Hello folks! Here I am, new story as promised. Just a couple of things, first of which is that if at any point during reading this you feel like sending an angry mob for me, please try and restrain yourself as the carpet took ages to clean last time. Secondly, I like to think I've been a bit cunning in this first chapter as far as dropping subtle hints goes, so keep your wits about you when reading it. Thirdly, if you've been follwing the Tara stories right from the very beginning, you'll have read my very first one, 'A Visit from Tara Noir'. In chapter nine of that, near the beginning, theres something that relates to this fic. Go and have a look if you want, I'll wait here for you... Ok then? On with the fic.

Disclaimer: Don't own the Boosh, Noely and the Ju-Ju man do, but you knew that by now. I do however own Tara, and Jools (who will probably be making an appearance later on) belongs to the lovely cookiemunster (if you haven't been reading the Jools fic, get on and do it instead of wasting your time reading this rubbish!)

It was a rainy wednesday afternoon. Bollo was in his room sorting out his records, Howard was busying around in the kitchen and Vince, Naboo and Tara were watching Baz Lurman's Romeo and Juliet.

Naboo noticed that Tara was whispering something to herself. 'Wake up… wake up..'

He smiled a little. 'You do know what happens, don't you?'

'Of course, and I've seen this film countless times, but each time I still believe that she'll wake up if I want it enough.'

He kissed the side of her head, then had an idea. 'Close your eyes.'

She obliged, and he put the hand that wasn't around her waist over her eyelids, and imagined as hard as he could.

Juliet stirred, and woke just as Romeo lifted the vial of poison to his mouth. He saw her, and couldn't believe his eyes. They embraced, she quickly explained and they escaped as the police broke the door down, and lived a secluded life happily ever after.

Having seen all this thanks to Naboo, Tara opened her eyes. 'See, this is why I love you. I know you'll always give me a happy ending.'

She was frowning a little though.

'What's wrong?'

'Its just…. You do all this sweet and amazing stuff for me, and I don't do anything like it for you.'


'So, I'm afraid you'll get fed up of doing it without getting anything back and...' she glanced sideways at him. '… leave me. And I'd do stuff for you, but I really have no idea what I could do that would-'

Naboo silenced her by putting a finger to her lips. 'All I want from you is for you to love me, which you do, right?'

'Of course I do.'

'And I'd never leave you.'

She kissed him, trying to push the lingering doubts she still held away.

Howard had soon finished the curry he'd made. However, in this case 'finished' meant 'burnt to a crisp', and Naboo made a mental note to teach Howard and Vince how to cook properly as he made a quick trip to the Chinese takeaway.

They spent the evening lounging about in the living room, drinking and discussing the gig that Howard, Vince and Bollo were going to the following night, to give Naboo and Tara the flat to themselves. Even though Tara hadn't actually moved in, she was spending most of her time there now, meaning that she and Naboo didn't have a lot of time alone. It was actually Naboo who had asked the others to give them some time together, and now he sat quietly, fiddling with something in his pocket.

Naboo got up early the next morning to watch the Moomins, a secret habit he had that still only Tara knew about. He'd usually wake her as well, but she looked so peaceful that he didn't like to. He returned to bed alone, and woke a few hours later when Tara got up to have a shower.

He got up as well, discovering that Tara had apparently been awake for a little while, because she'd platted a few strands of his hair, a habit she had when she was bored in the mornings. He breakfasted with his flatmates while listening to the radio. It was the same as every morning, until Tara emerged from his bedroom, fully clothed but looking worried.

'I've got a headache.'

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