AN: Sorry once again for the delay. Busy busy me! Anyways, if you don't fully get Bella's power you can read the author's note of chapter 7. And if you like the story I strongly suggest you skim chapter 11, since much of the finale is continuous from the Caius and Edward convo. The recap is very brief, alot of important stuff happened in chap 11 :)

Recap: Caius has conviced Edward that the only way he can be happy is to kill Bella and end it all, Edward, not wanting to hurt her, decides it's best if he let them kill him at the next sunrise.

Meanwhile, Bella is captured by Jane.

well here it is... I hope it's not confusing, I hate reading over my work lol

Edward's POV

Today I believe I have discovered something completely new. For me something new is never common, but today my revelation was extraordinary.

For over one hundred years I have walked this earth. believing that my sins were capable of redemption.

I sought after things I didn't deserve, Bella, I even changed her. I destroyed her life.

I couldn't go through this any longer, I put her on the path to her own death. I couldn't even protect her from the Volturi.

I couldn't do anything for her.

Caius was right.

This world had nothing for me, at least not anymore.

My life did not matter for anything, Bella, the angel, would no longer need me in her life.

Today I believe I have discovered something completely new.

Bella's POV

I closed my eyes and tried to calm my nerves.

But it was beyond control.

At a speed faster than even I could see, something came out of me throwing all of the Volturi guards across the room.

They slammed into the wall, cracking the wall paint in the process.

There I sat, tiny, and frightened, yet I had done this damage. An act some strong vampires were not even capable of.

The burly vampires yelped in pain when they landed several feet away from me.

Jane stood, shocked. "You have a power." She finally spat out.

I didn't answer her.

I felt angry.

She tried to kill you, she tore apart your family, may have killed Edward, a little voice in my head said.

I fumed.

Before I had a chance to blink, some kind of… force field slammed Jane away from me.

My mind threw her harder than the guards, she was flown so hard that the entire wall broke, crashing all of the cement. An energy slammed her into it again.

I watched, terrified, as a large piece of the wall slammed on Jane's tiny body.

Was she dead?

Everything was silent.

I took a deep breath.

The large wall was thrown off violently at me. I dodged it easily.

Then the pain came, a surge of fire went through all my muscles, I cringed and curled on the floor.

Jane laughed. "Did you think I could be defeated by a new born's little power?"

The pain increased.

I could do this, I straightened my body, ignoring the fire, looked at Jane angrily. Then the invisible wall came back.

Mid-laugh, Jane was pushed again several yards away from me, I heard parts of her body break after she cried in agony.

How did I do that?

I didn't understand the power. But it wouldn't stop.

I started slamming Jane's body over and over against the wall without moving a muscle.

Her head shot up and I was put back into the pain, it was even stronger this time.

I growled and threw her against the wall again.

It became like a game.

Jane gave me pain, then I threw her like a rag doll.

It would take more than my power alone to defeat her.

The way I hurt her without trying was shocking.

Somehow, it reminded me of how Jacob would change into a wolf whenever he was angry.

It was the same with me, when I got angry, I became invincible.

I embraced the pain she put on me, it was helping me get angrier.

I used my invisible force field to wham her against the wall again, and again, and again.

She tried to torture me between the slams against the wall, I kept going over and over until she stopped moving.

I don't know how I kept going, I was only cowered in a corner during all of this.

Eventually parts of Jane's body began to fall on the floor one by one.

When Jane's child like head finally fell on the floor making a loud Clunk, I gasped for air.

Suddenly every object in the room was whooshing around uncontrollably, it was all because of me. Soon the whole room shook like an earthquake.

"Stop. Stop! STOP!" I screamed putting my hands over my ears.

Nothing stopped. The room continued to shake, all of the windows shattered throwing bits of glass outside on to the Volterra city.

I stood up despite all of the power going through the room. I suddenly felt two armored arms wrap around me viciously.

"Let me go!" I shrieked when four more Volturi guards started pulling at my body.

More vampires entered the room, I knew they wanted nothing more than to avenge Jane's murder.

My anger returned.

No one was going to touch me.

Another invisible wall came from inside of me, throwing every vampire out of the shattered windows.

I heard them growl evilly as they fell from the tall, royal building.

The drop couldn't have kept them down for more than a few seconds.

I should have killed them but there wasn't enough time.

Edward was in danger, at least that's what Jane said.

Was Edward already dead? Was he already gone when I didn't even know?

He couldn't.

That couldn't be true.

I needed answers before more would come to kill me.

I ran out of the destroyed room with pale body parts thrown everywhere.

Luckily no one seemed to be in the building, I skidded down the hallway for anyone who was around.

