Angst time my friends! I'll try not to be too depressing.

I try SO hard to write normal Fanfiction and all I get is Angst! WTF is this??

Random Thing : I took a quiz online "Which emotion do you represent" and I came out as angst. .

Disclaimer : I think everyone knows by now who owns Furuba. Sheesh. It ain't meh.

Chapter 1 "No One Saves You"

The small enclosed room had only a few rays of the moon drifting through the bars. They illuminated two figures. One standing, hand poised above his head ready to strike. One kneeling, bleeding from cuts all over his body.

Kyo shakily got to his feet, his knees torn and bleeding. He held out his hands - backing away.

"Please … please.. stop"

Akito's laugh sounded oddly dead in the room.

"Why should I do that?"

He suddenly jumped forward – grabbing Kyo face. One hand on each cheek – he pulled Kyo forward until only inches separated them.

His voice came out in a hiss " Even if I never stop – even if you die here today. Who would care? Who would could possibly care about… " Akito spat the word out like it was poison "A monster like you"

He threw Kyo away from him. Kyo hit the wall with a resounding thud – and a cry of pain.

Kyo opened his mouth – but only to close it seconds later. He winced in pain as he slumped – losing any defiance he had left.

The entire left side of his face was bruised. There was a gash above his eye, still bleeding from where Akito had hit him. His left arm jutted out at an odd angle and his chest was bruised and bloody.

Kyo lifted his head up from the floor "….yuki…"

Akito smirked. "He's not coming"

"No one is coming."

"You are Alone"

"Left Alone"

"To die"

It was morning. And I think everyone knows what that means. Yuki was practically dead, Kyo was missing, and Tohru was worried.

"Good mourning Yuki-kun!"

The light voice of Tohru rang through the house. Yuki's slumped form on the kitchen table stirred only slightly as she entered the room.

"I don't suppose you've seen Kyo-kun? I mean – he's not in his room or the roof and.. its going to rain soon"

Her words come out all in a rush. Yuki lifted his head from his arms to regard her trembling brown eyes.

"I wouldn't worry Miss. Honda. The baka can take care of himself."

Shigure stumbled into the kitchen landing on the floor.

"Oh no Shigure-san! Are you all right? Oh... I knew I should have cleaned the floor... Oh you slipped!! I'm so sorry Shigure-san! Can you ever forgive me!!"

Tohru's panicked voice rose in pitch until it sounded like she was about to cry.

Shigure waved a hand in dismissal "No need to worry, My lovely flower. I was bound to slip someday" His smile seemed to calm her down.

Yuki sighed and sat up.

"Its not your fault he slipped Honda-san. The inu's always been clumsy." He shot a death glare at Shigure as he got up - dusting his knees.

"Now now!" Shigure scolded him – smirking slightly. "There's no need to be so nasty to me! Who feeds you Remember!"


"Uh..Who washes your clothes"


"Who Cleans?"


"Ah but is she not my flower?"

Yuki scowled at Shigure, now sitting down at the table looking at the lovely meal cooking on the stove.

"Ahh my flower… that smells most delicious. "

She blushed wildly and bit her lip. "Ne.. I tried my hardest .. I hope you enjoy it.. " She bowed her head to hide her red face.


Everyone jumped. Shigure fell out of his chair and Tohru – no doubt – started fussing uncontrollably.

A certain orange-haired fireball flew through the door. Shigure looked at the cat shaped hole and sighed , muttering "Don't destroy my house..."

The cat fell on the kitchen table, nearly on top of yuki's head causing him to raise his hand to bat the cat across the room. Hopefully through a wall. A hard wall.

But he didn't.

He was too busy starring at the blood that covered the neko's fur.

A tiny little boy - orange haired. Blood seaping from multiple cuts all over his body, his face bruised and battered beyond recognition. He looked up at the approaching boy- eyes wide with badly surpressed fear.

"Yuki... I'm so sorry..."

One eye struggled to open – and a weak hiss came from the cat. He raised itself weakly from the table and used to last of his energy to bolt up the stairs and slam a door. No doubt to his room.

Nobody else had looked at the cat – nobody else had seen the blood. Only Yuki. The traces of it left on the table were easily disguised by moving the napkin holder to cover it.

Yuki scowled. No doubt the baka neko had gotten into a fight somewhere. It wasn't a problem of his. His eyes flicked to the hole in the door Shigure was now measuring.

The phone rang.



Shigure answered it.


The cold voice that came through the phone seemed to chill Shigure's mind.

"Shigure – how I have longed to hear your voice. You never visit now you live with those children. Tell me… how is Kyo faring?"

Shigure squinted " He's fine Akito. He just came back from somewhere."

"Do you know where"

"No – he went straight up to his room. He .. was in cat form"

"I see."


"Send him to me"

"Of course. Right away"

"Not now. I am still weak. Before the end of the week. Don't forget"


Shigure went back to the kitchen. His mind was churning, his thoughts were confused. He winced and scowled at himself.

"Stop imagining things that aren't there Shigure..."

Yuki and Tohru were heading out the door on their way to school. Tohru stopped - her eyes large and pitiful .

"Oh no! We forgot Kyo"

Yuki looked up at the house toward Kyo's room. He swore that he could see two red eyes blinking at him through the darkness. Then they vanished.

"He probably already left."

Yuki wasn't in the mood for any more cat antics.

Kyo watched them leave. He couldn't cry. He wouldn't lose the last bit of dignity he had left.

When Yuki looked back , and Kyo looked straight into his eyes – Kyo was sure they would come back for him.

And then they left.

Even Tohru

They Left Him

"No one is coming"

The chilly words made him shiver even now.

"You are Alone"

"Left Alone"

"To die…"

Well well??? Talk to meh...

I feel sorry for Kyo – I'm one of those Let's-Put-Kyo-Through-Hell people so.. Consider yerself warned!

Review meh :pokes readers with electric cattle prod:

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