A/N: Hello! Time for my first chaptered fic! Okay, the first chapter's short but I promise the second won't be.

Disclaimer: I don't own Maximum Ride, or any of the charecters. Except for Fang's clone's clone. Yes, Fang's clone has a clone.

Fang's clone: I do?

Me: Fine, no you don't, and if you did I wouldn't own him. sigh

It was always like this, wasn't it? I just hadn't ever noticed. It was a regular cycle: save our skins, relax, and then get captured. I sighed, looking around the room I was in. Angel was in a crate on my left, beyond her was Gazzy, and Fang was to my immediate right, with Iggy and Nudge next to him. For once she wasn't talking. In a moment, I would be taken away to be questioned by one of the whitecoats. Right?

No, Maximum, this time is different.

'Yeah, well, what do you know about anything?' I thought at Jeb. Stupid Jeb. Stupid, traitorous jerk.

I know a lot, and I wish you would trust me.

'I hate you.'

It sounded like he sighed. I know, Max, I know.

Yes! I was right! Two whitecoats and four Flyboys had just come in the door. 'Ha! In your face, Jeb!'

Um, Max…

But wait… the whitecoats weren't going to my cage. They… passed it! And – get this! – stopped in front of Fang's cage! Different tactics? I don't know. One of the whitecoats, a short, fat one, opened up his cage and ordered two Flyboys to grab him, while the other one, a tall, blonde guy, did the same to Iggy's cage.


And then they were led away. 'Um, okay. You got me. What's going on?'


Fang and Iggy were led into a room with loads of computers and monitors lining the walls, the images constantly changing. But Fang didn't look at them. Fang looked at the man in the middle of the room. Ter Borcht.

"It's the Terminator. Twelve o'clock," Fang muttered to Iggy. A timid looking whitecoat approached them.

"Um, you two are needed to help with our experiment, which is about your age. We heightened its emotions and hormones, and so we, uh… we, uh…" he trailed off.

"What?" Fang asked, losing his patience. The whitecoat jumped, as if he hadn't figured he could talk.

"We need you to help us with our experiment."

"Oh, well if that's all," Iggy said sarcastically, "I guess we'll just…" then Iggy started yelling, "Dude! You're mad! We won't help you with your little plot to ruin another person's life!"

"Um, I, uh…" The whitecoat stuttered.

Iggy continued to harass him. "Do you realize how wrong this is? Taking an innocent child's life from them and then asking other innocent children to lend a hand in the destruction of their sanity?"

"You are not so innocent," ter Borcht spoke in a heavily accented manner, "If I recall correctly."

"And vat's dat supposed to mean?" said Iggy, who was doing a pretty good job at matching ter Borcht's accent.

"Nevah mind." Iggy smirked at the way he said "never."

"Our experiment has never been exposed to anything other than the world it knows right now," explained Timid Whitecoat. "We feel it's time to test how it reacts to certain changes in its environment. And you need to help us with some of the tests."

"And why would we do that?" Iggy asked.

"Because if you do we'll set you free."

A/N: And BOOM! The end of the first chapter! Reveiw!!! I'll update soon!