I listened intently as I walked past each closed door in the royal home.

I heard someone groan.

"Edward?" I gasped.

I swung open the door to see Caius.

He lay on the tile floor with a large piece of glass inside his stomach.

Before I could speak he groaned in pain again.

"Bella?" He grumbled, looking up.

"What happened to you?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You think your little fit didn't affect anyone?" he asked grudgingly. "This whole place has been shaking like an earthquake."

My eyes widened. "Oh!"

A few drips of venom came from his stomach.

"If I lose enough I'll die." He whispered when he saw my expression.

I scowled. "Don't die yet, I need answers."

"Like I'm going to tell you!" he scoffed, then groaned in pain again.

"What did you do to Edward?" I whispered.

"He is dead already, Madam!"

I put my foot on his head, applying all my body weight. "Want to try that again?"

"I'm impressed by your strength." He complimented in a muffled voice.

"You not going to touch Edward." I snarled.

"Hmm. You think you can fight me? I'm not a demon, little girl. I am something that you can't even conceive. The First Evil. Beyond sin, beyond death. I am the thing the darkness fears. I am over three thousand years old. I am every being, every thought, every drop of hate-." He growled with a bit of an ego in his voice.

Was the loss of venom making him say all this crap?

"Ok I get it. Your evil, do we have to chat about it all day?" I asked pressing my foot harder on his face.

"Edward will be dead by sunrise. Your tomorrow will be his wake." He yelled from underneath my foot.

"No!" I screamed when I realized what time it was. Only a few more minutes…

"Dead by sunrise!" he yelled again. I smashed his face with my foot then ran away.

I had to find him. Edward would not die while I stood.

I ran across the hallway until I found myself at the exit.

It was strange, the entire place was a mess, as I passed all of the knocked over shelves and shattered vases, it was hard to believe that I did all of that.

My power was frightening and curious at the same time. Part of me wanted to embrace it and kill all of my enemies with it.

Another part of me was afraid of who I might hurt unintentionally.

But none of that mattered now. Edward was going to die at sunrise.

I was all he had left.

I felt myself shaking as I went out to the dark, ice cold, night.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this, I thought to myself.

Edward was supposed to be the one to save me like always. My entire life as a vampire, and much of the time before, I had depended on him when I was in danger… he was my savior whenever I was in need.

Now here I was, several vampires were after me, but I was saving him.

For once, I was going to lose him.

I needed to be powerful, I needed to be strong.

I cared for Edward, he was my love, my everything.

He was all I had, and all that was worth saving.

I loved him. And I would find him.

I ran through to city square of Volterra, yelling his name hoping not to awaken all the humans who lived there.

Frustrated, and hopeless, I looked up at the sky to see a figure standing on one of the hills.

I squinted my eyes. "Edward?" I whispered.

He stood at the tip of one of the large hills surrounding the city of Volterra.

When the sunlight came up he would sparkle, and Caius's men would destroy him.

I took a deep breath and ran to the hill, the air was like knives on my skin, but I never stopped. I had to get to him before it was too late for the both of us.

I ran through the bushes frantically, then I saw him. He stood on the hill looking out at the peaceful residential town area of Volterra.

"Edward." I breathed running to him.

He briefly glanced at me, then just kept looking out. No kiss?

I walked toward him slowly until I was right behind him.

"I bet many of the people are already awake… lying in their beds… waiting for day." He whispered partly to himself.

"Edward please. I need you to get inside, there's only a few minutes left." I said frantically.

"I know. I can smell the sunrise long before it comes." Edward answered, still refusing to look at me.

I sighed angrily. "I don't have time to explain this, you just have to trust me. What Caius said to you-"

"He wasn't lying to me." Edward interrupted. "He was showing me."

"Showing you?" I asked.

"What I am."

"Were." I insisted.

"And ever shall be." He retorted. "I wanted to know why they didn't kill me, now I know."

"You don't know. The Volturi takes credit for you surviving and you buy it? You just give up!" I yelled.

"I can't do it again, Bella. I can't become a killer." His voice was harsh.

"Then fight it." I growled.

"It's too hard." He whispered shaking his head.

I was desperate. "Edward please. You have to get inside."

He turned and finally looked at me. "The Volturi told me to kill you. They wanted me to lose my soul and become a monster again."

"I know what he told you." I said coldly. "What does it matter?"

"Because I wanted to!" He raised his voice. "Because I want you so badly, but what they offered me was almost.. an escape from all this agony I get from loving you!"

I opened my mouth but didn't speak. I was at loss for words.

He looked down. "Look, I'm weak. I've never been any thing else. It's not the demon in me that needs killing, Bella, it's the man."

