Thx to all who reviewed! I know there are loads of mistakes in the first chappie and I will try to go back and correct them when I have time. I didn't know their real age so I just made then up, srry if its realy off. Oh yeah; Nicole's the dragon of darkness. Anyways heres the story!


Kimiko sat on the hard rock floor staring at Jack. Why did he save me? she wondered, studying his face. She had found this cave near the place she and Jack had fallen and dragged him here because there were still lots of debris raining down hard on them both. Drawing her eyes to Jack, she studied his face. He looks so peaceful and vulnerable. He realy is cute when he's not acting like some an evil genius wannabe. But then, that part of him is cute too. Truth be told, she had always had a crush on Jack Spicer. In a strange and twisted way, she had found him hot. The fact that it was wrong to like him because he was on the heylin side had made her want him even more. He was a forbidden fruit. But then Luke had come along. Every girl's dream guy. And she had fallen for him. It would have been strange not to. He had every quality that a girl could want. Except for honesty. Once he asked her out, her feelings for Jack had been pushed into the back of her mind but it had always been there. Sometimes at night, she would wonder how her life would have changed if he had just asked her out. She forced herself to avert her eyes and looked up at the mouth of the cave that had hours ago been blocked. There had been more peices of loose rock than she had assumed and as a result, they were trapped. She let her thouights wonder to Luke. Saphire eyes glistened with moister as another wave of sorrow washed over her. What's he doing right now? Does he even care than I might be mortaly wounded? I doubt it. A fresh stream of tears flowed down her cheeks when she she thought of him.

'Kimiko? Why are you crying?' She jumped, startled by the voice, and looked down at the owner of it. Immediately, she found herself lost in the endless depths of those blood red eyes.

'Uhh...are you ok?' He studied her face, concerned.

'Huh? I'm fine.' She attempted to wipe away her tears.

'You are not fine. You were crying'

'What do you mean I was crying? I was not crying. Let me see your bruise; you hit your head really heard so you'll be feeling dizzy for a few days' She looked away.

'Don't try to change the subject' He argued putting on a stern face.

She knew she had lost. 'Alright then... no it's stupid you wouldn't understand'

'Just tell me', He growled, getting impatient.

She sighed. 'It's about Luke. He che-'

'Luke? The dragon of light?'

'Yes the dragon of light. Now don't interupt me or I won't tell you.' He cheated on me with Nicole. There. Happy?'

Jack listened to this with a striaght face, but as his brain slowly made sense of it, his anger started to boil. Who did Luke think he was, cheating on Kimiko with some blonde bimbo? He wanted to wring his neck. And Nicole how dare she tempted Luke with her slutty ways. Jack may have been sad that Kimiko was with another guy but it hurt him even more to see her cry. If I had the chance to be Kimiko's boyfriend, I wouldn't dream of cheating on her.

Kimiko meanwhile, was bracing herself for Jack's scornful laugh but it didn't come. She searched Jack's face for any emotion and was suprised to find anger. Jack was reaaallyyy angry; she could almost see the steam coming from his ears.

'How did you find out?'

'What do you mean?'

'You know... did you see them kissing or what?' He knew that this would hurt Kimiko but he wanted to find more reasons to hate this couple that dared mess with her feelings.

'I don't want t-' She saw Jack's face and sighed. 'Alright'

So she began to tell him everything that happened.

'That must have been awful'. Jack was sometimes really emotional and he had found himself blinking away tears.

'Yes it was' Kimiko was sobbing to but not as much as before. Letting all her feelings out to somone who seemed to care a bit helped alot. She looked at him, deciding to ask the question that had been nagging at the corner of her mind ever since she had felt warm arms wrap around her body during the fall.

'Why did you save me?'

Now it was Jack's turn to be uncomfortable. He didn't want to reveal his feelings to her now. Not after all that she had been through.


'Uhh I saved you because of...' His mind raced. What should he tell her? Her attentive eyes on him didn't help much. He felt she was seeing right into his head. 'I saved you because my instincts told me to'

Her nose wrinkled and her lips tugged upwards in a small smile. He had to admit, she looked really pretty. 'Jack Spicer has instinct? I would never have believed it.' She said jokingly.

Jack realised with relief that she believed him. After all he wasn't realy lying. His first impulse had been to protect her. He pretended to be offended. 'Hey theres no need for that. Don't I deserve a thank you at least?'

Kimiko giggled, all sorrow seeming to be gone. 'Thank you Jack.' She leaned down and gave him a peck on the cheek. Then she sat up and began to boil some rags that she had torn from her robes in melted snow. The first thing she had found once she entered the cave was a metal pot (someone had been here before them obviously), which was now over a fire with the rags. Kimiko seemed oblivious to internal battle that was now raging inside of Jack's head as a result of her actions.

Inside Jack's head

Dude she must like you. She just kissed you

Shut up she said it was only a thank you.


Still what?

She must like you a tiny bit

It's just an act of friendship

See??? You just said it he likes you

As a friend

Better than hating you

Whatever. Now Shut the hell up.


Because I told you to. I'm the boss here


Is this conversation over now?


Ok Bye




He looked up to see Kimiko staring into the fire, hugging her knees. He tried to get to go sit next to her but he was still too weak. He fell back with a grunt as he felt a sharp pain in his back. This didn't go unnoticed by the dragon of fire and she was immediately by his side, laying a cool and gentle hand against his chest, forcing him back down.

'Let me see your wound', She said.

With much effort and help from Kimiko, Jack managed to flip his body over so that he was lying on his stomach. She took off his black trench coat and cast it aside. Then she went to the fire to get some rags. She sat back down by his side and lifted up his shirt.

'It dosn't look serious' She concluded after examining it. A patch of skin as big as a quarter of her hand had been scraped off, leaving soft pink flesh. She was secretly releived that it wasn't deep because she had never had first-aid lessons. The skin would heal itself, all she had to do was make sure that it was clean. Running her hands over the rough skin of his back (the part thats not hurt), she was suprised to find that Jack was realy muscular. She actually liked his body now that she could see it without the ever present coat. She liked it even more than Luke's. Kimiko had always hated the fact that he had bulging muscles like a steroid addict. The sorrow set in once more as she thought of her ex. Stop it girl. You are not wasting anymore tears on a liar. Forget about him. You've got someone else to take care of now. Strengthened by that thought, she knew that she would shed no more tears over him.

Mint: Happy Jack? I let kimiko kiss you.

Jack: I want mooooorree.

Mint: When will you ever be satisfied?

Kimiko: Yay I'm over Luke.

Mint: You go girl.

Jack: This chappie was cheesy

Mint: I prefer to call it fluffy.

Jack: Same thing.

Mint: Hey it was your thoughts that was fluffy ok?

Kimiko: Stop arguing you two

Jack: Ok

Mint: It must be nice having him like you. You can make him do anything.

Jack: I'm still here you know

Mint: Whatever. R&R. All you gotta do is click the little button