"Because I fancy you," I said, finishing his statement.
"No- I mean yes, but it's not just that, I…" James sighed, "I've done something terrible to him a few years ago, I know he's forgotten about it, but I still remember and I-"
"What did you do?" I asked curiously. If it was someone to do the wronging, I would have expected it to have been Sirius, not James to have done it.
"I… er… can't really say…"
"Huh, so why should I listen to you?"
"Lena," he said in a desperate voice, "I know that this is a lot to ask from you, but would you please give Sirius a chance- he's a great person, really,"
I snorted, "Sirius? He has a terrible personality and he's the renown libertine of this school, why would anyone truly believe that Sirius is-"
"Tell me Lena, do you really believe any of that?"
"Of course I do!" I said angrily, "he's a bloody prick if I've ever seen one and-"
"How is he a prick?"
"Er- well, did you know that he blackmailed me to be his slave?"
James laughed, "Only you would take Sirius, seriously,"
"He's a manwhore, the whole school knows that-"
"Those rumors aren't true," James declared.
"What? Of course it's true; I've seen him going at it with that evil Ravenclaw, Lana,"
James wrinkled his nose in what looked like anger before saying, "She's- she doesn't count,"
"What do you mean 'she doesn't count', of course she counts!"
"She's the only one he's ever been like that with because he hates her," James said slowly.
"What?" I scoffed, "he shags a girl because he hates her? I'm sorry but that makes no sense,"
"Look Lena, Sirius isn't a 'manwhore', he's just a bit misguided," James said, "and have you honestly seen Sirius do anything to any girls before?"
"Er… not me, but I've heard-"
"You've heard wrong, those rumors were never true," James insisted.
"Are you seriously trying to convince me to date Sirius?"
"I'm being as serious as Sirius would be serious,"
"Please, don't do that,"
"So are you going to do it?" James asked a little excitedly.
"I, er, suppose," I said as halfheartedly as I could, "there are no other excuses and one date wouldn't hurt that much…"
"That's brilliant," James said, beaming, "I knew you would give in-"
"I'm not guaranteeing that we're going to be a long term thing though," I said before James could get the wrong idea, "if there's one sign of anything going downhill, I'll… er… drop Sirius like a rock,"
James laughed, "Don't worry, you won't,"
"Like anyone can be sure of Sirius…"
"He's loyal," James insisted, "as loyal as any old dog ought to be,"
"Uh… OK?" I said with a shrug.
And that was that, the following day, Sirius asked me to go to Hogsmeade, God knows why everyone chooses that place, with him and I agreed. Lily gave me a disapproving look, but I'm sure she was happy; she could finally date James, though apparently, she was going to take her time in accepting James' offer because she didn't want him to think that she was 'easy'. Please, the only idiot that would think that Lily was remotely easy would not only be clinically insane, but thicker than a thick thing that's thick, which is very thick indeed.
My date with Sirius wasn't amazing, but there wasn't really a reason for me to break up with Sirius… And the look on Lana's face was a wonderful reward.
So basically… all was well.
Until summer approached that is.
"Are you going to stay at your flat in London?" Sirius asked me after an hour or so in the train.
"It's not really my flat, so I'm probably going to move out," I said with a shrug.
"Really?" Sirius asked excitedly.
"Er, yea,"
"Uh, where are you going to go,"
"Er… just some places you know…"
"Are you going to move in with me?"
"What?" I asked with a scoff, "What do you take me for?" I asked and shot James a look as he rolled his eyes, "what?"
"You've got to be the most backwards couple I have every known," James said with a mock sigh.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"What do you mean what's that supposed to mean? The only time you two have ever snogged was before you started dating, does that make any sense?"
"That doesn't count; I was being blackmailed into it!"
"I'm just saying," James said as if it didn't matter that I was blackmailed into snogging Sirius, "and I don't understand your never-ending aversion to snogging Sirius… you two are the most boring couple I've ever seen. Does becoming a couple really suck the fun out of everything?"
"How do you know whether or not we snog?" I asked giving him my mysterious 'you don't know what's going on when I do' look and ignoring his 'boring couple' theory.
"I know, because some prat won't stop talking about it," James said looking pointedly towards Sirius.
"You tell him what we do?" I asked gaping at Sirius, who gave a non committed shrug, "Well I won't-"
The train screeched to a halt.
"Er, I guess it's time to go!" I said hurriedly, exiting the train.
"Wait, Lena, seriously, where are you going to stay-"
"LENA!" cried a familiar voice.
"YULIA!" I cried in return as my friend tackled me.
"Er…" Sirius muttered staring at us wide-eyed, "what is Julia doing-"
"Hi Sirius," Julia suddenly exclaimed, "You go with Lena, surprise!"
Sirius shifted uncomfortably before muttering, "Right…"
"What is Julia doing here?" James asked with slight interest.
"Uh, well, she-"
"Lena not tell you?" Julia stated, "Is school done, we go,"
"Uh, what?"
"Wow Julia, you've gotten a lot better with English," I said praising my friend.
"What?" Sirius asked looking at me incredulously, "uh, I mean, where are you going?"
"Er… well the thing is…"
"To Moscow, Ivan is waiting," Julia said pointing to some far off distance which was supposed to indicate Moscow.
"Ivan? Your brother?"
"…er… Sure…" I muttered, feeling James' suspicious look on me.
"Guess what," Julia said suddenly to James and Sirius.
"I stay England after summer!" Julia declared, "after me and Lena back from Moscow!"
"Wait, you're going to Moscow?"
"Er… well-" I cursed inside. I had hoped that I could be gone before I had to tell Sirius.
"When are we going?"
"Uh… we?"
"Well, you are going to invite me right?" Sirius asked frowning.
"I… I'm really not supposed to-"
"It's only for the summer Sirius, what can possibly happen in one summer?"
Loads actually. I just didn't know it until it ended and an even more eventful school year began.
Well, maybe 'all was well' is going to have to wait say, a couple of more years before it actually happens.
The end for now though.
A/N: Yea, I'm obviously making a sequel, but I need a lot of time to do so. I went mad in the last couple of weeks and have signed up for too many extracurricular activities. I'm probably not going to write until sometime into November, when my next school break is (I'll write like crazy then), so put me on your author's alert so you could know when the sequel comes along, I've already got a plot and several subplots bouncing around in my head.
As always, please review!