We were silent for a moment.

"So you're weak." I finally whispered. "Everybody is. Everybody fails. Maybe the Volturi did want you to kill me, but if they did it's because they need you. And that means you can hurt them."

He looked away, I could see in his eyes that he did not want to believe me.

"Edward you have the power to do real good. To make amends!" I pleaded. "But if you die now then all you ever were was a monster."

I looked at the sky and saw it begin to lighten.

"Edward please. The sun is coming up, you can't die now! They are ready to kill you when you do, I didn't have time to kill all of them!"

"Just go." He growled.

"I won't!" I yelled.

He turned to me. "You thing this is simple? You think there's an easy answer? You can never understand what I've done. Now go!"

"You are not staying here." I grabbed his arms with both hands. "I won't let you."

He jerked his arm freeing from my grasp. My mouth tightened.

Out of pure anger, I punched him across the face.

It happened so fast, he pushed me away in reaction, then before I knew it I was lying face down on the grass.

I stayed facing the floor, I was trembling all over.

I heard his footsteps walk towards me. Edward crouched down next to me.

Before I could respond he turned me over and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"No! No!" I yelled when he held me tightly.

"Am I a thing worth saving?" he asked, shaking me. "Am I a righteous man?"

He shook me violently again as he stayed crouched over me.

"The world wants me gone." He snarled.

My lip quivered. I stayed in his arms. "And what about me?" I almost whimpered.

"I love you so much… and I tried to make you go away. I left you, and it didn't help." I continued in a whisper.

I pushed him off of me and stood up.

"And I hate it!" I yelled in a shaken voice. "I hate that it's so hard, and that you can hurt me so much. I know how you are, I know you better than anyone else."

I turned my head. "Oh God, I wish that I hated you."

He stood up, staring at me painfully.

I shook my head. "I don't. I can't."

After a pause, Edward calmed down. "Bella just this once, let me be strong."

I stared back angrily. "Strong is fighting!" I went right in front of him. "It's hard, and it's painful and it's every day. And we can do it together."

He looked down, trying to tune me out.

Finally I resolved. "But if you're too much of a coward for that. Then die. If I can't convince you that you belong in this world then I don't know what can."

I started stepping away from him. "But do not expect me to watch and don't except me to mourn for you.. and- "

I stopped.

The sun had risen and both of us were shimmering.

"They're coming." Edward whispered.

No one came.

No guards.

Then I looked down at the Volturi's home.

It was torn apart.

Half the walls were broken, all the windows were shattered, it seemed completely empty.

When did I do that? I thought.

Then I realized.

It was my anger that killed my enemies.

Just a few moments ago I was angrier than I had ever been, but my power didn't effect Edward.

"Oh my God!" I said when I realized what I had down.

When I was yelling at Edward, all of my anger must have been put out on the Volturi.

"They're all dead." Edward mumbled looking at the scene.

I grabbed him suddenly and curled in his arms. "Edward! I can't believe it! I was so angry, and I killed all of them! Now no one can kill you, I saved you."

He pulled me back so he could see my face. "You sounded like the old Bella just then."

I smiled sheepishly. "But unlike the old Bella, I saved you for once."

"With your power?" he asked.

"Yes. It's a long story."

Edward looked into my eyes and stroked my cheek. "Bella- I.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have wanted to leave you in this world. I was just so lost, I didn't know what else to do."

"It's alright, we are safe now. They are dead, your family is fine. Everything is going to be ok." I assured him.

"Thank you." He whispered bringing his face close to mine.

"I almost lost you." I whispered sadly when he held me tighter.

"I know how you feel… it seems that us apart isn't good for either of us." He said.

"Your telling me!" I yelled sarcastically.

He smiled then put his hands on each side of my face. "You are amazing."

Then he kissed me, he pulled my face to his and kissed me, the embrace wasn't hurried and agonized like many other times.

It was serene, loving, and perfect.

Finally everything made sense.

Our enemies, our struggles, everything was gone.

For once it was just him and I.

We had lived through everything, but in the end all that mattered was me and him.

This was the end, there was nothing left to prove.

Our love for each other would never change, I would stop at nothing to keep him safe.

The End

AN: Ta da!!!

I hope no one thought it was cliffy or w.e., but I wanted the end of the story to be an Edward and Bella fluff since, in the end, thats what the story was about.

And no, there will be no sequel, when I ended seduction with bite, I knew I was going to keep going so I ended it all intensely, but I ended Beautiful Betrayal really serenly since it's the end.

I LOVE YOU GUYS, hope you liked the story!

FEEDBACK please :)