A/N Sorry I haven't updated in like forever, but I've been really busy. So this chapter is longer than usual since I haven't update in a while. If I got a lot of reviews telling me to update I would update quicker. Whenever I update I pick the story that has the most reviews or I haven't update in a really long time. So, if you want me to update then review! R&R!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own LWD but I DO own the personalities and retarded lines in this story! LOL!

Hawaii, Uruguay, and Emeelee

"Derry Berry?" Casey said in a cute whiny voice.

"Yes my little buttercup?"

"Can we go to Hawaii on our honeymoon, pretty please with sugar on top?"

"Yeah, sure let me just check on…you know…how much money we have."

"Okay Derry Berry." Casey said, hugging him and then running up the stairs.

"Dad can we go to Hawaii?"

"I thought that you were going to look and see how much money YOU have."

"Yeah, but by we I mean you and Nora. I'm broke."

"But you got so much money at the wedding!"

"I know we spent it."

"Your wedding was a week ago! What did you spend two thousand dollars on?"

"Beer duh! Now can I have some cash?"

"Yeah…heres twenty thousand dollars and you better spend it on Hawaii!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah now hand it over!" Derek says putting his hand out. George took out a wad of cash and counted out twenty thousand dollars.

"Thanks George."

"What did you call me?"

"Your name."

"No my name to YOU is Dad."

"Uh fine be that way!" Derek says throwing up his hands and running up the stairs with the money in his hands.

"Hey Pops. I think we need to have a little chat."

"Edwin, your married if you wanted this talk you should have asked before you got married!"

"NO! Not THAT talk! A money talk!"

"I just had a money talk with Derek! Now I'm minus twenty thousand dollars!"

"Well Dad, have I got good news for you! I don't need twenty thousand dollars!"

"How much DO you need?"

"Nineteen thousand five hundred! See five hundred dollars less! I know, I know I'm your favorite son!"

"UH! Here you go heres my credit card! Just take it!" George said throwing his credit card across the room.

"SCORE!" Edwin screamed.

"See Edwin, I told you the five hundred dollars less than Derek thing would work!" Lizzie bragged.

"Yes you did honey muffin! Now take the credit card and book our plane ticket to Uruguay."

"Okey dokey Eddy Weddy."

"Why the hell are you going to Uruguay?" George yelled.

"Well we heard that they have good drugs in South America, so I got a South America map, closed my eyes and put my finger down on a random country. It just happened to be Uruguay."

"I'm not even going to try to talk some sense into you! Is this your honeymoon?"

"Yes siree it sure didely is!"

"What the…? Oh nevermind!"

Casey was walking down the stairs with a beer in her hands. The door bell rang and she jumped off the last couple of stairs and ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey Emeelee."

"It's Emily not Emmy Lee." Emily looks down at Casey's hand and sees the beer bottle. "Oh my god! You're wasted again aren't you?"

"He he…you said wasted!"

"Yep, you're wasted!"

"He he, you said it again."

"Oh Emily good you're here. Me and George are going out to dinner. We will both have our cell phones but just in case we don't answer we will be at Les Aliments Stupéfiants. Casey and Derek are going out to dinner too, and Lizzie and Edwin are doing…something. So…Marti's bedtime is 8:30 and we will be home by ten the latest. Um, I think that's about it. If Marti's is any trouble call us."

"Okay Mrs. McDonald and I went to that restaurant last night with my boyfriend. The food is amazing!"

"Oh GOOD! Anyways George lets GOOOO!" Nora yelled taking George's arm and pulling him out of the room.

"Pssst Emmeelee!" Casey tried to whisper.

"What Casey?"

"Me and Dereek are going to a bar not to dinner! He he he Mooooom and Jeeorge are SO gullible. Look." Casey said pulling out a fake id from her pocket.

Megan Thompson

Age 23

DOB: 7/9/84

"Megan Thompson? What the hell Casey?" Emily asked.

"Oh shut up Emeelee you have like no sense of humor! Dereek lets go!"

"You know, you used to have no sense of humor too!"

"Yaaaaaaa whatevs Emeelee. Talk to the hand." Casey said rolling her eyes and putting her hand in front of Emily's face.

"Buttercup, are you ready to go binge drinking?"

"Yes I am Derry Berry lest go go go!" Casey exclaimed, they linked arms and walked out of the house.

Edwin walked down the stairs with a pipe in his mouth.

"Um Edwin?"

"Yes Emily?"

"Why are you smoking a pipe?"

"Well on TV you always see fathers smoking pipes."

"But you're not a father."

"Well don't tell the rents but…Lizzie and I are expecting!"

"WHAT?" Emily screamed.

"SHHHH!" Edwin said putting his finger to her lip.

"Edwin! Your twelve…and…and Lizzie's twelve!"

"Oh whatever anyway we're going out to buy suitcases for our honeymoon to Uruguay. Then we'll probably grab a bite to eat. Tell Lizzie to meet me in the car."

"But you don't have a license!"

"Oh well when I say car…I mean Casey and Lizzie's old Barbie car."

"Oh that's cool. See ya."

"Bye bye Emily." Edwin yells, as he walks out the door.

Lizzie runs down the stairs and starts looking around frantically.

"Hey Liz heard the BIG news! Congrats, I hope you don't die having the baby…you know since you're so young."

"Thanks...I hope I don't die too!" Lizzie exclaims still running around.

"Um…what are you looking for?"

"My purse and scarf."

"Scarf? Its 80 degrees out!"

"I know, but it's a Barbie car. I like the taste of bugs in my mouth, but then people look at you weird when they see little bugs struck in your teeth, so I need a scarf to cover my mouth."

"Oh, okay."

"YES I found it!" Lizzie yells, grabbing a scarf from under the couch.

"Okay, bye Liz."

"Bye Em." Lizzie says, tying the scarf around her mouth and running out the door. Then she ran back in realizing she forgot her purse. Lizzie grabbed her purse, and ran out the door to meet Edwin in the Barbie car.

A/N I know…I know! It sucked, but tell me what you think anyway!