Dragon Ball Z/ Sailor Moon/ Ranma ½ fanfic.

"Past, Present and Uncertainty."

By Julian Soullard (e-mail: [email protected])

Warning: All characters from this fanfic (except for the villains)
are copyright from Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball Z), Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor
Moon) and Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma ½) so don't sue me. By the way, also worth
mentioning, this story is a sequel to my other fanfic "Boy meets girls".
In other words, there will be a lot of things you won't understand in this
story if you haven't read "Boy meets girls" (and it's side stories) first.
If that's the case... then what the Hell are you doing here still reading
this? Go to http://lavender.fortunecity.com/flamingos/122 instead, and start
at the real beginning of the story like you're suppose to!



"Master Eron, we must be near now."

"It would appear so," a male voice answered. "Otherwise, our Lord wouldn't
have summoned me. It looks like we'll be having a new sky soon."

"I'll wait here for further instructions, sir," Eron's female companion

"You do that."

After so saying, Eron walked out of the lab and into a corridor. He
readjusted his collar and ran his fingers through his soft brown hair
in order to look more presentable. He then shook some dirt off his
pristine white medical robe with his hand.

"Still obsessed on how you look, I see," said a low voice from behind Eron.

This one just smirked. Without even turning to see who it was, Eron decided
to get a last look at himself in a nearby mirror.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my dear cryptic colleague himself," Eron
declared sarcastically. He then turned around to face the person.

A man dressed, although it looked more liked wrapped, in a black cape with
a high collar stood behind him. His eyes hidden by the shadow his hat
created along his face. Only his shoulder length gray hair was revealed.

"To what do we owe the honor of seeing the great Arlakk roaming among the
living?" Eron continued. "Were your bats and snakes making too much noise to
let you sleep?"

The dark cloaked one just passed next to him without making a sound.

"Try not to waste too much time looking in that mirror," Arlakk commented.
"You don't want to keep our Lord waiting."

"I'm afraid good looks and perfection is something you'll never be able to
understand," Eron replied, without paying attention to the warlock.

"Please, spare me the narcissist speech," Arlakk interrupted.

The two men eventually went to meet their superior. As they both walked
along the hall, neither of them talked.
Even if they met only under special circumstances such as this one, neither
Eron nor Arlakk could say that they looked forward to seeing each other. If
it wasn't for these regular missions their Lord sent them to, they would
avoid one another as much as possible.
But the Lord's biding came before their own.
The only condolence to this was that once this was over, they would be able
to forget about the unwanted companion by locking themselves in their own

An imposing iron door about 20 feet tall and 8 feet wide stood in front of
both men as they reached the top of the main tower.
Without even the need to knock, the gates opened for the men.

The entire room lacked of any sort of furniture, as well as little illumination.
The only source of light came from the center of the chamber, where a throne
was set. That's where the Lord was sitting.
Next to him, a completely bald woman dressed in a full body turquoise spandex,
black jacket and boots, stood firm like a soldier. The purple glow
emanating from the Lord made her ivory white skin take that particular shade
of color.

"Master, here we are, ready to follow your every command." Eron declared as
he respectfully bowed. Next to him, Arlakk bowed as well.

"My servants," began the imposing figure which rested on the throne,
"we are near our new destination. I'm clearing the Window as we speak.
Sorine, open the dome."

Without responding, the bald woman moved towards one of the room's walls,
which isn't saying much, since the room was completely round, and pressed
the palm of her hand against it.
The chamber's roof began to open up like a macrodome. Even the walls
retracted as well, giving the tower the shape of a column. The four
figures stood on top of it.

Eron approached the border, careful not to fall due to the lack of a
handrail. One false step and he'd become one ugly looking red stain painted
on the streets of Dominia. But still, the view from the Lord's tower was
magnificent. He could even see his lab from here. Not that it was too
difficult to spot. After all, it was one of the most imposing buildings in
all of Dominia next to Arlakk's tower and Sorine's research center.

A growl from the Lord caught the attention of the present trio.
The light which was forming around him suddenly spiraled upwards in a single
beam which impacted against the atmosphere.
The sky began to open up (literally) like a huge portal. On the other side,
a city began to appear. The hole on the sky grew larger each second until
eventually, the three individuals couldn't see nothing else than the city
placed upside-down instead of their blue sky.

The Lord let out a sigh as he finished his work. This had required a
considerable amount of energy to achieve.

"The Window is now clear," he stated. "Your mission begins now."

"My Lord," Eron began, "I would like to ask your permission to be the first
to go Outside."

"Master, I believe I would be a more logical choice for this mission,"
Arlakk cut in, "My coworker tends too be a little... reckless in matters
such as these."

"What did you say??" Eron growled, clearly offended. "Maybe I don't use any
hocus pocus like you do, but my methods are far from reckless and, must I
add, are *quite* efficient."

"Enough!" shouted the Lord, before the conversation got out of hand... again.
"This is what I command. Eron, you shall be the one in charge of this

"Yes, Lord," Eron acknowledged, as he let out a smirk. Even if he could
hardly see Arlakk's face due to the shadows that engulfed it, he was able
to make out how the sorcerer's lips twisted in an unpleasant manner. The
warlock remained silent to the Lord's decision though.

"However," the Lord went on, "Arlakk and Sorine will go Outside before you,
in order to conduct an investigation. This world seems to live in a society
and the people in it appear to be knowledgeable in science and technology...
and who knows, they *might* know something we don't. I want the two of you
to find out as much as possible about this city so Eron will be able to merge
in it with ease."

"Yes, Lord," responded both servants simultaneously.

"Eron, in the meantime, I want you to start selecting members of your staff
for the mission at hand." he concluded. "Once we know everything we need to,
we'll start our attack. Now... leave, I need to rest."

The three servants got up and left the room silently.
Once outside the tower, each went on a different direction without exchanging
a single word.

End of prologue.