Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.
A/N: Well here's the next chapter. Hope you like it.
Chapter 5: BPOV
My clothes were thrown all over the place. My furniture was tipped over. Whoever was in my room was looking for something. But what where they looking for. The scent they left was familiar but I can't put a face to the scent. I have to figure what they are trying to find before they find it. Maybe they already found it. I'm going to check my stuff, but first I need to go get Carlisle.
"We need to go tell Carlisle. Maybe he'll know something. Will you listen to people to see who might have done this." He nodded and squeeze my hand. "Let's go. Can I stay with you tonight. I don't really want to be alone right now. I know I can protect myself but I stll don't want to be alone." A smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Of course you can stay with me. I was planning on staying with you anyways. Let's go." The two of us walked back down to the ballroom. We finally made it but we couldnt find Carlisle. More people has showed up. It was full in there. The two of us scanned the room and couldn't find him. We walked down the stairs and into the dinning room. We seen him sitting with some men talking. I nudged Edward because he was still looking the opposite direction.
"I found him. Lets go." We made our way to the table and sat down next to carlisle.
"Carlisle, someone broke into my room. My stuff is thrown everywhere. Someone is looking for something. I don't know what." All humor left his face.
"Did they take anything? What are you going to do for tonight? I'll talk to the captain of the ship and see what he can do." He got up and we followed.
"I don't know if they took anything. We haven't checked yet. What if they don't want something. Maybe they want someone. It's always a possiblity. Do you think there is another vampire on the ship?" He was in deep thought. Edward gave my had a squeeze.
"There possibly could be another vampire on the ship. What I want you to do is go check everything in your room and then go to Edward's room. I will meet you there. I'm going to go talk to the captain." He took off. Edward and I went to check my room.
It took us twenty minutes to get everything accounded for and everything cleaned up. Nothing was missing. I wonder who it could have been.
"Did anyone think about this in the ballroom?" He shook his head.
"Everything will be okay. Lets go to my room and try to relax until Carlisle come back. Maybe he'll know something new. I don't want you to worry over it if its nothing. We'll get through this together." I nodded. He took my hand and we headed next door to his room. His room was identical to mine.
We went over and sat down on the bed. He pulled me onto his lap and I burried my head into his chest. He gently wrapped his arms around me and drew soothing circles on my back. I relaxed a little and the two of us just sat there.
Carlisle came in ten minutes later. "Whats the verdict? Was anything missing." I didn't look up. I just shook my head. "The captain asked me to come along with him as he goes to everyone's room to ask questions. I'll be back in a few hours. Will you two be okay?" We both nodded and he left. We sat there for about an hour. I decided I need some freash air. I know I technically don't need it but I want it.
"Edward I want to go for a walk. Do you want to join me?" He looked thankful.
"I would love to join you. Where do you wish to go? We can just do a lap around the deck or we can go back to the party." I thought for a minute.
"I don't want to go to the party. Some girl might try and take you a way from me. We can walk around the deck. How about that." He smiled and stood up taking me with him. He set my feet back on the ground and we went out on the deck. We walked until we found a good place to over look the water. We found a bench to sit on and we sat down.
Edward wrapped his arm around my sholders and I rested my head on his sholder. I was glad I have eternity with him. I don't know how I survived a hundred years without him. I guess I never thought I needed a mate to feel whole. Boy was I wrong. We watched couples walk past us. They were oblivious to us sitting here. Finally we decided we had enough.
"Bella, you still look upset about this. Everything will be okay. I promise. I won't let anything bad happen to you. If I lose you I don't know what I would do. I can't live without you. Your my everything." He reached down and kissed me. He pulled away too soon.
"I'll be okay as long as your here with me. Let's go back to your room and relax for the evening." He took my hand and lead the way back to the room. Once we got to the room I kicked off my shoes and ran and lept onto the bed. He laughed and joined me. We just laid there for a while in each others arms. I forgot the whole world existed until Carlisle came in.
"We have a problem. When we were searching the rooms we found something. There is another vampire on the ship. His name is James and he's a tracker. He wants Bella. We need to do something. We'll see what happens before we decide on what to do. We are not going to let Bella out of our sight but we are not going to keep her locked up in this room. From what I heard they are having a party every night in the ballroom after dinner. We'll go to those if you guys want. He won't act with witnesses around. Let's just relax for now." He headed for the door. I wanted to ask him something before he left.
"Dad, what room is James staying in?" He looked down. He was afraid to tell me.
"He's in the room next to yours. But he's not alone. He has a red haired female named Victoria and a black haired male named Laurent. But don't worry. I'm going to come over every so often to check on you and I'm sure Edward won't let go of you. Just try and relax. He wont touch you." He left me with Edward. I don't want those two getting hurt to protect me. But I'm not going to worry about that right now. Now I just want to spend some more time alone with Edward.
A/N: I hope you liked it. I dont know when I'll update again but I'll do it as soon as I can!